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<<set $gameDate to new Date("2019-07-14T07:00Z"); >>
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"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $period to 1>>
<<set $periodname to "Morning">>
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charasmatic: false,
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smart: false,
strong: false,
quick: false,
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oldPort: 0,
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name: "Seaside City",
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end: 0,
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passedTests: 0,
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loc: "Sis's bedroom",
loc1: "Kitchen",
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loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Bathroom",
loc6: "Living room",
loc7: "Living room",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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bdsm: 0,
gf: 0,
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randomOffice: 0,
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name: "Isabelle",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 2,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Living room","Kitchen","Mom's bedroom","Bathroom","Beach","Fitness Center gym"],
loc: "Mom's bedroom",
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loc2: "Kitchen",
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loc5: "Mom's bedroom",
loc6: "Mom's bedroom",
loc7: "Mom's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
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lochome: "",
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bdsm: 0,
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gf: 0,
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name: "Marie",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
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loc: "Aunt's bedroom",
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loc7: "Aunt's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
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loc: "Cousin's bedroom",
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loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Cousin's bedroom",
loc7: "Cousin's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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corr: 0,
int: 0,
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loc2: "Grandma's home",
loc3: "Grandma's home",
loc4: "Grandma's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
locweekend1: "Beach",
locweekend2: "Beach",
locweekend3: "Beach",
lochome: "",
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corr: 0,
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loc: "Kate's home",
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loc4: "Kate's home",
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loc6: "The Cock and Bull",
loc7: "The Cock and Bull",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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questmain: 0,
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int: 0,
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int: 0,
<<set $parkwhore to{
int: 0,
<<set $lucy to {
name: "Lucy",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Lucy's home","Fitness Center gym","Park","Beach"],
loc: "Lucy's home",
loc1: "Lucy's home",
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loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Fitness Center gym",
loc5: "Lucy's home",
loc6: "Lucy's home",
loc7: "Lucy's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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library: 0,
class: 0,
notes: 0,
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corr: 0,
name: "Alice",
title: "Master",
house: "Her house",
locs: ["Alice's home","Beach","The Cock and Bull","Park"],
loc: "Her bedroom",
loc1: "Park",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Alice's home",
loc7: "Alice's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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firstclass: 0,
gf: 0,
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bdsm1: 0,
today: {
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corr: 0,
sex: 0,
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loc: "Jade's home",
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loc5: "Pier",
loc6: "Jade's home",
loc7: "Jade's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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torn: 0,
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irene: 0,
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title: "Master",
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corr: 0,
sex: 0,
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loc: "Jade's home",
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loc5: "Fitness Center pool",
loc6: "Jade's home",
loc7: "Jade's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
questmain: 0,
daysMet: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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trust: 0,
int: 0,
name: "Abigail",
title: "Master",
locs: ["Abigail's house","Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym"],
loc: "Abigail's house",
loc1: "Abigail's house",
loc2: "Abigail's house",
loc3: "Fitness Center gym",
loc4: "Abigail's house",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc7: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc8: "Abigail's house",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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progress: 0,
corr: 0,
officechance: 100,
officealready: 0,
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name: "Dorothy",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","int"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
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loc: "Dorothy's house",
loc1: "Dorothy's house",
loc2: "Dorothy's house",
loc3: "Dorothy's house",
loc4: "Dorothy's house",
loc5: "Dorothy's house",
loc6: "Dorothy's house",
loc7: "Dorothy's house",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
questmain: 0,
intro: 0,
bedroom: 0,
bdsm: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Mira Inoue",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Mr. Inoue's home","Park"],
loc: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc1: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc2: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc3: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc7: "Mr. Inoue's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
questmain: 0,
metDad: 0,
intro: 0,
dadCaught: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Sarai Inoue",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Mr. Inoue's home","Park"],
loc: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc1: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc2: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc3: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc7: "Mr. Inoue's home",
loc8: "Mr. Inoue's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
questmain: 0,
choices: {
stage3: "normal"
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met: 0,
hired: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Carla",
title: "Master",
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loc: "Carla's house",
loc1: "Carla's house",
loc2: "Carla's house",
loc3: "Pier",
loc4: "Pier",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
progress: 0,
dungeonintro: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
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stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Missy",
title: "Master",
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loc: "Missy's bedroom",
loc1: "Missy's house",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Missy's house",
loc4: "Missy's house",
loc5: "Missy's house",
loc6: "Park",
loc7: "Park",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
progress: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Carrie Lee",
title: "Master",
stats: ["int","trust"],
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
questclass: 0,
alreadySis: 0,
alreadySlaveSexEd: 0,
locs: ["Ms. Lee's home","Park","Fitness Center pool"],
loc: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc1: "Park",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc6: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc7: "Ms. Lee's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Akira Sato",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
locs: ["Mrs. Sato's home","Beach","Fitness Center gym"],
loc: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc1: "Fitness Center gym",
loc2: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc3: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc4: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc7: "Mrs. Sato's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
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mainQuestStage4: "dom"
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giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
locs: ["Mrs. Sato's home","Fitness Center sauna","Fitness Center pool"],
loc: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc1: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc2: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc3: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc4: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc5: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc6: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc7: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc8: "Mrs. Sato's home",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
vacation: 0,
vacationCount: 0,
newHome: 0,
sawSukiAfterStage3: -1,
sawAkiraAfterStage3: -1,
choice: {
mainQuestStage3: "slave"
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Jessie Powers",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
locs: ["Ms. Powers's home","Pier","Fitness Center pool"],
loc: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc1: "Ms. Powers's home",
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loc5: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc6: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc7: "Strip club",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
saturdayHschool: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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title: "Master",
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int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
route: "sub",
questmain: 0,
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loc3: "Park",
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loc5: "Mall",
loc6: "The Cock and Bull",
loc7: "The Cock and Bull",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
leftCity: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
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name: "Tamara Sinclair",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Tammy's house","Beach","Fitness Center gym","Fitness Center sauna"],
loc: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc1: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc2: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc3: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc4: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc5: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc6: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc7: "Tamara's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
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name: "Erika Hatzis",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
mot: 0,
dev: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Erika's house","Beach"],
loc: "Erika's bedroom",
loc1: "Erika's bedroom",
loc2: "Erika's bedroom",
loc3: "Erika's bedroom",
loc4: "Erika's bedroom",
loc5: "Erika's bedroom",
loc6: "Erika's bedroom",
loc7: "Erika's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
motActive: 0,
motChoices: {
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raiseValue: 0,
raiseReset: 0,
chall: 0,
challValue: 0,
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giftValue: 0,
giftReset: 0,
lunch: 0,
lunchValue: 0,
lunchReset: 0
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gifts: [],
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Mikaela Gutierrez",
title: "Master",
stats: ["int","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Mikaela's house","Fitness Center pool"],
loc: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc1: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc2: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc3: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc4: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc5: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc6: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc7: "Mikaela's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
daysSinceRel: 0,
met: 0,
eventHschool: 0,
workScore: 0,
leftCity: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
locs: ["Tiffany's house","Fitness Center gym","Fitness Center pool","Pier"],
loc: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc1: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc2: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc3: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc4: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc5: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc6: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc7: "Tiffany's bedroom",
locMove: "",
locMoveTimeout: new Date("2019-07-14T00:00Z"),
lochome: "",
bedroom: 0,
gf: 0,
slave: 0,
met: 0,
defeated: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
giftsNoRep: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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name: "Romi",
title: "Master",
stats: ["trust","corr"],
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Strange shop",
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gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
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<<set $housing to {
first_home: {
own: true,
totalRooms: 0,
maxRooms: 0,
usedRooms: 0
loft: {
own: false,
totalRooms: 2,
maxRooms: 10,
usedRooms: 0
mansion: {
own: false,
totalRooms: 4,
maxRooms: 40,
usedRooms: 0,
pool: 0,
dungeon: 0
<<set $gym to {
daysLeft: 0,
<<set $school to {
status: 0,
statuschem: 0,
statusecon: 0,
statushall: 0,
statusjap: 0,
statusmath: 0,
statuscafe: 0,
statuspool: 0,
statusgym: 0,
statuslib: 0,
todaychem: 0,
todayecon: 0,
todayhall: 0,
todayjap: 0,
todaymath: 0,
missedchem: 0,
missedecon: 0,
missedhall: 0,
missedjap: 0,
missedmath: 0,
daysSince: 0,
grades: 0,
finalexam: 0,
examgirl1: "",
examgirl2: "",
examgirl3: "",
examgirls: {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0},
girlspower: {jade: 9,kate: 5,lucy: 12,alice: 3,mom: 15,sato: 6,powers: 7,teacher: 13,dean: 20},
exameffects: {jade: 0, alice: 0, mom: 0, sato: 0},
examdefeated: 0,
degree: "",
degreemult: 1,
graduated: 0,
<<set $startup to {
active: 0,
level: 1,
name: "Mycroft Co.",
workScore: 0,
spareWeeks: 0,
daysSinceRegional: 0,
globalstats: {
eff: 0,
neg: 0,
mark: 0,
priceWeek: 0
projects: [],
<<set $employees to {}>>
<<set $hschool to {
active: 0,
employee: 0,
daysTotal: 0,
employeeDaysTotal: 0,
didFirstClass: 0,
metTeachers: 0,
metStudents: 0,
alreadyNurse: 0,
comp: {
alreadyWarning: 0,
alreadyCelebration: 0,
wonAllMinigames: 0,
wonMinigames: {
mix: 0,
sear: 0,
pasta: 0,
parsley: 0,
slice: 0
testsForRetry: {
sis: 0,
steph: 0,
kori: 0,
hana: 0,
jenna: 0
corrSave: 1,
corr: 0,
corrCement: 0,
exp: {
intro: 0,
<<set $law to {
active: 0,
police: {
active: 0,
completed: 0,
won: 0,
lost: 0,
str: 0,
progress: 0,
todayoddjob: 0,
oddjobs: [0,0,0,0,0],
assaultedMafia: 0,
mafia: {
active: 0,
rank: 0,
rep: 0,
killedUncle: 0,
kickedSuzy: 0,
assaultedPolice: 0,
alreadyRep: {
bar: 0,
donoffice: 0,
fence: 0,
dojo: 0,
dailyRep: {
weed: 0,
extort: 0,
hitjob: 0,
request: 0,
takeoverJobs: {
power: "",
guards: "",
uncle: "",
hasWeed: 0,
didHitjob: 0,
enslavedCheck: 1,
<<set $pol to {
active: 0,
mayor: 0,
manager: "",
lieutenant: "",
secretary: "",
chief: "",
press: "",
council: "",
councilVotes: {
member0: {
name: "Michael Jefferson",
vote: false,
bribed: 1000,
swayed: false,
promiseLock: false,
threatened: false,
groups: ["populists", "unions"],
supports: ["ban lobbying", "implement police oversight by a third party", "crack down on organized crime", "reduce police funding"],
hates: ["lower taxes", "tax breaks for businesses", "implement broken window policing", "decriminalize student teacher relationships"]
member1: {
name: "Lionel Feldman",
vote: false,
bribed: 1000,
swayed: false,
promiseLock: false,
threatened: false,
groups: ["statists", "corporates"],
supports: ["lower taxes", "allow stop and frisk policing", "tax breaks for businesses", "implement broken window policing", "reduce police funding"],
hates: ["ban lobbying", "implement police oversight by a third party"]
member2: {
name: "Calvin Carter",
vote: false,
bribed: 1000,
swayed: false,
promiseLock: false,
threatened: false,
groups: ["traditionalists", "protectionists"],
supports: ["ban lobbying", "allow stop and frisk policing", "ban all non traditional marriage", "restrict clothing to extremely modest choices", "segregate schooling by gender", "implement broken window policing", "crack down on organized crime", "lower taxes", "tax breaks for businesses"],
hates: ["legalize public nudity", "legalize polygamous marriage", "decriminalize student teacher relationships", "provide funding for comprehensive sexual education in all schools", "state subsidies for breast enlargement"]
member3: {
name: "Ari Schaeffer",
vote: false,
bribed: 1000,
swayed: false,
promiseLock: false,
threatened: false,
groups: ["sexualists", "liberalists"],
supports: ["legalize public nudity", "legalize polygamous marriage", "decriminalize student teacher relationships", "provide funding for comprehensive sexual education in all schools", "state subsidies for breast enlargement"],
hates: ["ban all non traditional marriage", "restrict clothing to extremely modest choices", "segregate schooling by gender", "allow stop and frisk policing", "implement broken window policing", "crack down on organized crime"]
member4: {
name: "",
vote: false,
bribed: 1000,
swayed: false,
promiseLock: false,
groups: [],
threatened: false,
supports: [],
hates: []
pressBriefing: {
hasLtMission: 0,
hasPassedLaw: 0,
hasThreatened: 0
goal1: 0,
goal2: 0,
promises: [],
lawAttempts: [],
laws: [],
mods: [],
minorEvents: 0,
firstdebate: 0,
october: 0,
seconddebate: 0,
endorse_announce: 0,
met_manager: 0,
mary_help: 0,
mother_superior: {
stage: 1,
choice1: ""
stripclub_owner: {
stage: 1,
girlsLent: []
sawEvent: {
fundraising: 0,
attack_ads: 0,
speeches: 0,
appearances: 0
support: {
populists: 0,
statists: 0,
unions: 0,
corporates: 0,
sexualists: 0,
traditionalists: 0,
protectionists: 0,
liberalists: 0
averageSupport: 0,
endorse: {
mother_superior: 0,
stripclub_owner: 0,
council: 0
<<set $influencer to {
intro: 0,
platform: "WeViu",
popularity: 0,
contentAfterStall: 0,
stallEnd: 0,
manager: 0,
paymentPlan: 0,
paymentDays: 0,
equipment: {
camera: 0,
equipmentSetup: 0,
<<set $mall to {
fountainBoost: {
active: 0,
previous: {
int: 0,
str: 0,
end: 0,
charisma: 0
<<set $restaurant to {
avaible: 0,
status: 0,
employee: 0,
salary: 0,
worked: 0,
barworked: 0,
haveworked: 0,
carla: 0,
missy: 0,
firstdrink: 0,
alreadyManager: 0,
<<set $strip to {
intro: 0,
interview: 0,
own: 0,
girlsHired: [],
polesOwned: 2,
polesMax: 5,
roomsOwned: 1,
roomsMax: 5,
girlsSchedule: {
mom: "",
sis: "",
aunt: "",
grandma: "",
jade: "",
kate: "",
alice: "",
sato: "",
suki: "",
powers: "",
hana: "",
carla: "",
mikaela: "",
tiffany: "",
jane: "",
jeannie: "",
sera: "",
jazzy: "",
bernice: "",
cynthia: "",
claus: "",
eris: "",
<<set $quest to {
jadeclass: 0,
jadegym: 0,
jadegiftquest: 0,
lucyclass: 0,
lucylibrary: 0,
lucygiftquest: 0,
kateclass: 0,
katepool: 0,
kategiftquest: 0,
teacheroffice: 0,
sisbathroom: 0,
sisbedroom: 0,
momhouse: 0,
alicebathroom: 0,
basement: 0,
<<set $has to {
study: 0,
breakfast: 0,
work: 0,
wash: 0,
lunch: 0,
dinner: 0,
porn: 0,
dishes: 0,
vacuum: 0,
passTest: 0,
failTest: 0,
metjade: 0,
metlucy: 0,
metkate: 0,
metalice: 0,
giftJade: 0,
giftSister: 0,
giftMom: 0,
giftLucy: 0,
giftKate: 0,
sisterintro: 0,
pocketmoney: 0,
usedcheat: 0,
usedcheatmoney: 0,
usedcheatholidays: 0,
bathroomkey: 0,
bathroomkeycopy: 0,
sexapplucy: 0,
sexappkate: 0,
sexapplucy: 0,
lucyid: 0,
kateid: 0,
jadeid: 0,
aliceid: 0,
carlaid: 0,
missyid: 0,
abigailid: 0,
todaynotes: 0,
jadefamily: 0,
intelligentman: 0,
katecafeteria: 0,
class: 0,
alicedailyblowjob: 0,
aliceaddress: 0,
receivedlucynudes: 0,
abigailaddress: 0,
auntaddress: 0,
paidbills: 0,
<<set $inv to {
katebikini: 0,
jadeleggings: 0,
momjewelry: 0,
karlylingerie: 0,
marigolds: 0,
caramel_turtles: 0,
citrine_necklace: 0,
<<set $books to {
dom: 0,
<<set $giftsNoRep to {
locket: 0,
lingerie: 0,
tennis_bracelet: 0,
<<set $giftsRep to {
flowers: 0,
chocolate: 0,
dildo: 0,
penis_shaped_candy: 0,
bottle_of_wine: 0,
designer_clutch: 0,
<<set $buyAmount to {
flowers: 1,
chocolate: 1,
dildo: 1,
penis_shaped_candy: 1,
bottle_of_wine: 1,
designer_clutch: 1,
<<set $homework to {
has: 0,
subject: 0,
difficulty: 0,
done: 0,
impossible: 0,
haschem: 0,
donechem: 0,
hasecon: 0,
doneecon: 0,
hasjap: 0,
donejap: 0,
hasmath: 0,
donemath: 0,
<<set $sexapp to {
today: {
lucyTrust: 0,
jadeTrust: 0,
kateTrust: 0,
aliceTrust: 0,
abigailTrust: 0,
missyTrust: 0,
carlaTrust: 0,
lucyCorr: 0,
jadeCorr: 0,
kateCorr: 0,
aliceCorr: 0,
abigailCorr: 0,
missyCorr: 0,
carlaCorr: 0,
abigailInt: 0,
<<set $bdsm to {
activate: 0,
<<set $ranEvents to {
active: 1,
homeless: {
stage1Choices: {
arrest: 0,
pity: 0,
stage2Choices: {
homeless: 0,
suspicious: 0,
stage: 1,
<<set $christmas to {
active: 0,
part2: 0,
snow: 0,
cheat: 0,
gifts: {
shoes: 0,
makeup: 0,
dildo: 0,
wine: 0,
boots: 0,
puzzle: 0,
punching: 0
gifted: {
mom: 0,
sis: 0,
sato: 0,
abigail: 0,
dean: 0,
erika: 0,
tiffany: 0
gifts2: {
romi_gift: 0,
lesbian_experience_ticket: 0,
yard_stick: 0,
taser: 0,
anime_figurine: 0,
stripper_heels: 0
gifted2: {
claus: 0,
alice: 0,
teacher: 0,
aunt: 0,
hana: 0,
tammy: 0
<<set $anniversary to {
active: 0,
cheat: 0,
allGuests: 0,
allCompleted: 0,
guests: {
mom: 0,
sis: 0,
aunt: 0,
cousin: 0,
grandma: 0,
lucy: 0,
erika: 0,
missy: 0,
powers: 0
loc: {
mom: "Living room",
cousin: "Living room",
aunt: "Kitchen"
<<set $halloween2021 to {
active: 0,
cheat: 0,
<<set $halloween2022 to {
active: 0,
cheat: 0,
trickedAll: 0,
tricked: {
neera: 0,
karly: 0,
claus: 0,
kate: 0,
powers: 0,
grandma: 0,
laney: 0,
jane: 0,
<<set $cheatCount to {
light: 0,
medium: 0,
hard: 0,
platinium: 0,
diamond: 0,
money: 0,
holidays: 0,
gallery: 0,
<<set $uipassages to ["Cheat","Gallery Main","Progress","Credits","Options","Map options","Housing upgrades"]>>
<<set $mapPassages to ["City Map","Suburbs","The borough","Creamy acres","The lofts","Downtown","College avenue","The coast","Red light district"]>>
<<set $walkAppClicked to 1>>
<span style="color: #ffd46e;">''Welcome to the latest version of Become Someone, which is the 1.59 <span style="color: white;">Sera Akumi's love quest</span> update. We hope you will enjoy the new content!''
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<span class="int stat">''Check the changelog on <a style="font: 16px/1 Helmet,Freesans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none" href="https://become-someone.com">the official website</a>''</span>
<button id="startbutton" class="large green button">[[Begin|Game start]]</button>
<<widget "locations">>
<<if !$employees>>
<<set $employees to {}>>
<<if $employees.mom>><<if $employees.mom.hired is 1>><<set _momhired to 1>><<else>><<set _momhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1>><<set _tammyhired to 1>><<else>><<set _tammyhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.hired is 1>><<set _erikahired to 1>><<else>><<set _erikahired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>><<set _mikaelahired to 1>><<else>><<set _mikaelahired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.tiffany>><<if $employees.tiffany.hired is 1>><<set _tiffanyhired to 1>><<else>><<set _tiffanyhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.suki>><<if $employees.suki.hired is 1>><<set _sukihired to 1>><<else>><<set _sukihired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.jade>><<if $employees.jade.hired is 1>><<set _jadehired to 1>><<else>><<set _jadehired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.sarai>><<if $employees.sarai.hired is 1>><<set _saraihired to 1>><<else>><<set _saraihired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59')>>
<<if $sis.bedroom>><<set $sis.loc to $sis.bedroom.split("'")[0]+"'s bathroom">><<else>><<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">><</if>>
<<if $mom.bedroom>><<set $mom.loc to $mom.bedroom.split("'")[0]+"'s kitchen">><<else>><<set $mom.loc to "Kitchen">><</if>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc1>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc1>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<if $jade.bedroom>><<set $jade.loc to $jade.bedroom>><<else>><<set $jade.loc to "Jade's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $irene.bedroom>><<set $irene.loc to $irene.bedroom>><<else>><<set $irene.loc to "Irene's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $kate.bedroom>><<set $kate.loc to $kate.bedroom>><<else>><<set $kate.loc to "Kate's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $lucy.bedroom>><<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.lochome>><<else>><<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's home">><</if>>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>>
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion">><<set $alice.loc to "Mansion's master bedroom">><<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft">><<set $alice.loc to "Loft's master bedroom">><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Your bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $alice.bedroom>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.bedroom>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Alice's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $mira.bedroom>><<set $mira.loc to $mira.lochome>><<else>><<if $mira.questmain gte 4>><<set $mira.loc to "Mira's home">><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Mr. Inoue's home">><</if>><</if>>
<<if $teacher.bedroom>><<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.bedroom>><<else>><<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<if $sato.bedroom>><<set $sato.loc to $sato.bedroom>><<else>><<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $suki.bedroom>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.bedroom>>
<<if !($suki.questmain gte 4 && $suki.choice.mainQuestStage3 is "slave")>><<set $suki.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to "Suki's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc1>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc1>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc1>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc1>>
<<if $siorla.bedroom>><<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.lochome>><<else>><<set $siorla.loc to "Prin. Siorla's house">><</if>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Nicole's house">>
<<set $eva.loc to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "Annabelle's house">>
<<set $siorla.loc to "High school administration">>
<<if $abigail.bedroom>><<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.lochome>><<else>><<set $abigail.loc to "Abigail's house">><</if>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to "Dorothy's house">>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc1>>
<<if $missy.bedroom>><<set $missy.loc to $missy.bedroom>><<else>><<set $missy.loc to "Missy's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $tammy.bedroom>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.lochome>><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to "Tammy's house">><</if>>
<<if $erika.bedroom>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.lochome>><<else>><<set $erika.loc to "Erika's house">><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.bedroom>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.lochome>><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Mikaela's house">><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.bedroom>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.lochome>><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Tiffany's house">><</if>>
<<set $sarai.loc to "Mr. Inoue's home">>
<<if $candi.bedroom>><<set $candi.loc to $candi.lochome>><<else>><<set $candi.loc to "Candi's house">><</if>>
<<if $steph.bedroom>><<set $steph.loc to $steph.lochome>><<else>><<set $steph.loc to "Steph's home">><</if>>
<<if $kori.bedroom>><<set $kori.loc to $kori.lochome>><<elseif $kori.house is "First home" || $kori.house is "Loft" || $kori.house is "Mansion">><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's new bedroom">><<elseif $kori.house is "Red light district">><<set $kori.loc to "Red light district">><<else>><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's home">><</if>>
<<if $hana.bedroom>><<set $hana.loc to $hana.lochome>><<else>><<set $hana.loc to "Hana's home">><</if>>
<<if $jenna.bedroom>><<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.lochome>><<else>><<set $jenna.loc to "Jenna's home">><</if>>
<<set $amanda.loc to "Amanda's home">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc1>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc1>>
<<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc1>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $laney.loc to "Laney's office">><<else>><<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "University restrooms">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $mary.questmain gte 4 && $pol.press is $mary.name>><<set $mary.loc to "Mary's office">><<else>><<set $mary.loc to "Intern pool">><</if>>
<<if $karly.bedroom>><<set $karly.loc to $karly.lochome>><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's house">><</if>>
<<if $neera.slave>><<set $neera.loc to "Don's office">><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Hideout's conference room">><</if>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc1>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc1>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Rhea">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $rhea.name>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Tabitha Graves">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $dean.name>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Romi">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $romi.name>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Abigail">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $abigail.name>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mom">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Mom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $bernice.loc to $bernice.loc1>>
<<if $cynthia.bedroom>><<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.lochome>><<else>><<set $cynthia.loc to "Cynthia's house">><</if>>
<<set $bria.loc to "Bria's bedroom">>
<<set $anastasia.loc to "Anastasia's bedroom">>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's bedroom">>
<<set $maddie.loc to "Maddie's bedroom">>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Jazzy's bedroom">>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc1>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mrs. Claus">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $claus.name>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc1>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc1>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','11:59')>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $hschool.active is 1>><<set $sis.loc to "Culinary classroom">><<else>><<set $sis.loc to "High school">><</if>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc1>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<if _jadehired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $jade.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $jade.loc to "Study hall">><</if>>
<<set $kate.loc to "Study hall">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Study hall">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Study hall">><</if>>
<<set $mira.loc to "Study hall">>
<<if _momhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<elseif $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _jadehired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $jade.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $jade.loc to "Chemistry classroom">><</if>>
<<set $kate.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Japanese classroom">><</if>>
<<set $mira.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<if _momhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc1>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc1>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc1>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc1>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc1>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc1>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc1>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc2>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc2>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc2>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc2>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Nicole’s class">>
<<set $eva.loc to "High school nurse's office">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "Vice principal's office">>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc1>>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc2>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc1>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc1>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to "Dorothy's house">>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc1>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tammy.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $erika.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Startup office">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _saraihired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $sarai.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _sukihired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $suki.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $candi.loc to "Candi’s class">>
<<set $siorla.loc to "High school administration">>
<<set $steph.loc to "Culinary classroom">>
<<if $kori.questmain isnot 3 && $kori.questmain isnot 4.1>><<set $kori.loc to "Culinary classroom">><<else>><<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $hana.loc to "Culinary classroom">>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Culinary classroom">>
<<set $amanda.loc to "Culinary classroom">>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc1>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc1>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc1>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc1>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc1>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc1>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc1>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc1>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc1>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc1>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc1>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc2>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc2>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc2>>
<<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc2>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc2>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','09:59')>>
<<if $cynthia.bedroom>><<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.lochome>><<else>><<set $cynthia.loc to "Cynthia's house">><</if>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc1>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $laney.loc to "Laney's office">><<else>><<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "University restrooms">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $mary.questmain gte 4 && $pol.press is $mary.name>><<set $mary.loc to "Mary's office">><<else>><<set $mary.loc to "Intern pool">><</if>>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Cynthia">><<set $cynthia.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">><<elseif $pol.mayor && $pol.secretary is "Cynthia">><<set $cynthia.loc to "Secretary's office">><<elseif $pol.mayor>><<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc1>><<else>><<set $cynthia.loc to "Mayor's office">><</if>>
<<if $karly.bedroom>><<set $karly.loc to $karly.lochome>><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's house">><</if>>
<<if $neera.slave>><<set $neera.loc to "Don's office">><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Hideout's conference room">><</if>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc2>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Rhea">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $rhea.name>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Tabitha Graves">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $dean.name>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Romi">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $romi.name>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Abigail">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $abigail.name>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mom">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Mom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Bernice">><<set $bernice.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">><<else>><<set $bernice.loc to "Council room">><</if>>
<<set $bria.loc to "Bria's home">>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $rose.loc to $rose.loc1>>
<<set $maddie.loc to "Maddie's home">>
<<set $jazzy.loc to $jazzy.loc1>>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc2>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mrs. Claus">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $claus.name>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc2>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc2>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','06:59')>>
<<if $sis.bedroom>><<set $sis.loc to $sis.bedroom>><<else>><<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $mom.bedroom>><<set $mom.loc to $mom.bedroom>><<else>><<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $aunt.bedroom>><<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.bedroom>><<else>><<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $cousin.bedroom>><<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.bedroom>><<else>><<set $cousin.loc to "Cousin's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.bedroom>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','22:59')>>
<<if $jade.bedroom>><<set $jade.loc to $jade.lochome>><<else>><<set $jade.loc to "Jade's home">><</if>>
<<if $irene.bedroom>><<set $irene.loc to $irene.lochome>><<else>><<set $irene.loc to "Jade's home">><</if>>
<<if $kate.bedroom>><<set $kate.loc to $kate.lochome>><<else>><<set $kate.loc to "Kate's home">><</if>>
<<if $lucy.bedroom>><<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.lochome>><<else>><<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's home">><</if>>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Public restroom">><</if>>
<<if $mira.bedroom>><<set $mira.loc to $mira.lochome>><<else>><<if $mira.questmain gte 4>><<set $mira.loc to "Mira's home">><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Mr. Inoue's home">><</if>><</if>>
<<if $teacher.bedroom>><<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.lochome>><<else>><<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's home">><</if>>
<<if $sato.bedroom>><<set $sato.loc to $sato.lochome>><<else>><<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">><</if>>
<<if $suki.bedroom>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.lochome>>
<<if !($suki.questmain gte 4 && $suki.choice.mainQuestStage3 is "slave")>><<set $suki.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to "Suki's home">><</if>>
<<if $powers.bedroom>><<set $powers.loc to $powers.lochome>><<else>><<set $powers.loc to "Ms. Powers's home">><</if>>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc2>>
<<if $carla.bedroom>><<set $carla.loc to $carla.lochome>><<else>><<set $carla.loc to "Carla's house">><</if>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc2>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc2>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc2>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc2>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc2>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc8>>
<<if $claus.bedroom>><<set $claus.loc to $claus.lochome>><<else>><<set $claus.loc to "North Pole">><</if>>
<<if $eris.bedroom>><<set $eris.loc to $eris.lochome>><<else>><<set $eris.loc to "Halloween Town">><</if>>
<<if $jade.bedroom>><<set $jade.loc to $jade.bedroom>><<else>><<set $jade.loc to "Jade's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $irene.bedroom>><<set $irene.loc to $irene.bedroom>><<else>><<set $irene.loc to "Irene's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $kate.bedroom>><<set $kate.loc to $kate.bedroom>><<else>><<set $kate.loc to "Kate's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $lucy.bedroom>><<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.bedroom>><<else>><<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>>
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion">><<set $alice.loc to "Mansion's master bedroom">><<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft">><<set $alice.loc to "Loft's master bedroom">><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Your bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $alice.bedroom>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.bedroom>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Alice's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $mira.bedroom>><<set $mira.loc to $mira.bedroom>><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Mira's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $teacher.bedroom>><<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.bedroom>><<else>><<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $sato.bedroom>><<set $sato.loc to $sato.bedroom>><<else>><<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $suki.bedroom>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.bedroom>>
<<if !($suki.questmain gte 4 && $suki.choice.mainQuestStage3 is "slave")>><<set $suki.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to "Suki's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $powers.bedroom>><<set $powers.loc to $powers.bedroom>><<else>><<set $powers.loc to "Ms. Powers's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $missy.bedroom>><<set $missy.loc to $missy.bedroom>><<else>><<set $missy.loc to "Missy's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $carla.bedroom>><<set $carla.loc to $carla.bedroom>><<else>><<set $carla.loc to "Carla's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $tammy.bedroom>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.bedroom>><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to "Tammy's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $erika.bedroom>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.bedroom>><<else>><<set $erika.loc to "Erika's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.bedroom>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.bedroom>><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Mikaela's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.bedroom>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.bedroom>><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Tiffany's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $sarai.loc to "Mr. Inoue's bedroom">>
<<if $candi.bedroom>><<set $candi.loc to $candi.bedroom>><<else>><<set $candi.loc to "Candi's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $claus.bedroom>><<set $claus.loc to $claus.bedroom>><<else>><<set $claus.loc to "North Pole">><</if>>
<<if $eris.bedroom>><<set $eris.loc to $eris.bedroom>><<else>><<set $eris.loc to "Halloween Town">><</if>>
<<if $dean.bedroom>><<set $dean.loc to $dean.bedroom>><<else>><<set $dean.loc to "Dean's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59')>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc2>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday">>
<<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc3>>
<<if $abigail.bedroom>><<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.bedroom>><<else>><<set $abigail.loc to "Abigail's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $karly.bedroom>><<set $karly.loc to $karly.bedroom>><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $laney.bedroom>><<set $laney.loc to $laney.bedroom>><<else>><<set $laney.loc to "Laney's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to "Dorothy's bedroom">>
<<if $siorla.bedroom>><<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.bedroom>><<else>><<set $siorla.loc to "Prin. Siorla's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Nicole's bedroom">>
<<set $eva.loc to "Eva's bedroom">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "Annabelle's bedroom">>
<<if $steph.bedroom>><<set $steph.loc to $steph.bedroom>><<else>><<set $steph.loc to "Steph's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $kori.bedroom>><<set $kori.loc to $kori.bedroom>><<elseif $kori.house is "First home" || $kori.house is "Loft" || $kori.house is "Mansion">><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's new bedroom">><<elseif $kori.house is "Red light district">><<set $kori.loc to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $hana.bedroom>><<set $hana.loc to $hana.bedroom>><<else>><<set $hana.loc to "Hana's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $jenna.bedroom>><<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.bedroom>><<else>><<set $jenna.loc to "Jenna's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $amanda.loc to "Amanda's bedroom">>
<<if $liz.bedroom>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.bedroom>><<else>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $jane.bedroom>><<set $jane.loc to $jane.bedroom>><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $suzy.bedroom>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.bedroom>><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $neera.bedroom>><<set $neera.loc to $neera.bedroom>><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Neera's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc3>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc3>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's bedroom">>
<<set $mary.loc to "Mary's bedroom">>
<<set $bernice.loc to "Bernice's bedroom">>
<<if $cynthia.bedroom>><<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.bedroom>><<else>><<set $cynthia.loc to "Cynthia's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $bria.loc to "Bria's bedroom">>
<<set $anastasia.loc to "Anastasia's bedroom">>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59')>>
<<set $maddie.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $maddie.loc to "Maddie's bedroom">>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Strip club">>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.bedroom>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $hschool.active is 1>><<set $sis.loc to "High school cafeteria">><<else>><<set $sis.loc to "High school">><</if>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc2>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc2>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Cafeteria">><</if>>
<<if $mira.questmain lt 4 && $mira.dadCaught>><<set $mira.loc to "Mr. Inoue's home">><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Cafeteria">><</if>>
<<if _momhired is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loccafe>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc2>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<if !($suki.questmain gte 4 && $suki.choice.mainQuestStage3 is "slave")>><<set $suki.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to "Suki's home">><</if>>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc2>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc2>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc2>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc2>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc2>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc2>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc2>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<if !($suki.questmain gte 4 && $suki.choice.mainQuestStage3 is "slave")>><<set $suki.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to "Suki's home">><</if>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc2>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc3>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc2>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc3>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc2>>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc3>>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tammy.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $erika.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Office buffet">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _saraihired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>><<set $sarai.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc3>><</if>>
<<set $candi.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $eva.loc to "High school nurse's office">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $siorla.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $steph.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<if $kori.questmain isnot 3 && $kori.questmain isnot 4.1>><<set $kori.loc to "High school cafeteria">><<else>><<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $hana.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $jenna.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $amanda.loc to "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc3>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc3>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc3>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc3>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc3>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc2>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc2>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc2>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc2>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc2>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc2>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc2>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc2>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc2>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc3>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc3>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday">>
<<set $laney.loc to "Beach">>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc4>>
<<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc3>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc3>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $laney.loc to "Laney's office">><<else>><<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "University restrooms">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $mary.questmain gte 4 && $pol.press is $mary.name>><<set $mary.loc to "Mary's office">><<else>><<set $mary.loc to "Intern pool">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<if $neera.slave>><<set $neera.loc to "Don's office">><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Hideout's conference room">><</if>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc4>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Rhea">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $rhea.name>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Tabitha Graves">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $dean.name>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Romi">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $romi.name>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Abigail">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $abigail.name>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mom">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Mom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Bernice">><<set $bernice.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">><<else>><<set $bernice.loc to "Council room">><</if>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc1>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc2>>
<<set $rose.loc to $rose.loc2>>
<<set $maddie.loc to $maddie.loc1>>
<<set $jazzy.loc to $jazzy.loc2>>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc3>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mrs. Claus">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $claus.name>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc3>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc3>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc3>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','13:59')>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','14:59')>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc3>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc3>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc4>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc4>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "University gym">>
<<set $kate.loc to "University pool">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Library">>
<<if $alice.slave || $alice.gf>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc3>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "University restrooms">><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','15:59')>>
<<if $mira.questmain lt 4 && $mira.dadCaught>><<set $mira.loc to "Mr. Inoue's home">><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Cafeteria">><</if>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc3>>
<<if _momhired is 1 && $startup.active is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc3>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc3>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc3>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc3>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc3>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc3>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc3>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc4>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc3>>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc4>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','14:59')>>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc4>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc3>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc4>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc3>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tammy.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $erika.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Startup office">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _saraihired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $sarai.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _sukihired && $startup.active is 1>><<set $suki.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc4>><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','15:59')>>
<<set $candi.loc to "Candi’s class">>
<<set $siorla.loc to "High school administration">>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc3>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc3>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','14:59')>>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Nicole’s class">>
<<set $eva.loc to "High school nurse's office">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "High school vice principal's office">>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc3>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc3>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc3>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc4>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc4>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc4>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc4>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc4>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc4>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc3>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc3>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc3>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc3>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc3>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc3>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc3>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc3>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc3>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc4>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc4>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc5>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc4>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc2>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','15:59')>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','14:59') && $daycheck is "Saturday">>
<<set $laney.loc to "Beach">>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $laney.loc to "Laney's office">><<else>><<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc5>>
<<if $mary.questmain gte 4 && $pol.press is $mary.name>><<set $mary.loc to "Mary's office">><<else>><<set $mary.loc to "Intern pool">><</if>>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Cynthia">><<set $cynthia.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">><<elseif $pol.mayor && $pol.secretary is "Cynthia">><<set $cynthia.loc to "Secretary's office">><<elseif $pol.mayor>><<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc2>><<else>><<set $cynthia.loc to "Mayor's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','14:59')>>
<<if $neera.slave>><<set $neera.loc to "Don's office">><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Hideout's conference room">><</if>>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc1>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<set $neera.loc to $neera.loc4>>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc5>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc5>>
<<set $sera.loc to $sera.loc4>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Rhea">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $rhea.name>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Rhea's office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Tabitha Graves">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $dean.name>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Romi">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $romi.name>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $romi.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Abigail">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $abigail.name>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mom">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Mom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is "Bernice">><<set $bernice.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">><<else>><<set $bernice.loc to "Council room">><</if>>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc2>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc3>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','15:59')>>
<<set $rose.loc to $rose.loc3>>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $maddie.loc to $maddie.loc2>>
<<set $jazzy.loc to $jazzy.loc3>>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc4>>
<<if $pol.manager is "Mrs. Claus">>
<<if $pol.mayor && $pol.lieutenant is $claus.name>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Lt. Mayor's office">>
<<elseif !$pol.mayor>>
<<set $claus.loc to "Campaign manager office">>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc4>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc4>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','17:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc4>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc4>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc5>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc5>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc2>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc4>>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc4>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc4>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc4>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc4>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc4>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc4>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc4>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc4>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc5>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc5>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc4>>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc4>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc5>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc5>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc5>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc5>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc5>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc5>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc4>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc4>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc4>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc4>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc4>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc4>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc4>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc4>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc4>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc5>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc5>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc6>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $neera.loc to $neera.loc5>>
<<set $sera.loc to $sera.loc5>>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc6>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc6>>
<<set $rhea.loc to $rhea.loc1>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc5>>
<<set $bernice.loc to $bernice.loc2>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc3>>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc3>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc4>>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $maddie.loc to $maddie.loc3>>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc4>>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc4>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc5>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','18:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc5>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc5>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc6>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc6>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc3>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc5>>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc5>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc5>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc5>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc5>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc5>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc5>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc5>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc5>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc6>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc6>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc5>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc5>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc5>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc5>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc5>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc5>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc5>>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc5>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc6>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc6>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc6>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc6>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc6>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc6>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc5>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc5>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc5>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc5>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc5>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc5>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc6>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc6>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's office">><<else>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc1>><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<set $jane.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<elseif $jane.slave && !$law.police.completed>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><<else>><<set $jane.loc to "Jane's office">><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc7>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $neera.loc to $neera.loc6>>
<<set $sera.loc to $sera.loc6>>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc7>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc7>>
<<set $rhea.loc to $rhea.loc2>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc6>>
<<set $bernice.loc to $bernice.loc3>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc4>>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc4>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc5>>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $maddie.loc to $maddie.loc3>>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc5>>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc5>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc6>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'19:00','19:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc6>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc6>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc7>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc7>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc4>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc6>>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc6>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc6>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc6>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc6>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc6>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc6>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc6>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc6>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc7>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc7>>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc6>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc6>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc6>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc6>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc6>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc6>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc6>>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc6>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc7>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc7>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc7>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc7>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc7>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc7>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc6>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc6>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<set $kori.loc to $kori.loc6>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc6>>
<<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.loc6>>
<<set $amanda.loc to $amanda.loc6>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $liz.loc to $liz.loc7>>
<<set $liz.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc8>>
<<if $law.police.completed>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's office">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $suzy.loc to "Hideout's fence">><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc7>>
<<set $neera.loc to $neera.loc7>>
<<set $sera.loc to $sera.loc7>>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc8>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc8>>
<<set $rhea.loc to $rhea.loc3>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc7>>
<<set $bernice.loc to $bernice.loc4>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc5>>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc5>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to $anastasia.loc6>>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $maddie.loc to $maddie.loc3>>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc6>>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc6>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc7>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc7>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc7>>
<<if $aunt.bedroom>><<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.bedroom>><<else>><<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $cousin.bedroom>><<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.bedroom>><<else>><<set $cousin.loc to "Cousin's bedroom">><</if>>
<<if $grandma.bedroom>><<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.lochome>><<else>><<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">><</if>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc7>>
<<set $irene.loc to $irene.loc7>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc7>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc7>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc7>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc7>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc7>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc7>>
<<if $dean.bedroom>><<set $dean.loc to $dean.lochome>><<else>><<set $dean.loc to "Dean's house">><</if>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc8>>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Nicole's house">>
<<set $eva.loc to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $annabelle.loc to "Annabelle's house">>
<<set $cynthia.loc to "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $nicole.loc to $nicole.loc7>>
<<set $eva.loc to $eva.loc7>>
<<set $annabelle.loc to $annabelle.loc7>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to $cynthia.loc6>>
<<set $dorothy.loc to $dorothy.loc7>>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc7>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc8>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc8>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain gte 2 && $daycheck is "Saturday">><<set $mikaela.loc to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc8>><</if>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc8>>
<<set $sarai.loc to $sarai.loc8>>
<<set $suki.loc to $suki.loc8>>
<<set $candi.loc to $candi.loc7>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'21:00','21:59') && $daycheck is "Saturday" && $siorla.questmain gte 5.2>>
<<set $siorla.loc to "Strip club">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'21:00','21:59')>>
<<if $siorla.bedroom>><<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.lochome>><<else>><<set $siorla.loc to "Prin. Siorla's house">><</if>>
<<set $siorla.loc to $siorla.loc7>>
<<set $steph.loc to $steph.loc1>>
<<if $kori.bedroom>><<set $kori.loc to $kori.lochome>><<elseif $kori.house is "First home" || $kori.house is "Loft" || $kori.house is "Mansion">><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's new bedroom">><<elseif $kori.house is "Red light district">><<set $kori.loc to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $kori.loc to "Kori's home">><</if>>
<<set $hana.loc to $hana.loc7>>
<<if $jenna.bedroom>><<set $jenna.loc to $jenna.lochome>><<else>><<set $jenna.loc to "Jenna's home">><</if>>
<<set $amanda.loc to "Amanda's home">>
<<if $liz.bedroom>><<set $liz.loc to $liz.lochome>><<else>><<set $liz.loc to "Liz's house">><</if>>
<<set $jane.loc to $jane.loc8>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday">>
<<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">>
<<if !$law.mafia.assaultedPolice>><<set $karly.loc to "Karly's office">><<else>><<set $karly.loc to "The Flaming Tiki">><</if>>
<<set $laney.loc to $laney.loc9>>
<<if $suzy.bedroom>><<set $suzy.loc to $suzy.lochome>><<else>><<set $suzy.loc to "Suzy's house">><</if>>
<<if $neera.bedroom>><<set $neera.loc to $neera.lochome>><<else>><<set $neera.loc to "Neera's house">><</if>>
<<set $sera.loc to "Hideout's dojo">>
<<if $jeannie.slave>>
<<if $jeannie.bedroom>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc9>>
<<set $jeannie.loc to "Don's office">>
<<set $jeannie.loc to $jeannie.loc9>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','20:59')>>
<<set $mira.loc to $mira.loc7>>
<<set $mary.loc to $mary.loc8>>
<<set $bernice.loc to $bernice.loc5>>
<<if $mira.bedroom>><<set $mira.loc to $mira.lochome>><<else>><<set $mira.loc to "Mira's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $mary.loc to "Mary's house">>
<<set $bernice.loc to "Bernice's house">>
<<set $rhea.loc to $rhea.loc4>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'21:00','21:59')>>
<<set $bria.loc to "Bria's home">>
<<set $bria.loc to $bria.loc6>>
<<set $anastasia.loc to "Anastasia's home">>
<<set $rose.loc to "Rose's home">>
<<set $maddie.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $jazzy.loc to "Strip club">>
<<set $claus.loc to $claus.loc7>>
<<set $eris.loc to $eris.loc7>>
<<if $romi.bedroom>><<set $romi.loc to $romi.loc8>><<else>><<set $romi.loc to "Strange shop">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.active is 1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'09:00','22:59')>>
<<set $mom.loc to $anniversary.loc.mom>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.aunt>><<set $aunt.loc to $anniversary.loc.aunt>><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.cousin>><<set $cousin.loc to $anniversary.loc.cousin>><</if>>
<<if $houseBg is "mansion">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Mansion's living room">>
<<if $anniversary.guests.grandma>><<set $grandma.loc to "Mansion's kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.lucy>><<set $lucy.loc to "Mansion's kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.erika>><<set $erika.loc to "Mansion's living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.missy>><<set $missy.loc to "Mansion's living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.powers>><<set $powers.loc to "Mansion's living room">><</if>>
<<elseif $houseBg is "loft">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Loft's living room">>
<<if $anniversary.guests.grandma>><<set $grandma.loc to "Loft's kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.lucy>><<set $lucy.loc to "Loft's kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.erika>><<set $erika.loc to "Loft's living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.missy>><<set $missy.loc to "Loft's living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.powers>><<set $powers.loc to "Loft's living room">><</if>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<if $anniversary.guests.grandma>><<set $grandma.loc to "Kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.lucy>><<set $lucy.loc to "Kitchen">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.erika>><<set $erika.loc to "Living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.missy>><<set $missy.loc to "Living room">><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.powers>><<set $powers.loc to "Living room">><</if>>
<<if $suki.vacation is 1>>
<<set $sato.loc to "On vacation">>
<<set $suki.loc to "On vacation">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 2>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 0 && $mom.trust gte 5>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $mom.trust gte 10>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 8 && $mom.trust gte 20>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 7 && $inv.momjewelry is 1 && $has.paidbills is 1 && $has.vacuum is 1 && $has.dishes is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59') && $mom.questmain is 6>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain gte 8>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 0 && $sis.trust gte 5 && $mc.int gte 5>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 5 && $sis.trust gte 15 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 1>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 4>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 1 && $sis.trust gte 10>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 7>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 9 && $sis.trust gte 25 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 5>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 8 && $sis.trust gte 20>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($jade.questmain is 1 && $jade.trust gte 10 && $mc.str gte 5) || ($jade.questmain is 0 && $jade.trust gte 5 && $school.statuschem gte 1 && $jade.traintotal gte 1))>>
<<set $jade.loc to "University gym">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($lucy.questmain is 4) || ($lucy.questmain is 3 && $lucy.trust gte 20 && $mc.int gte 15) || ($lucy.questmain is 0 && $lucy.trust gte 5))>>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Library">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($kate.questmain is 0 && $kate.trust gte 5 && $school.statusecon gte 1) || ($kate.questmain is 3 && $kate.trust gte 20 && $mc.end gte 15))>>
<<set $kate.loc to "University pool">>
<<if $school.statuscafe is 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','14:59') && $teacher.questmain is 5 && $teacher.trust gte 20 && $teacher.int gte 20>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','22:59') || ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")) && $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.trust gte 15 && $mc.money gte 500>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Mall">>
<<elseif (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','22:59') || ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")) && $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.trust gte 15 && $mc.dom gte 20>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Park">>
<<elseif (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','22:59') || ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")) && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.trust gte 10 && $mc.dom gte 15>>
<<set $dean.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 4 && $aunt.trust gte 25 && $aunt.corr gte 15>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 3 && $aunt.trust gte 20>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 2 && $aunt.trust gte 15 && $mc.end gte 15>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 1 && $aunt.trust gte 10 && $mc.str gte 10>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Suburbs">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 0 && $aunt.trust gte 5>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's pool">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 5 && ($cousin.stuffed is 1 || $mc.collars gte 1)>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Cousin's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:59') && $cousin.questmain is 4>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:59') && $aunt.questmain gte 5 && $cousin.questmain is 3 && $cousin.trust gte 20 && $cousin.corr gte 15>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Cousin's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 2 && $cousin.trust gte 15 && $cousin.corr gte 10>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Park">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 1 && $cousin.trust gte 10>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Your bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 0 && $cousin.trust gte 5>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Cousin's bedroom">>
<<if $mom.loc is "Economics hall" && $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $mom.questmain gte 9 && $mom.trust gte 25 && $grandma.questmain is 6 && $grandma.int gte 25>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'15:00','19:59') && $grandma.questmain is 4 && $grandma.int gte 15>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Fitness Center pool">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'15:00','19:59') && $grandma.questmain is 2 && $grandma.int gte 5>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','21:59') && $steph.questmain is 1 && $steph.path is "slave">>
<<set $steph.loc to "Steph's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','22:59') && $steph.questmain is 2 && $steph.path is "love" && $steph.trust gte 15 && $steph.corr gte 10>>
<<set $steph.loc to "Mall">>
<<set $sis.loc to "Mall">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','21:59') && $hschool.metStudents && $kori.questmain is 0 && $kori.trust gte 10 && ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")>>
<<set $kori.loc to "Kori's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','21:59') && $kori.questmain is 1 && $kori.trust gte 15 && $kori.corr gte 5>>
<<set $kori.loc to "Kori's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','22:59') && $kori.questmain is 2 && $kori.trust gte 25 && $kori.corr gte 10>>
<<set $kori.loc to "Mall">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','01:59') && $kori.questmain is 4.1>>
<<set $kori.loc to "Kori's home">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','22:59') && $hschool.metStudents && $hana.questmain is 0 && $hana.trust gte 15>>
<<set $hana.loc to "Mall">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','21:59') && $hana.questmain is 1 && $hana.trust gte 20>>
<<set $hana.loc to "Hana's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','18:59') && $hana.questmain is 3.1>>
<<set $hana.loc to "Beach">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','19:59') && $jenna.questmain is 1 && $jenna.trust gte 10 && $jenna.progress gte 10 && $jenna.alreadyGym>>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','18:59') && $mc.end gte 10 && $jenna.questmain is 2 && $jenna.trust gte 15 && $jenna.corr gte 5 && $jenna.progress gte 50>>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Park">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $jenna.questmain is 3 && $jenna.trust gte 20 && $jenna.corr gte 10 && $jenna.progress gte 100>>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Strip club">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','19:59') && $jenna.questmain is 4 && $jenna.trust gte 25 && $jenna.corr gte 15 && ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")>>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'16:00','22:59') && $candi.questmain is 1 && $candi.trust gte 10>>
<<set $candi.loc to "Beach">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'16:00','22:59') && $candi.questmain is 3 && $candi.trust gte 20>>
<<set $candi.loc to "Candi's house">>
<<if $nicole.questmain is 3 && ($nicole.loc is "Nicole's house" || $nicole.loc is "Nicole's bedroom")>>
<<if $houseBg is "mansion">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Mansion's master bedroom">>
<<elseif $houseBg is "loft">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Loft's master bedroom">>
<<set $nicole.loc to "Your bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '21:59') && $karly.questmain is 1.3>>
<<set $karly.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','17:59') && !["Saturday","Sunday"].includes($daycheck) && $jade.questmain gte 5 && $siorla.questmain gte 5.2 && $school.degree && $hschool.comp.wonAllMinigames && !$jade.siorlathreesome>>
<<set $jade.loc to "High school">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $irene.questmain is 0 && $irene.daysMet gte 7>>
<<set $irene.loc to "Jade's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $irene.questmain is 1 && $irene.trust gte 10 && $irene.corr gte 5>>
<<set $irene.loc to "Jade's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $irene.questmain is 3 && $irene.trust gte 25 && $irene.corr gte 15>>
<<set $irene.loc to "Jade's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $irene.questmain is 4 && $irene.trust gte 30 && $irene.corr gte 20 && $jade.trust gte 30 && $jade.corr gte 20>>
<<set $irene.loc to "Jade's home">>
<<if $jenna.slave>>
<<if $houseBg is "mansion">>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Mansion's master bedroom">>
<<elseif $houseBg is "loft">>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Loft's master bedroom">>
<<set $jenna.loc to "Your bedroom">>
<<if $law.police.assaultedMafia>>
<<if !$neera.bedroom>><<set $neera.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$jeannie.bedroom>><<set $jeannie.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$jane.bedroom>><<set $jane.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$sera.bedroom>><<set $sera.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if $law.mafia.assaultedPolice>>
<<if !$liz.bedroom>><<set $liz.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$suzy.bedroom>><<set $suzy.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$laney.bedroom>><<set $laney.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if !$karly.bedroom>><<set $karly.loc to "Police station cells">><</if>>
<<if $rhea.alt.choiceStage3 is "cocksleeve">>
<<set $rhea.loc to "Mayor's office">>
<<if $eris.slave || $eris.gf>>
<<elseif $eris.questmain is 0>>
<<set $eris.loc to "Mall">>
<<elseif $eris.questmain is 1>>
<<set $eris.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<elseif $eris.questmain is 2>>
<<set $eris.loc to "University">>
<<set $eris.loc to "Strange shop">>
<<if $siorla.leftCity>>
<<set $siorla.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $liz.leftCity>>
<<set $liz.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $cynthia.leftCity>>
<<set $cynthia.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $abigail.leftCity>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $mikaela.leftCity>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $dean.leftCity>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Left the city">>
<<if $grandma.leftCity>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Left the city">>
<<set _allGirls to ['sis','mom','aunt','cousin','grandma','kate','lucy','alice','mira','sarai','jade','abigail','dorothy','carla','missy','teacher','sato','suki','powers','dean','tammy','erika','mikaela','tiffany','candi','nicole','eva','annabelle','siorla','steph','kori','hana','jenna','amanda','liz','jane','karly','laney','neera','jeannie','suzy','sera','cynthia','rhea','mary','bernice','bria','anastasia','rose','maddie','irene','jazzy','claus','eris','romi']>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _allGirls.length; _i++>>
<<set _currentGirl to State.variables[_allGirls[_i]]>>
<<if _currentGirl.locMove>>
<<CheckLocTimeout _currentGirl>>
<<widget "CheckLocTimeout">>
<<if $args[0].locMoveTimeout.getUTCHours() > $gameDate.getUTCHours()>>
<<set $args[0].loc to $args[0].locMove>>
<<set $args[0].locMoveTimeout.setUTCHours(0)>>
<<widget "LocationPortraits">>
<<set _totalPortraits to 0>>
<<if passage() isnot "Street" && passage() isnot "Mall" && passage() isnot "Start up Office" && passage() isnot "House" && passage() isnot "Coast" && passage() isnot "Fitness Center" && passage() isnot "High School" && passage() isnot "Police station">><<set _limitPortraits to 5>><<else>><<set _limitPortraits to 4>><</if>>
<<set _style to "float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lte $args.length; _i++>>
<<if $mom.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><<if $grandma.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $sis.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $aunt.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $alice.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $mira.intro>><<if $mira.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $sarai.hired>><<if $sarai.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $cousin.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $lucy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $jade.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $kate.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $sato.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $suki.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $teacher.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $powers.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $irene.questmain>><<if $irene.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $missy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $abigail.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $dorothy.intro>><<if $dorothy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $carla.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><<if $dean.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><<if $tammy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $erika.met is 1>><<if $erika.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><<if $mikaela.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $tiffany.met is 1>><<if $tiffany.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.metTeachers is 1>><<if $candi.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $nicole.intro>><<if $nicole.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $eva.questmain>><<if $eva.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $annabelle.intro>><<if $annabelle.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.metTeachers is 1>><<if $siorla.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $steph.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $kori.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $hana.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $jenna.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $amanda.intro>><<if $amanda.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.police.active>><<if !$law.police.lost>><<if $liz.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.police.active>><<if $jane.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.police.active || ($karly.slave && $karly.bedroom)>><<if $karly.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.police.active>><<if $laney.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $neera.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $jeannie.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if ($law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank lt 4) || $law.police.completed>><<if $suzy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<if $args[_i] is "Hideout's fence">><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $sera.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $rhea.intro || $rhea.alt.intro>><<if $rhea.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $mary.intro>><<if $mary.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $bernice.questmain gte 1>><<if $bernice.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $pol.active>><<if $cynthia.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $bria.intro>><<if $bria.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $anastasia.intro>><<if $anastasia.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $rose.intro>><<if $rose.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $maddie.intro>><<if $maddie.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $jazzy.interview>><<if $jazzy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $claus.slave || $claus.gf>><<if $claus.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $eris.slave || $eris.gf>><<if $eris.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if $romi.questmain>><<if $romi.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<ChristmasCheck>><<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat) && $christmas.part2 && !$claus.completed2 && ["Your bedroom","Loft's master bedroom","Mansion's master bedroom"].includes($args[_i])>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Street">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Your bedroom">>
<<set $displayExtra1 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id1" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id1').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra1;
<<case "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set $displayExtra2 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id2" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra2;
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $displayExtra3 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id3" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id3').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra3;
<<case "Mall">>
<<set $displayExtra4 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id4" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id4').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra4;
<<case "Park">>
<<set $displayExtra5 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id5" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id5').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra5;
<<case "Beach">>
<<set $displayExtra6 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id6" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id6').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra6;
<<case "Residential district">>
<<set $displayExtra7 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id7" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id7').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra7;
<<case "Red light district">>
<<set $displayExtra8 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id8" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id8').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra8;
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra9 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id9" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id9').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra9;
<<case "Culinary classroom">>
<<set $displayExtra10 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id10" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id10').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra10;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Mall">>
<<set $displayExtra10 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id10" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id10').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra10;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Start up Office">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra11 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id11" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id11').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra11;
<<case "Office buffet">>
<<set $displayExtra12 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id12" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id12').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra12;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "House">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra13 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id13" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id13').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra13;
<<case "Living room">>
<<set $displayExtra14 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id14" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id14').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra14;
<<case "Kitchen">>
<<set $displayExtra15 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id15" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id15').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra15;
<<case "Bathroom">>
<<set $displayExtra16 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id16" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id16').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra16;
<<case "Your bedroom">>
<<set $displayExtra17 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id17" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id17').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra17;
<<case "Loft's living room">>
<<set $displayExtra18 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id18" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id18').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra18;
<<case "Mansion's living room">>
<<set $displayExtra19 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id19" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id19').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra19;
<<case "Loft's kitchen">>
<<set $displayExtra20 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id20" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id20').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra20;
<<case "Mansion's kitchen">>
<<set $displayExtra21 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id21" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id21').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra21;
<<case "Loft's bathroom">>
<<set $displayExtra22 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id22" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id22').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra22;
<<case "Mansion's bathroom">>
<<set $displayExtra23 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id23" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id23').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra23;
<<case "Loft's master bedroom">>
<<set $displayExtra24 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id24" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id24').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra24;
<<case "Mansion's master bedroom">>
<<set $displayExtra25 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id25" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id25').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra25;
<<case "Mansion's pool">>
<<set $displayExtra26 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id26" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id26').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra26;
<<case "Extra bedrooms">>
<<set $displayExtra27 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id27" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id27').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra27;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Coast">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Beach">>
<<set $displayExtra28 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id28" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id28').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra28;
<<case "Nude beach">>
<<set $displayExtra29 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id29" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id29').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra29;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Fitness Center">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $displayExtra30 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id30" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id30').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra30;
<<case "Fitness Center pool">>
<<set $displayExtra31 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id31" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id31').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra31;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "High School">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "High school cafeteria">>
<<set $displayExtra32 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id32" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id32').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra32;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Police station">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Police station offices">>
<<set $displayExtra33 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id33" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id33').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra33;
<<widget "MapPortraits">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lte $args.length; _i++>>
<<if $mom.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><<if $grandma.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $sis.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $aunt.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $alice.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $mira.intro>><<if $mira.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $sarai.hired>><<if $sarai.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $cousin.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $lucy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $jade.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $kate.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $sato.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $suki.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $teacher.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $powers.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $irene.questmain>><<if $irene.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $missy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $abigail.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $dorothy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $carla.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><<if $dean.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><<if $tammy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><<if $erika.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><<if $mikaela.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $tiffany.met is 1>><<if $tiffany.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.metTeachers is 1>><<if $candi.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $nicole.intro>><<if $nicole.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $eva.questmain>><<if $eva.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $annabelle.intro>><<if $annabelle.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.metTeachers is 1>><<if $siorla.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $steph.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $kori.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $hana.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $hschool.active gte 1>><<if $jenna.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $amanda.intro>><<if $amanda.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.police.active>><<if !$law.police.lost>><<if $liz.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.police.active>><<if $jane.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.police.active || ($karly.slave && $karly.bedroom)>><<if $karly.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.police.active>><<if $laney.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $neera.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $jeannie.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if ($law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank lt 4) || $law.police.completed>><<if $suzy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank gte 4>><<if $args[_i] is "Hideout's fence">>
<<if $law.mafia.active>><<if $sera.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $rhea.intro || $rhea.alt.intro>><<if $rhea.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $mary.intro>><<if $mary.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $bernice.questmain gte 1>><<if $bernice.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $pol.active>><<if $cynthia.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $bria.intro>><<if $bria.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $anastasia.intro>><<if $anastasia.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $rose.intro>><<if $rose.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $maddie.intro>><<if $maddie.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $jazzy.interview>><<if $jazzy.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $claus.slave || $claus.gf>><<if $claus.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $eris.slave || $eris.gf>><<if $eris.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<if $romi.questmain>><<if $romi.loc is $args[_i]>>
<<widget "RandomEvent">>
<<if $ranEvents.active>>
<<set _ran to random(1,100)>>
<<switch passage()>>
<<case "Bathroom">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[0]>>
<<if _ran gt 85 && $mom.questmain gte 8 && $mom.loc isnot "Bathroom" && $sis.loc isnot "Bathroom" && $alice.loc isnot "Bathroom" && $kori.loc isnot "Bathroom">>
<<set $todayRanEvent[0] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You use the bathroom quickly and just as you are washing your hands you Mother walks in and starts undressing.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/mom/bath_mini_ev.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Sorry <<if $mom.slave>>$mom.title<<else>>$mc.name<</if>>, I spilled wine all over my clothes and I need to wash up<</speech>>
<p>You take one more good look at her bare tits as she hops in the shower. Then leave the room to give her a bit of privacy.</p>
<<elseif _ran gt 85 && $mom.questmain gte 3>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[0] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You strip down and walk into the bathroom, towel wrapped around your waist. The moment you open the door you see your mom walking towards you, headed out. You apologize to her, telling her you thought the bathroom was empty.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh don’t worry about it <<if $mom.slave>>$mom.title<<else>>sweetie<</if>>! I’m not offended one bit. Here, lemme give you some encouragement just in case<</speech>>
<p>She pulls up her shirt and bounces her tits for you playfully as she leaves the bathroom to let you get washed up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/events/bath1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<case "Downtown">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[1]>>
<<set _NumberOfConditions to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]>>
<<ShuffleArray _NumberOfConditions>>
<<set _orderToUse to _shuffArr>>
<<set _alreadyCase to false>>
<<for _idx to 0; _idx < _orderToUse.length; _idx++>>
<<if !_alreadyCase>>
<<switch _orderToUse[_idx]>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>As you walk down the streets of downtown, you notice a protest going on in front of a corporate office building. You hear chants of better pay, safer working conditions, and employee ownership. Common union talking points, all of them. Considering your influence with the people and businesses of this city, you could certainly intervene in this dispute if you truly wanted to.</p>
[[Get involved on the side of the protesters|Mafia protest][$choice to 1]]
[[Get involved on the side of the corporation|Mafia protest][$choice to 2]]
[[Leave it alone|Downtown][$ranEvent to 0]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 10 && ($claus.gf || $claus.slave) && ($eris.gf || $eris.slave) && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>It’s a lovely day for a stroll in the park. The sun is out and the weather is clear. The perfect day to spend outside. And its clear that you aren’t the only one who thought that as you pass by a large group of women doing yoga and jogging through the park.</p>
<p>They are all wearing very form fitting clothing and it is a hell of a sight to see. And just when you think it couldn’t get better, your Mother, Eris, and Bea all run by together. Giving you a great look at their massive bouncing tits in their sports bras as they pass by you. They inspire you to run a bit too. Just to keep them in view for as long as possible.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/events2/park/jogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 2 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage1Choices.arrest gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You take the opportunity to patrol the park a bit. Even off duty an officer of the law should always be in the mindset of protecting and serving their community. You head towards the lake in the park, knowing that often times kids or homeless individuals often like to use this more secluded part of the park to either do drugs or set up somewhere to sleep. Neither of which are legal. And, lo and behold, as you turn past the bend towards the lake you see two people in the area.</p>
<p>You see the homeless man that has been setting up shop at the pier a lot. And a suspicious looking figure in a hoodie walking around in a somewhat uneasy manner. Looking almost like he is struggling to stay upright. Both are suspicious but only one of the two is clearly violating the law. Of course, whichever you talk to is ultimately up to you.</p>
[[Deal with the homeless man again|Police homeless 2 arrest][$choice to 1]]
[[See what is wrong with the man in the hoodie|Police homeless 2 arrest][$choice to 2]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 2 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage1Choices.pity gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>As you’re walking along the street you hear the voice of a man calling out to you. You turn around and look for the source and you soon find it as a well dressed older man approaches you. You don’t recognize him, so you ask him what you can do for him. He says that he wants to thank you for helping him so much.</p>
<p>As he explains how you helped him, offering him some money and telling her where he can get some help. As he explained you realized that he is the homeless man from the pier. It took some time and effort but he got his life together, but looking at him now, you can tell that it clearly worked. It’s a good feeling to see a man turn his life around rather than let it waste away. As a thank you for the help, and to return the favor, he gives you some money. And quite a large some at that.</p>
''You got $5000!''<<set $mc.money += 5000>>
<<liberalists 10>>
<<set $ranEvents.homeless.stage to 3>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 3 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage2Choices.suspicious gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You’ve spent some time making sure that every time you go through the park, you investigate anyone that is clearly acting suspicious. And you remove anyone that you find is doing something illegal like selling drugs. Your watchful eye and firm hand has help drive others who would try and do the same away from the park. And in doing so, you have heavily cleaned up the park and made it a shining beacon for the whole city to enjoy.</p>
''You got $1500''<<set $mc.money += 1500>>
<<statists 10>>
<<protectionists 10>>
<<set $ranEvents.homeless.stage to 4>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 6>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '18:59') && $has.auntaddress gte 1 && _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>Walking along the sidewalk, you notice $cousin.name hanging out on the street. It almost looks like she is waiting for someone. The moment she notices you, $cousin.name adjusts her outfit, pushing her tits up to show them off a bit. They are practically spilling out of her shirt when you approach her.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $cousin.name>>Oh, like hey $mc.name! Where are ya headed? Mind if I, like, walk with ya?<</speech>>
<p>The two of you walk along to your destination together. She wraps her arms around one of yours, pressing her tits against your the entire way.</p>
<<case 7>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '19:00', '01:59') && $romi.questmain gte 1 && _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>Walking by the light of the streetlamps you notice a figure walking in the opposite direction of you, headed your way. As they get closer you notice that it’s Romi, the Strange Shop owner. She is wearing a trench coat. Something you ask her about as you walk up to her to greet her.</p>
<<speech "Romi">>Oh I’m on a bit of a mission tonight. This is just to keep me from getting arrested on my way<</speech>>
<p>She opens her trench coat to show you what she means, revealing her lingerie clad body underneath.</p>
<<speech "Romi">>Wish me luck<</speech>>
<p>She heads back along her way, disappearing rather suddenly into the darkness of night.</p>
<<case 8>>
<<if _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[1] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>Walking along the street you come across a green piece of paper. Picking it up you see that it is some money! Not seeing anyone looking for it, you pocket it and move a long a little bit richer.</p>
<p class="got">You got $20!</p><<set $mc.money += 20>>
<<case "University">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[2]>>
<<if _ran gt 85 && $school.daysSince gte 1>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[2] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set _event to random(1,4)>>
<<if _event is 1 && $dean.questmain gte 5>>
<p>You get called into Dean Graves’ office suddenly. It doesn’t take long to see why, when she gives you a fuck me eyes sort of look the second you walk through the door.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Well are we going to fuck, or do I need to waste time convincing you and push back my next meeting?<</speech>>
<p>You don’t need more invitation than that. Pulling her on top of you, she rides your cock until you cum deep inside of her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/events/uni1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _event is 2 && $kate.trust gte 15 && $kate.questmain gte 3>>
<p>You are practically tackled into an empty room by Kate. She pulls you off towards and chair and pulls your cock out within seconds. She sucks you off with a ravenous hunger until you cum directly down her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/events/uni1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When she is done you ask her what that was all about.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh you know me. Sometimes I just can’t stop myself<</speech>>
<<elseif _event is 3>>
<p>It looks like a new shipment of Chemicals for the Chemistry class was shipped but wasn’t properly delivered. You grab the box and gingerly carry it to the Chemistry Lab so Ms. Lee doesn’t have to carry it herself. Something she is very appreciative of.</p>
<p>You are walking along the halls and notice a book laying on the ground. You pick it up and notice that it is a Japanese to English dictionary. This will definitely help you out with Mrs. Sato’s class.</p>
<<case "Work All Projects">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[3]>>
<<if _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[3] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set _event to random(1,2)>>
<<if _event is 1 && $grandma.int gte 5 && $grandma.questmain gte 1>>
<p>You walk into your office and see that Grandma $grandma.name is sitting in here waiting for you. You take your seat at your desk and ask her what you owe the pleasure of the visit too.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Oh nothing special, darling. I was passing by on my way to the bodega around the corner. Getting some of their cucumbers since they are just massive at that place. I thought I’d pay you a visit, maybe give you a little motivation to come visit me after you’re done be an important business man all day<</speech>>
<p>She suddenly yanks down her top and jiggles her tits for you enticingly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/events/office1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You tell her that with incentives like that you will be sure to visit her more often.</p>
<p>You sit down to go through some emails and get some work done. The moment you pull up your email you notice a new one pop into your inbox. You decide to start with it as you read things and clear it all out. This one is a sales email though, telling you about some new app game that is supposed to help keep your mind fresh. Its free so you try it out. And maybe its the placebo effect, but it certainly feels like its working.</p>
<<case "Beach tan">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[4]>>
<<if _ran gt 85 && $dean.questmain gte 2>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[4] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>The beach always has something great to see. Rolling waves, interesting animals, and no shortages of beautiful women. The Dean of your university is a good example of that. And when she notices you enjoy the view, she plays with her tits to make it even better for you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/dean/beach_tits_ev.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<case "Pier">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[5]>>
<<set _NumberOfConditions to [1,2,3,4]>>
<<ShuffleArray _NumberOfConditions>>
<<set _orderToUse to _shuffArr>>
<<set _alreadyCase to false>>
<<for _idx to 0; _idx < _orderToUse.length; _idx++>>
<<if !_alreadyCase>>
<<switch _orderToUse[_idx]>>
<<case 1>>
<<if _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[5] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>The pier seems a bit quiet today. At least until you hear a sudden burst of giggles coming from the edge of the pier. You see a group of people at the end so you head towards them, curious of what is going on.</p>
<p>When you arrive though, you see a bunch of girls coming out of the water after apparently skinny dipping. All of them cold and nude, talking and joking with each other. But once you get close they all stare you down angrily. Part of you wants to go up and talk to them. But, with how they are looking at you, you can tell they want you to leave.</p>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 2>>
<<if _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[5] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 15>>
<p>As you step up on the boards of the pier, you hears a combination of giggling and arguing towards the water. You look over and see a group of nude women standing around and talking among themselves. They notice you enjoying the view and all give you a deathly serious gaze. You look away and head off, not wanting to get jumped by a gang of naked chicks.</p>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $law.police.completed && $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 1 && _ran gt 75>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[5] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You pass by the pier and take the opportunity to patrol the area. You’re off duty at the moment, but the life of an officer of the law is one where you are never truly not working. Wherever crime takes place, you should take action where you can. So when you see a homeless man illegally loitering underneath the pier, you take action.</p>
[[Arrest him|Police homeless 1][$choice to 1]]
[[Show pity|Police homeless 1][$choice to 2]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $hana.questmain gte 3.2 && _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[5] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You are walking along the boardwalk when you hear a familiar voice call out to you. You look towards the beach, where the sound came from, and see your slutty student Hana waving at you. You step off the pier into the beach to meet her as she runs towards you. Her huge tits bouncing in her bikini with every step. She stops in front of you, look at you in almost a disappointed way.</p>
<<speech "Hana">>Mr. $mc.surname why did we have to run into each other here? There are so many better places! There’s nowhere to fuck here!<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but chuckle. You give her shapely ass a nice smack as you promise her to make sure that the two of you have some fun together soon. You add that it’s nice to see her either way though.</p>
<<speech "Hana">>I’ll hold you to that! And good to see you too. I hope to see you in class too<</speech>>
<p>She walks away, swaying her hips to give you a nice teasing show as she returns to what she was doing before she noticed you. You, similarly, return to the pier, now wishing you had somewhere to take her to fuck as well. You simply sigh and adjust your pants to hide your hard on as you move along.</p>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case "Fitness Center">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[6]>>
<<if _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[6] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set _event to random(1,4)>>
<<if _event is 1 && $restaurant.worked gte 1>>
<p>Some things are impossible to miss even for the most clueless of people. For instance, Missy’s massive ass straining a pair of booty shorts as she sits on a lifting bench. Its so big that it stops you in your tracks the moment you pass by it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like what ya see $mc.name? I’d show you more but I don’t wanna get kicked out of ANOTHER gym for flashing my ass<</speech>>
<p>She shakes it around for you, giving you something more to keep you mesmerized.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/events/gym1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _event is 2>>
<p>The Fitness Center appears to have upgraded their weight lifting equipment. Better make the best of them and get them gains.</p>
<<elseif _event is 3>>
<p>The Fitness Center bought some new treadmills. Hopefully these ones don’t break down so often like the old ones did.</p>
<p>Gyms can be a mixed bag. Sometimes everyone you see is a ten out of ten bodacious beauty. Other times the gym is full with fatties. The fatties can be better because they are inspiring to get you to work harder, and it’s nice to see people bettering themselves. The beauties, as much as it is fun to stare, are way too distracting. Like for instance, the curvy blonde bouncing around in paper thin clothing while she does curls. Normally you’d try to ignore it. But when the massive breasted woman is your Mom, it become very difficult.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/events/gym1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<case "Mall">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[7]>>
<<if _ran gt 90>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[7] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You feel someone bump into you as you are walking through the mall. A short woman wearing clothes to hide her face rushes past you without even so much as a passing apology for bumping into you. Then, you notice that your pocket feels lighter. She nabbed your wallet! You chase her down and corner her in front of a story and get ready to yell at her. She looks at you terrified, clearly not expecting to get caught. Or maybe just trying to manipulate you into feeling more sympathetic.</p>
<p>Either way you demand your wallet and all its contents back this instant. She shakily reaches into a bag she has strapped to her body, dropping it in the process. You see your wallet fallout along with some bills and coins. You snatch it quickly, along with a few bills. Thinking of it as payment for the trouble as you take them all and head on your way.</p>
<p class="got">You gained $10!</p><<set $mc.money += 10>>
<<case "restaurant">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[8]>>
<<if _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[8] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set _event to random(1,2)>>
<<if _event is 1 && $abigail.progress gte 6 && ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")>>
<<addhours 1>>
<p>Even if you aren’t on the clock it’s still always a good idea to check in on your employees to make sure they are working hard. You rarely need to worry about Missy or Carla, though. Once you say hello to them, and tidy up a few small things in the restaurant, you head into the back room. Just as you are reaching for the door handle it swings open and you see Abigail standing on the other side.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh good, you’re here. Get in her now<</speech>>
<p>At first you think you messed something up. But when she drops her dress, your worries melt and your cock hardens. And she gets right to work with your tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/abigail/mall_ev2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $law.police.completed || $law.mafia.rank gte 4>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You step into the Cock and Bull and notice that you might have come at the worst possible time. A bottle flies by your head hitting the wall behind you. Punches are being thrown and people are falling over tables. A full on bar brawl has broken out and things seem to only be escalating.</p>
<p>Even Carla is getting a few shots in of her own on some of the patrons. Not surprising considering she is never the type of person to take any crap from others.</p>
[[Put a stop to this|barfight]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<case "High School">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[9]>>
<<if $employees.mom>>
<<if $employees.mom.hired is 1>>
<<set _momhired to 1>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<if _ran gt 95 && isDateBetween($gameDate,'16:00','17:59') && (_momhired is 0 || $startup.active is -1)>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[9] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set $mom.gallery[28] to 1>>
<p>You are making your way towards the front entrance of the school when you notice $mom.name walking in. You smile and greet her confused, asking her why she is here.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey, $mom.title! I was able to head home early and I thought I’d stop by and give my two favorite people a ride home. Is your sister still in class?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that unfortunately she is a bit too late and that $sis.name went home on the bus already. You thank you and tell her that you’d love a ride home though.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>If your sister isn’t here then I don’t see why there is any reason to rush. I’m just going to go to the bathroom real quick first<</speech>>
<p>As she walks past you she gives you a seductive look that implores you to follow her. You wait just a moment to not arise suspicions before heading into the bathroom, delighted to see her standing there nude, waiting for you.</p>
<p>She drops to her knees and gets to work, sucking you off with a ferocity that can only be explained by some sort of hidden exhibitionism making her horny as all hell. Sucking you off until you explode all over her face and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/mom/hsevent.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif _ran gt 95 && isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','11:59') && $has.auntaddress is 1>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[9] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set $cousin.gallery[11] to 1>>
<p>Walking in through the front doors of the school you see $cousin.name looking around confused. She looks like she is trying to find her way to class, but she doesn’t go to this school. You walk up and ask her why she is here. She turns back to you, seemingly shocked to see you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $cousin.name>>Like, why are you here, <<if $cousin.slave>>$cousin.title<<else>>$mc.name<</if>>? Wait, oh fuck I went to the wrong school again didn’t I? Shit I gotta go!<</speech>>
<p>She blitzes past you, likely trying to get to her own school in time. Hopefully she remembers the way.</p>
<<elseif _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[9] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set _ranHSchool to random(1,3)>>
<<if $hschool.corr gte 60>>
<<set _ranHSchool to random(1,4)>>
<<if _ranHSchool gte 4 && $sis.slave>><<set $sis.gallery[49] to 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>$sis.title! Come here! I have a surprise for you!<</speech>>
<p>You sister pulls you into a classroom where you see two other students with her. You’re confused at first, but $sis.name doesn’t make you wait for an explanation.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I figured I’d help these girls learn some fun new things. Can we show you?<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even answer they all lift up their skirts to show you their tight pussies. You chuckle, applauding the girls for going without panties. And telling them to keep up the good work. The prideful smile on their faces is a greater reward than the view of their tight holes.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 3>>
<p>You take a stroll through the library between classes. You start looking for a few books on culinary history that you think the girls might find interesting. It’s hard to focus though. The girls of the school are so lewd and corrupt these days that they are flaunting their asses and skimpy uniforms, everywhere they go.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/hschool/corr/high1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You compliment the whorish students. Letting them know they have nice fat asses. Making them giggle with excitement as you pass by them and get the books you were looking for.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 2>>
<p>The teacher’s lounge has become rather lively. The students are so lewd and lascivious these days that they don’t even bother hiding the fact that they are fucking their teachers. Some aren’t even doing it for the grade. You walk in to grab some coffee before class and even see one girl being spit roasted by a pair of male teachers on their break.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/hschool/corr/high3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You’re on your way to your classroom when you hear noises coming out of a room that you know some of the students study in when it is empty. You open the door to see what’s going on inside and are pleasantly surprised by what you find. The girls are using their ‘study time’ to fuck the shit out of each other with strap ons. You watch for a bit, enjoying what the school has become.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/hschool/corr/high2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $hschool.corr gte 20>>
<<set _ranHSchool to random(1,4)>>
<<if _ranHSchool gte 4 && $sis.slave>><<set $sis.gallery[49] to 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>$sis.title! Come here! I have a surprise for you!<</speech>>
<p>You sister pulls you into a classroom where you see two other students with her. You’re confused at first, but $sis.name doesn’t make you wait for an explanation.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I figured I’d help these girls learn some fun new things. Can we show you?<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even answer they all lift up their skirts to show you their tight pussies. You chuckle, applauding the girls for going without panties. And telling them to keep up the good work. The prideful smile on their faces is a greater reward than the view of their tight holes.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 3>>
<<speech "???">>You’ve been a bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "???">>Ow! Yes I’ve been very bad!<</speech>>
<p>You follow the sound of slaps and loud yelling to a classroom. You look inside and see a teacher overlooking two students. One of the students is spanking the other. And spanking her quite hard. You presume these girls did something to warrant this punishment. Though you can’t imagine what. Either way, you are happy to enjoy the show.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/hschool/corr/up1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 2>>
<p>The high school becomes more and more corrupt by the day. Even now as you walk through the halls you see a pair of students boldly making out. Just standing in public and passionately kissing without a care in the world. In the past that might have been broken up and the girls been punished for such public displays of affection. But now it’s almost encouraged.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/hschool/corr/up2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The campus is full and sluttier and sluttier girls these days. Even on the front lawn of the building there are girls in miniskirts flashing their panties to people passing by. Something tells you that they are just so comfortable with people looking at them that they don’t even know that they are teasing people. But the smiles on their faces assures you that they know exactly what they’re doing.</p>
<<elseif $hschool.corr gte -20>>
<<if _ranHSchool gte 3>>
<p>A couple of the girls are hanging out by the school sign. You wave good morning to them and they wave back. They don’t put much enthusiasm into it though. They look a bit like your average trio of mean girls. But you pay that little mind. As long as you don’t see them bully anyone, all you can assume is that they’re your average run of the mill students. Just like most of the girls in the school. That might change as the school does, though.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 2>>
<p>A couple of girls are squabbling in a mostly empty classroom. You walk in and tell them to cut it out. They all face you as you confront them. They smile, trying to hide their guilt as you ask them exactly what was going on in here. They give you a lame excuse that you don’t believe for a moment. But you know there isn’t much you can do to convince them to tell you the truth. So you just lecture them about being in class and tell them to be on their way.</p>
<<speech "???">>Excuse me!<</speech>>
<p>You turn around to see a student run up to you, looking a bit lost.</p>
<p>You ask her how you can help. She asks you for directions to a specific classroom. Apparently she is new and doesn’t know her way around just yet. You give her simple directions to get her in the right place. She thanks you for the help before heading off. You watch her go, making sure she heads the right way, happy to have helped one of your students.</p>
<<elseif $hschool.corr gte -60>>
<<if _ranHSchool gte 3>>
<p>The school is quiet and the halls are clean. It’s a great feeling to start to see the fruits of your labor as you see the students wearing pressed and clean uniforms as well as all of them keeping out of trouble. You notice one girl even stop to wipe some dust off a windowsill. You compliment her on her effort and work ethic as you pass buy. She feels caught off guard, likely not thinking that anyone saw her do that. But you make sure to give her a wide smile so she knows that you are proud of her.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 2>>
<<speech "???">>Mr. $mc.surname! Would you help our study group after school some time?<</speech>>
<p>Two very well kept students come up asking for your help. You have to decline. But you make sure to be apologetic about it. You suggest some other teachers that you believe would have more free time to help them. And you commend them on their dedication to their education. Every day the school and the students seem more pure and proper. And you are happy to see your work paying off.</p>
<p>You perform an impromptu uniform inspection on a few girls that you pass by in the hall. You lead them to an empty classroom and make sure that they are all uniform compliant. Lining them up to look them over one by one. You even have one girl put her hand down by her skirt to be certain that it goes past her fingers. And it just barely does. Or at least it would if she were not wearing fake nails. You reprimand her for this. Wanting them all to get better. They don’t seem too annoyed by the inspection or the instruction. They actually seem to listen to it and take it to heart. Something that fills you with pride.</p>
<<if _ranHSchool gte 3>>
<p>You’ve helped make the school so pure and against sin that some of the students and teachers have taken up the cloth and become nuns. You often seen them in classrooms and walking through the halls, carrying rulers to smack unruly and deviant students with. Although there are rarely any such students to find these days.</p>
<<elseif _ranHSchool gte 2>>
<p>It’s so nice seeing women wearing modest clothing on school grounds. Revealing clothing leads to temptation. And temptation leads to debauchery. The less of that in the school the better. This is a place of learning and should be treated as such. So it always beings a smile to your face when you see groups of girls dressed almost like nuns. And your smile is infectious because it spreads to them as well.</p>
<p>One family, a group of several sisters from an Amish group, recently started attending the high school. You have worked to make it so pure and free of debauchery that even they with their strict standards have allowed them to attend. You are happy to see that you have built an environment that is welcoming even to those with the highest of standards. It makes the work you’ve put in all the more worth it.</p>
<<case "Aunt Bathroom">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[10]>>
<<if _ran gt 60 && $aunt.questmain gte 2>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[10] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<if $aunt.slave>><<set $aunt.gallery[18] to 1>>
<<addhours 1>>
<p>Your Aunt is bathing at the moment. Previously you might have felt trepidation about bursting in on her in her own home. But as far as you’re concerned it’s your home now. Just like she belongs to you as well. You take advantage of her wet and naked form, pin her legs up behind her head, and plow her ass in the tub until you fill her ass with cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/slave/bath.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You hear moaning coming out of the bathroom of your Aunt $aunt.name’s house. You silently look in and take a peek too see your aunt in the tub, slowly sliding her fingers along her pussy lips.</p>
<p>You watch for a while, enjoying the view until her body tenses up in a quiet climax. She rests in the water afterwords, truly relaxed. With the show over you head out, hoping to see more soon.</p>
<<case "Park">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[11]>>
<<set _NumberOfConditions to [1,2,3,4,5,6]>>
<<ShuffleArray _NumberOfConditions>>
<<set _orderToUse to _shuffArr>>
<<set _alreadyCase to false>>
<<for _idx to 0; _idx < _orderToUse.length; _idx++>>
<<if !_alreadyCase>>
<<switch _orderToUse[_idx]>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $law.mafia.rank gte 4 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>As you walk down the streets of downtown, you notice a protest going on in front of a corporate office building. You hear chants of better pay, safer working conditions, and employee ownership. Common union talking points, all of them. Considering your influence with the people and businesses of this city, you could certainly intervene in this dispute if you truly wanted to.</p>
[[Get involved on the side of the protesters|Mafia protest][$choice to 1]]
[[Get involved on the side of the corporation|Mafia protest][$choice to 2]]
[[Leave it alone|Downtown][$ranEvent to 0]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 10 && ($claus.gf || $claus.slave) && ($eris.gf || $eris.slave) && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>It’s a lovely day for a stroll in the park. The sun is out and the weather is clear. The perfect day to spend outside. And its clear that you aren’t the only one who thought that as you pass by a large group of women doing yoga and jogging through the park.</p>
<p>They are all wearing very form fitting clothing and it is a hell of a sight to see. And just when you think it couldn’t get better, your Mother, Eris, and Bea all run by together. Giving you a great look at their massive bouncing tits in their sports bras as they pass by you. They inspire you to run a bit too. Just to keep them in view for as long as possible.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/events2/park/jogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 2 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage1Choices.arrest gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You take the opportunity to patrol the park a bit. Even off duty an officer of the law should always be in the mindset of protecting and serving their community. You head towards the lake in the park, knowing that often times kids or homeless individuals often like to use this more secluded part of the park to either do drugs or set up somewhere to sleep. Neither of which are legal. And, lo and behold, as you turn past the bend towards the lake you see two people in the area.</p>
<p>You see the homeless man that has been setting up shop at the pier a lot. And a suspicious looking figure in a hoodie walking around in a somewhat uneasy manner. Looking almost like he is struggling to stay upright. Both are suspicious but only one of the two is clearly violating the law. Of course, whichever you talk to is ultimately up to you.</p>
[[Deal with the homeless man again|Police homeless 2 arrest][$choice to 1]]
[[See what is wrong with the man in the hoodie|Police homeless 2 arrest][$choice to 2]]
<<set _noContinue to true>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 2 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage1Choices.pity gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>As you’re walking along the street you hear the voice of a man calling out to you. You turn around and look for the source and you soon find it as a well dressed older man approaches you. You don’t recognize him, so you ask him what you can do for him. He says that he wants to thank you for helping him so much.</p>
<p>As he explains how you helped him, offering him some money and telling her where he can get some help. As he explained you realized that he is the homeless man from the pier. It took some time and effort but he got his life together, but looking at him now, you can tell that it clearly worked. It’s a good feeling to see a man turn his life around rather than let it waste away. As a thank you for the help, and to return the favor, he gives you some money. And quite a large some at that.</p>
''You got $5000!''<<set $mc.money += 5000>>
<<liberalists 10>>
<<set $ranEvents.homeless.stage to 3>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 3 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage2Choices.suspicious gte 5 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You’ve spent some time making sure that every time you go through the park, you investigate anyone that is clearly acting suspicious. And you remove anyone that you find is doing something illegal like selling drugs. Your watchful eye and firm hand has help drive others who would try and do the same away from the park. And in doing so, you have heavily cleaned up the park and made it a shining beacon for the whole city to enjoy.</p>
''You got $1500''<<set $mc.money += 1500>>
<<statists 10>>
<<protectionists 10>>
<<set $ranEvents.homeless.stage to 4>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 6>>
<<if $romi.questmain gte 6 && _ran gt 80>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[11] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set $cynthia.gallery[17] to 1>>
<p>You notice a small crowd forming by the basketball courts in the park. There is apparently an event going on there, celebrating the fact that the courts were recently refurbished. As you get closer, you immediately see why so many people came by to see the event.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cynthia/locs/park1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Cynthia Wallace is making an appearance at this event and based on her appearance and the crowd she has drum up, it is plain to see how she became popular and won an election to become Mayor of this city. You stick around and keep watching as well, enjoying every shot she takes until the event ends.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cynthia/locs/park2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case "Police station">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[12] && !$law.mafia.active>>
<<set _NumberOfConditions to [1,2,3]>>
<<ShuffleArray _NumberOfConditions>>
<<set _orderToUse to _shuffArr>>
<<set _alreadyCase to false>>
<<for _idx to 0; _idx < _orderToUse.length; _idx++>>
<<if !_alreadyCase>>
<<switch _orderToUse[_idx]>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $ranEvents.homeless.stage is 3 && $ranEvents.homeless.stage2Choices.homeless gte 5 && _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[12] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>You head to your desk right as you come in and you notice a new file for a police report on top of it. You open it up and realize that it is for the murder of a man in a homeless shelter in town. You recognize the picture as being the man you arrested at the pier and at the park several times. Likely this is why it ended up on your desk, to help close out the previous arrests and listing him as deceased for the official records.</p>
<p>Its sad to see someone so willfully give up on their life and let it fall to such a state where something like this is possible. He was given many chances and just kept going back to the streets. Hopefully this isn’t something this city sees ever again. If there is one thing to be happy about, it is that his murderer is behind bars and likely will be for the rest of his life.</p>
''You got $1500''<<set $mc.money += 1500>>
<<set $ranEvents.homeless.stage to 4>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $liz.questmain gte 2 && !$law.police.completed && _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[12] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<speech "Liz">>$mc.name! Get in here!<</speech>>
<p>Liz calls out to you the moment you enter the precinct. She sounds absolutely enraged. You head over to her office as commanded. You enter, sit down, and wonder what on earth she seems so mad at you about. She stands up and pulls her blazer of in a moment of frustration. You however can’t help but enjoy the moment as she all but puts her tits on display at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/events2/police/lizfrustrated.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Liz">>I am positively livid right now. The judge has once again denied my request for a search warrant of the casino. I swear I must have enough probable cause for fifty warrants and yet this judge simply will not issue one for us. I would suggest that Condamne is paying them off but goodness gracious how much could he have to turn a judge so blind? I need you to double your efforts. We absolutely need more evidence to use against him. It seems that we will not be able to get it any other way<</speech>>
<<casepro 5>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 3>>
<<if _ran gt 85>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[12] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>As you are heading into the precinct you hear shouting and fighting. Someone is running from an officer and trying to get out through the front door of the building. There is a cop chasing close behind him. The man is clearly guilty looking and trying to escape justice for what ever crime he committed.</p>
<p>You do the bold and brave thing, stepping in his way and rejecting his ability to get through the door. He slams into you, still trying to escape but you manage to hold him up just long enough for the cop chasing him to grab him. You get knocked down hard though. Laney helps you to your feet and scolds you for being so reckless.</p>
<<speech "Laney">>You could have gotten seriously hurt doing that! It was brave of you to step in but don’t do silly stuff like that ever again!<</speech>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case "Bedroom">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[13]>>
<<if _ran gt 90 && $lucy.gf && $lucy.bedroom && $wokeUp>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[13] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>As the light of the new day peers in through the windows, you feel a pair of small soft hands exploring your chest. You open your eyes and see that Lucy has crawled into your bed this morning and is clearly feeling very frisky. You don’t keep her waiting, bending her over and fucking her from behind on your bed until she goes back to sleep, exhausted. And you’re nice and refreshed for the morning ahead of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/lucy/dating/bedroom.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<case "Strip club">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[14]>>
<<if _ran gt 85 && $law.mafia.rank gte 4>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[14] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<p>As you are entering the strip club you notice something shady going on in the alley beside the building. And as the head of the local mafia, if something shady is going on, you should know about it and be getting your cut. You head down the alley and see a drug deal going through. They pass a few things between each other before the buyer steps away, walking past you and leaving.</p>
<p>You walk up to the dealer who recognizes you instantly. You don’t need to say much. Just letting the man know that if he wants to deal around here, he needs to give you a cut. The dealer understands, handing you a piece of the money he just made. You are gracious enough to allow the man to make money as well. So long as you get a piece.</p>
''You got $50''<<set $mc.money += 50>>
<<case "Desk">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[15]>>
<<if _ran gt 95 && $houseBg is "mansion" && $tiffany.gf && $tiffany.bedroom>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[15] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set $tiffany.gallery[19] to 1>>
<p>You’re going to your desk to take care of a few things. However you’re shocked when you walk in to see Tiffany standing there waiting for you. She must have guessed that you would be coming in her today. And she greets you with a very sensual dance.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/tiffany/gf/desk.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She manages to distract you for quite some time before you finally snap out of the hypnotic trance that her ass puts you in. You tell her that you need to get some work done and that you’ll make sure to find her later. She leaves, but she makes sure to sway her ass as she goes. Teasing you, and almost challenging you to follow her.</p>
<<addmins 15>>
<<case "City Map">>
<<if !$todayRanEvent[16]>>
<<if _ran gt 95 && $cameFromMansion && $tiffany.gf && $tiffany.bedroom>>
<<set $todayRanEvent[16] to 1>>
<<set $ranEvent to 1>>
<<set $cameFromMansion to 0>>
<<set $tiffany.gallery[20] to 1>>
<<goto "Tiffany Random City Map">>
<<set $cameFromMansion to 0>>
<</switch>><<if $ranEvent && !_noContinue>>
<a @data-passage="passage()" data-setter="$ranEvent to 0" class="link-internal">Continue</a>
<<widget "GirlsLinks">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs to {
jade: $jade.loc,
lucy: $lucy.loc,
kate: $kate.loc,
alice: $alice.loc,
mira: $mira.loc,
sarai: $sarai.loc,
mom: $mom.loc,
sis: $sis.loc,
aunt: $aunt.loc,
cousin: $cousin.loc,
grandma: $grandma.loc,
dean: $dean.loc,
teacher: $teacher.loc,
powers: $powers.loc,
sato: $sato.loc,
suki: $suki.loc,
irene: $irene.loc,
steph: $steph.loc,
kori: $kori.loc,
hana: $hana.loc,
jenna: $jenna.loc,
amanda: $amanda.loc,
candi: $candi.loc,
nicole: $nicole.loc,
eva: $eva.loc,
annabelle: $annabelle.loc,
siorla: $siorla.loc,
missy: $missy.loc,
carla: $carla.loc,
abigail: $abigail.loc,
dorothy: $dorothy.loc,
tammy: $tammy.loc,
erika: $erika.loc,
mikaela: $mikaela.loc,
tiffany: $tiffany.loc,
liz: $liz.loc,
jane: $jane.loc,
karly: $karly.loc,
laney: $laney.loc,
suzy: $suzy.loc,
neera: $neera.loc,
sera: $sera.loc,
jeannie: $jeannie.loc,
rhea: $rhea.loc,
mary: $mary.loc,
bernice: $bernice.loc,
cynthia: $cynthia.loc,
bria: $bria.loc,
anastasia: $anastasia.loc,
rose: $rose.loc,
maddie: $maddie.loc,
jazzy: $jazzy.loc,
claus: $claus.loc,
eris: $eris.loc,
romi: $romi.loc,
<<set _allGirlsLocsKeys to Object.keys(_allGirlsLocs)>>
<<for _g to 0; _g lt _allGirlsLocsKeys.length; _g++>>
<<set _girl to _allGirlsLocsKeys[_g]>>
<<switch _allGirlsLocs[_girl]>>
<<case "Jade's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jadehouse">>
<<case "Jade's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jadehouse">>
<<case "Irene's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jadehouse">>
<<case "Irene's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jadehouse">>
<<case "Lucy's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "lucyhouse">>
<<case "Lucy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "lucyhouse">>
<<case "Kate's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "katehouse">>
<<case "Kate's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "katehouse">>
<<case "Alice's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "alicehouse">>
<<case "Alice's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "alicehouse">>
<<case "Mr. Inoue's home">>
<<if $mira.questmain gte 1 || $sarai.hired>>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "inouehouse">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Mira's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mirahouse">>
<<case "Mira's bedroom">>
<<if $mira.questmain gte 4>>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mirahouse">>
<<elseif $mira.questmain gte 1>>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "inouehouse">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Mr. Inoue's bedroom">>
<<if $sarai.hired>>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "inouehouse">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Her bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = _girl+"house">>
<<case "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Aunt Bedroom">>
<<case "Bella's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Cousin Bedroom">>
<<case "Aunt's living room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Aunt livingroom">>
<<case "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Aunt Kitchen">>
<<case "Aunt's pool">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Aunt Pool">>
<<case "Cousin's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Cousin Bedroom">>
<<case "Grandma's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "grandmahouse">>
<<case "Grandma's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "grandmahouse">>
<<case "Dean's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "deanhouse">>
<<case "Dean's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "deanhouse">>
<<case "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "leehouse">>
<<case "Ms. Lee's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "leehouse">>
<<case "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "powershouse">>
<<case "Ms. Powers's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "powershouse">>
<<case "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "satohouse">>
<<case "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "satohouse">>
<<case "On vacation">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "satohouse">>
<<case "Suki's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "sukihouse">>
<<case "Suki's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "sukihouse">>
<<case "Steph's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "stephhouse">>
<<case "Steph's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "stephhouse">>
<<case "Kori's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "korihouse">>
<<case "Kori's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "korihouse">>
<<case "Kori's new bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "koribedroom">>
<<case "Hana's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "hanahouse">>
<<case "Hana's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "hanahouse">>
<<case "Jenna's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jennahouse">>
<<case "Jenna's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "jennahouse">>
<<case "Amanda's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "amandahouse">>
<<case "Amanda's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "amandahouse">>
<<case "Candi's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "candihouse">>
<<case "Candi's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "candihouse">>
<<case "Nicole's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "nicolehouse">>
<<case "Nicole's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "nicolehouse">>
<<case "Annabelle's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "annabellehouse">>
<<case "Annabelle's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "annabellehouse">>
<<case "Siorla's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "siorlahouse">>
<<case "Siorla's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "siorlahouse">>
<<case "Prin. Siorla's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "siorlahouse">>
<<case "Prin. Siorla's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "siorlahouse">>
<<case "Missy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "missyhouse">>
<<case "Missy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "missyhouse">>
<<case "Carla's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "carlahouse">>
<<case "Carla's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "carlahouse">>
<<case "Abigail's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "abigailhouse">>
<<case "Abigail's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "abigailhouse">>
<<case "Eva's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "abigailhouse">>
<<case "Dorothy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "dorothyhouse">>
<<case "Dorothy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "dorothyhouse">>
<<case "Tammy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "tammyhouse">>
<<case "Tammy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "tammyhouse">>
<<case "Tamara's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "tammyhouse">>
<<case "Erika's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "erikahouse">>
<<case "Erika's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "erikahouse">>
<<case "Mikaela's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mikaelahouse">>
<<case "Mikaela's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mikaelahouse">>
<<case "Tiffany's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "tiffanyhouse">>
<<case "Tiffany's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "tiffanyhouse">>
<<case "Liz's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "lizhouse">>
<<case "Liz's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "lizhouse">>
<<case "Liz's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Police station offices">>
<<case "Jane's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Jane's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Jane's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Police station offices">>
<<case "Karly's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "karlyhouse">>
<<case "Karly's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "karlyhouse">>
<<case "Karly's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Police station offices">>
<<case "Laney's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "laneyhouse">>
<<case "Laney's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "laneyhouse">>
<<case "Laney's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Police station offices">>
<<case "Neera's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "neerahouse">>
<<case "Neera's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "neerahouse">>
<<case "Jeannie's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Jeannie's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Suzy's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "suzyhouse">>
<<case "Suzy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "suzyhouse">>
<<case "Suzy's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Police station offices">>
<<case "Sera's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Sera's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Rhea's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "rheahouse">>
<<case "Rhea's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "rheahouse">>
<<case "Rhea's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "rheahouse">>
<<case "Mary's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "maryhouse">>
<<case "Mary's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "maryhouse">>
<<case "Mary's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "maryhouse">>
<<case "Bernice's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "bernicehouse">>
<<case "Bernice's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "bernicehouse">>
<<case "Bernice's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "bernicehouse">>
<<case "Cynthia's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "cynthiahouse">>
<<case "Cynthia's house">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "cynthiahouse">>
<<case "Cynthia's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "cynthiahouse">>
<<case "Bria's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "briahouse">>
<<case "Bria's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "briahouse">>
<<case "Anastasia's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "anastasiahouse">>
<<case "Anastasia's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "anastasiahouse">>
<<case "Rose's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "rosehouse">>
<<case "Rose's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "rosehouse">>
<<case "Maddie's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "maddiehouse">>
<<case "Maddie's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "maddiehouse">>
<<case "Jazzy's home">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Jazzy's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Living room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "livingroom">>
<<case "Mom's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "mombedroom">>
<<case "Sis's bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Sister Bedroom">>
<<case "Your bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Bedroom">>
<<case "Loft's master bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Bedroom">>
<<case "Loft's living room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "livingroom">>
<<case "Loft's kitchen">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Kitchen">>
<<case "Loft's bathroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Bathroom">>
<<case "Mansion's master bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Bedroom">>
<<case "Mansion's living room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "livingroom">>
<<case "Mansion's kitchen">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Kitchen">>
<<case "Mansion's bathroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Bathroom">>
<<case "Bea's dungeon bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "clausdungeon">>
<<case "Eris's dungeon bedroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "erisdungeon">>
<<case "Sex dungeon">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "alicedungeon">>
<<case "Street">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Downtown">>
<<case "Public restroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Park">>
<<case "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "restaurant">>
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Fitness Center">>
<<case "Fitness Center sauna">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Fitness Center">>
<<case "Fitness Center pool">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Fitness Center">>
<<case "The Flaming Tiki">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Beach Bar">>
<<case "Nude beach">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Beach Nude">>
<<case "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "University">>
<<case "Economics hall">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "University">>
<<case "Mathematics hall">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "University">>
<<case "Japanese classroom">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "University">>
<<case "Study hall">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "University">>
<<case "High school">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "College avenue">>
<<case "High school cafeteria">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "High School Cafeteria">>
<<case "High school nurse's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "High School Nurse">>
<<case "High school vice principal's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "High School Vice Principal">>
<<case "Candi’s class">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Candi class">>
<<case "Nicole’s class">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Nicole class">>
<<case "High school administration">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "High School Admin">>
<<case "Office buffet">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Office Cafeteria">>
<<case "Massive Assets LLC">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Strange shop">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Strange shop">>
<<case "Hideout's fence">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout fence">>
<<case "Hideout's bar">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout bar">>
<<case "Hideout's conference room">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout conference room">>
<<case "Hideout's dojo">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout dojo">>
<<case "Hideout's bunk">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout bunk">>
<<case "Hideout's slot machine">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Hideout slot">>
<<case "Mayor's office">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "Mayor office">>
<<case "Restrained">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "katehouse">>
<<case "North Pole">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Halloween Town">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<case "Left the city">>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "City Map">>
<<if _allGirlsLocs[_girl]>><<if _allGirlsLocs[_girl].includes("Mansion's bedroom") || _allGirlsLocs[_girl].includes("Loft's bedroom")>>
<<set _allGirlsLocs[_girl] = "House">>
<<widget "OldDir">>
<<if $modes.oldPort>>
<<set _od to "/old">>
<<set _od to "">>
<h2 style="color: #848ed8;font-family: 'Raleway',sans-serif;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 800;line-height: 50px;margin: 0 0 24px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;">Intro</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">In Become Someone, You are a fresh faced young man who is set to start his senior year of college in the morning. You live with your Step-Mother, and your Step-Sister. Your birth Mother left shortly after you were born, and your father later remarried. He has since passed away as well.</p><p>In Become Someone you will be provided several options and life paths to walk down. What you choose, and who you choose to be, will be up to you! And no matter where you go, there will always be plenty of beautiful women to have some fun with.</p><p>But first! Let’s learn a bit more about you:</p>\
''What is your name?''
<<textbox "$mc.name" "John">>
''What about your surname?''
<<textbox "$mc.surname" "Miller">>
<button id="backgroundbutton" class="Large button green">[[Character creation|Game start b]]</button>
<<switch $targetHouse>>
<<case "Mansion">>
<<if $housing.mansion.own>><<set $houseBg to 'mansion'>><<set $houseBgThis to 'mansion'>><<set $cameFromMansion to 1>><<else>><<set $houseBgThis to 'mansion-sale'>><</if>>
<<set _deskParams to {
name: "Desk",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/desk.webp"
<<set _bedroomParams to {
name: "Master bedroom",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/mcbedroom.webp",
loc: "Mansion's master bedroom"
<<set _exbP to {
name: "Hallway",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/extrabedrooms.webp",
loc: "Mansion's bedroom "
<<set $extrabedroomParams to {
name: "Mansion's bedroom ",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/extrabedroom.webp",
loc: "Mansion's bedroom "
<<set _livingParams to {
name: "Living room",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/livingroom.webp",
loc: "Mansion's living room"
<<set _kitchenParams to {
name: "Kitchen",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/kitchen.webp",
loc: "Mansion's kitchen"
<<set _bathParams to {
name: "Bathroom",
img: "ressources/img/mansion/bathroom.webp",
loc: "Mansion's bathroom"
<<case "Loft">>
<<set $houseBg to 'loft'>><<set $houseBgThis to 'loft'>>
<<set _deskParams to {
name: "Desk",
img: "ressources/img/loft/desk.webp"
<<set _bedroomParams to {
name: "Master bedroom",
img: "ressources/img/loft/mcbedroom.webp",
loc: "Loft's master bedroom"
<<set _exbP to {
name: "Extra bedrooms",
img: "ressources/img/loft/extrabedrooms.webp",
loc: "Loft's bedroom "
<<set $extrabedroomParams to {
name: "Loft's bedroom ",
img: "ressources/img/loft/extrabedroom.webp",
loc: "Loft's bedroom "
<<set _livingParams to {
name: "Living room",
img: "ressources/img/loft/livingroom.webp",
loc: "Loft's living room"
<<set _kitchenParams to {
name: "Kitchen",
img: "ressources/img/loft/kitchen.webp",
loc: "Loft's kitchen"
<<set _bathParams to {
name: "Bathroom",
img: "ressources/img/loft/bathroom.webp",
loc: "Loft's bathroom"
<<set $targetHouse to "First home">>
<<set $houseBg to 'house'>><<set $houseBgThis to 'house'>>
<<set _deskParams to {
name: "Desk",
img: "ressources/img/home/desk.webp"
<<set _bedroomParams to {
name: "Bedroom",
img: "ressources/img/home/mcbedroom.webp",
loc: "Your bedroom"
<<set _livingParams to {
name: "Living room",
img: "ressources/img/home/livingroom.webp",
loc: "Living room"
<<set _kitchenParams to {
name: "Kitchen",
img: "ressources/img/home/kitchen.webp",
loc: "Kitchen"
<<set _bathParams to {
name: "Bathroom",
img: "ressources/img/home/bathroom.webp",
loc: "Bathroom"
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion" && !$housing.mansion.own>>
<p>Land available now!</p>
<p>This lot of land is massive! And it seems really cheap per square foot as well. For about $500,000, you could easily build yourself a nice big estate here. Somewhere that would have plenty of space for rooms to invite anyone you want to live with you from now on. Should you call the realtor now?</p>
<p class="hint">(Owning a mansion will also grant you a huge bonus to your interest gains)</p>
<<if $mc.money gte 500000>>[[Call the Realtor ($500,000)|City Map][$mc.money -= 500000; $housing.mansion.own to true; $targetHouse to "Mansion"]]<<else>><p class="hint">You need at least $500,000 to build a mansion</p><</if>>
[[Hold off for now|City Map]]<<set $targetHouse to 'First home'>>
<<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft" && !$housing.loft.own>>
<p>Empty loft available!</p>
<p>For only $200,000, you could buy yourself a loft, which you could fill with rooms for your girls.</p>
<p class="hint">(Owning a loft will also grant you an immediate bonus to your charisma)</p>
<<if $mc.money gte 200000>>[[Call the Realtor ($200,000)|The lofts][$mc.money -= 200000; $housing.loft.own to true; $mc.charisma += 20; $targetHouse to "Loft"]]<<else>><p class="hint">You need at least $200,000 to buy a loft</p><</if>>
[[Hold off for now|The lofts]]<<set $targetHouse to 'First home'>>
<<elseif $rose.questmain is 3 && $rose.trust gte 25 && $rose.exclusimpMade gte 1 && $rose.choices.stage3 is "sexual" && $mom.questmain gte 10>>
<p>You give Rose a call to discuss her channel’s metrics. But you’re shocked when you hear her ringtone within your own home. You follow the sound and see Rose’s phone as well as two piles of clothes in the living room. And that is when you hear talking coming from out back. You look over and see two people out by the pool. You head out and see Rose and your mother $mom.name playing with each other in front of a camera.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/rose/stage4/mompool.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You call out to them, enjoying the sight but wondering just what is going on.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh hey <<if $mom.slave>>$mom.title<<else>>sweetie<</if>>!<</speech>>
<<speech "Rose">>Oh $mc.name! Glad your here! We need a costar<</speech>>
<p>You’re a bit confused. You ask why Rose is even here. You can guess what they’re doing. But you more or less assumed that Rose wouldn’t be setting up Exclusimp shoots with your own step mother without you even knowing about it.</p>
<<speech "Rose">>I actually came by to see you! But then I saw your mom and my jaw dropped! How do you go five minutes without burying your face in these tits?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh trust me Rose, it isn’t often than he does<</speech>>
<p>You playfully snap back at them, telling them not to talk about you like you aren’t here. The just continue to play with each other. You aren’t going to be left out though.</p>
[[Join them|Rose Stage 4 Sexual][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 12>>
<<elseif $nicole.questmain is 2.2 && $nicole.trust gte 15>>
<p>You head inside your home and kick off your shoes. You’re hoping that you can get a chance to relax but before you can grab a seat on the couch you hear a frantic knocking at your front door. Whoever is there sounds either scared or angry based on how erratic and continuous their knocks are. So you jog back to your front door to answer quickly. Pulling it open and barely registering that Nicole is on the other side before she is pushing her way into your home. You look out behind her, checking to make sure she isn’t being chased, or for whatever other emergency might be making her run like this. But you see nothing as you close and lock the door behind you. Following the heavy breathing you find Nicole sitting on your couch with her head in her hands. She has clearly been running for a bit. She isn’t even wearing any shoes. You deduce that she was likely wearing high heels and ditched them to run faster. You gingerly sit next to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder and asking her if she is okay. Her answer comes out through fearful tears. Her southern draw even more prominent in this moment of distress.</p>
<<speech "Nicole">>I’m going absolutely outta my mind! I saw him. I know I saw him! He was outside my window? How was he there, oh lord I’m going crazy!<</speech>>
<p>You can tell that the only person she could be talking about is Javier. But you struggle to believe her. You saw Javier strapped to that chair. You doubt he could have gotten out at any point. Let alone returned to stalking Nicole so soon. The thought of him being so brazen, especially after you spoke with him, boggles your mind. You suggest that you make a call to make sure that Javier is still secured. If this is just stress making her see things, then maybe hearing it be confirmed can help her rest a little more easily.</p>
<<if $nicole.choices.stage2 is "police">>
<p>You call Karly and ask her to take a look in the cell to make sure Javier is still there. She seems annoyed to be asked that but the rage in her voice only grows when she reaches the cell.</p>
<<speech "Karly">>WE HAVE A 10-98, PRISON BREAK. I REPEAT, A 10-98<</speech>>
<p>Karly abruptly hangs up. In that moment it sets in that Nicole was right. Javier is back out and is stalking her once again.</p>
<<elseif $nicole.choices.stage2 is "mafia">>
<p>You put a call into your men and tell them to give you an update on Javier. But the answer you receive is not satisfactory. They tell you that he got out. When one of the men went to bring him food, they found the chair empty and the ropes cut. All you can do is shout and angrily demand why you weren’t told as soon as it happened. They reply with excuses and worthless sentiments like they wanted to catch him themselves and not even worry you with the news. But it all means nothing because they haven’t caught him and Nicole was right. Javier is back out and stalking her one again.</p>
<p>You put a call into your security detail and tell them to give you an update on Javier. But the answer you receive is not satisfactory. They tell you that he got out. When one of the men went to bring him food, they found the chair empty and the ropes cut. All you can do is shout and angrily demand why you weren’t told as soon as it happened. The give you excuses about protocol. But none of it matters as all you can think about is that Nicole was right. Javier is out on the streets once again, clearly already back to stalking her.</p>
<p>You sick back beside Nicole and tell her that she isn’t going crazy. You apologize for having to tell her that Javier did escape. But you offer her your home to stay at in the mean time until you can solve this for good. She struggles to hold back tears. Somehow knowing that she wasn’t seeing things, makes her feel better. As if having someone to blame and to be angry with is helping her overcome the anxiety she is having. Knowing the threat is still out there is easier to focus on than worrying that even with him gone she might still be driven to fear by her trauma.</p>
<<speech "Nicole">>Thank you so much, $mc.name. You are doing so much for me. You’re too kind<</speech>>
<p>On the way to your bedroom you tell her to think nothing of it. You get her set up in your room. Saying that she can think of it as her room until Javier is dealt with.</p>
<<speech "Nicole">>Oh goodness I couldn’t put you out like that<</speech>>
<p>You assure her that it isn’t a problem. Her comfort and safety are what is important right now.</p>
<<speech "Nicole">>You can at least share the bed with me. It’s so big. I’d absolutely hate to see you on the couch when there is so much room. Plus, I think I’d like to thank you properly for being so hospitable. Why don’t you give me a moment to get changed<</speech>>
[[You leave for a moment|Nicole Stage 3][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $neera.bedroom && $claus.bedroom && !$neera.bea_threesome>>
<p>As you enter the hallways you hear the rumblings of an argument brewing between two of your girls. You head down to see Neera and Bea snipping at each other. Each word getting louder and louder than the last. It takes a moment for you to realize what they are arguing about, since currently all they are slinging are insults. But eventually you discern that Bea is angry with Neera to using up a lot of her shampoo without asking.</p>
<<speech "Neera">>What on earth is your problem? I used some shampoo. Just buy more<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>That isn’t the point! It’s very naughty to take what doesn’t belong to you. You didn’t even ask!<</speech>>
<<speech "Neera">>Aren’t you all about being all cheerful and giving? How about you be cheerful that you gave me some shampoo<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>I give things to nice people that deserve it. Not naughty little whores who think they own the world<</speech>>
<p>You step in between them before things escalate any further. You tell them that they need to separate and cool down. Bea takes a deep breath and goes to her bedroom. Neera goes as well, but with a huff instead of a calming breath. You need to talk to both of them separately. Try to figure out what is going on here and maybe find a solution where they are both happy. Neera’s room is the closest, so you start there. Walking in and seeing her laying on her bed, looking indignant and annoyed. You tell her that she need to tell you what happened and why she used Bea’s shampoo.</p>
<<speech "Neera">>Oh Jesus Christ I used some shampoo. Why is this such a huge issue?<</speech>>
<p>You explain to Neera that she would probably not like it if Bea or someone else used her stuff without asking. An argument that clearly does not sway her in the slightest.</p>
<<speech "Neera">>I didn’t take her dress and wear it out. I didn’t eat her last yogurt. I used, a bit of shampoo. I didn’t even use the last of it. There was still some left in the bottle. Whatever, I’ll just pay for it<</speech>>
<p>You say that she doesn’t seem like she is getting the point of why what she did was wrong. But you can at least say that you’re happy that she knows what the right thing to do is. You tell her that in the future she should just ask. Living in the same house can cause strife. So being amenable makes things better for everyone involved. As she listens to you talk though, an odd look develops in her eye. A sultry and hungry type of look.</p>
<<speech "Neera">>I can be amenable. Especially when you take charge like that<</speech>>
<p>Neera seems to like you taking charge. She must be learning pretty well how to handle being in a subservient position. You aren’t one to let an opportunity pass you by. So you stand up and tell her that she needs to apologize to you now for making you have to deal with this mess in the first place. An order she clearly is excited to follow through on as she pulls your cock out and wraps her lips around it. Sucking you off from the bed as she looks up into your eyes.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/neera/beathreesome/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[You need to check on Bea too|Neera & Bea Threesome][$scene to 0; $neera.gallery[17] to 1; $claus.gallery[27] to 1]]<<addmins 12>>
<<elseif $irene.questmain is 2 && $irene.trust gte 20 && $irene.corr gte 10>>
<p>You are barely home for long enough to take off your coat and get comfortable before you hear a knock at your front door. You head to the door and look out the peep hole to see Irene standing on the other side looking somewhat nervous. You pull the door open and greet her, inviting her in. She walks past you quickly, as if she doesn’t want to be seen here. You close the door behind her and lead her to your living room. You both sit on the couch as you ask her what you owe the visit to.</p>
<<speech "Irene">>I try to be a patient woman, $mc.name. But after twenty years of marriage, I’m a little sick and tired of waiting. You have been fooling around with my daughter, and even after dropping hints that I am interested as well you aren’t making any moves on me. I know you’re just some college playboy looking for his next screw. Am I too old? Am I not hot enough to be your next conquest?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wider and wider with almost every word that comes out of her mouth. You shrug off and completely dispel any notion that she is too old or not attractive enough for you. You answer her main question though, by explaining that you were convinced that she had a rather low opinion of you. And you didn’t have any intention of making that worse by proving her right and making a move on her.</p>
<<speech "Irene">>Of course I have a low opinion of you. You fuck my daughter, and don’t seem to have any plans to marry her. And I could forgive that. But I’d expect you to at least fuck me too! I mean hell, what is the point in moving to this city if I can’t benefit from my daughter’s whore phase? Why else would a newly single mother be cramping her daughter’s style like that?<</speech>>
<p>She sounds so genuine in what she is saying but you can tell just by looking at her that there is still something she is hiding from you. It’s almost enough to make you think twice about continuing this conversation. But then you give her body a nice long look and realize that you don’t see much of any downside to fucking her. She’s single, and it isn’t like she will say anything less flattering to Jade about you than what she has already been saying.</p>
<p>So you tell her that sure, if she wants to fool around, then you are absolutely interested. You even go so far as to stand up and start undressing. Something that she recoils at. You aren’t sure if it is out of shock, or second thoughts, but she clearly has a moment where she seems to not at all be interested.</p>
<<speech "Irene">>Oh um, right now? Oh okay, yeah! Let’s do this!<</speech>>
<p>She tries to sound confident as she stands up and starts undressing as well. But she is still acting very awkward. The thought comes to you that maybe she is just out of practice, not having spent much time doing this sort of thing in quite a while. But she still pushes herself forward. Slipping her clothes off and helping you take yours off as well.</p>
[[Bend her over the couch|Irene Stage 3][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $laney.questmain is 2 && $karly.questmain gte 2 && $laney.corr gte 15 && ["Saturday","Sunday"].includes($daycheck) && isDateBetween($gameDate,'15:00','23:59')>>
<p>You head inside your home and slump down on the couch. You lay your head back, happy to get some rest. Only for it to be disturbed immediately by the sound of your doorbell ringing. You grumble to yourself as you get back up from your seat and head to the door. Opening it to see Officer Briggs standing on the other side of it. Laney looks embarrassed and apologetic as she stands there.</p>
<<speech "Laney">>Hey, $mc.name. I uh, I really just wanted to come apologize. I know I messed up with Karly I saw how she chewed you out and I feel like it’s my fault. I gave you the idea for the gift after all<</speech>>
<p>You invite her in. As she steps in and follows you to the living room you tell her that she doesn’t need to worry about that. You were the one to ask and then follow her advice. It’s not on her. You’re actions are your own.</p>
<<speech "Laney">>I know, I know! But, I don’t know, it was still my idea. I’m not gonna act like I didn’t play a role. And, I know that I can make it up to you. So I’m gonna make sure I do that<</speech>>
<p>You assure her that it really isn’t necessary. But the look of determination on her face says she is dead set on making it up to you. So you eventually relent. Asking her what she had in mind.</p>
<<speech "Laney">>Well I wasn’t really too sure about how to go about it at first. But I thought and thought, and I realized that I messed up and made you lose out on the joy of seeing Karly smile and be happy about her gift. So I’m gonna give something up to you. My pussy!<</speech>>
<p>Hearing that changes your turn quite a bit. You tell Laney that if she really wants to do this for you then you will gladly accept. She sees right through your feigned sacrificial attitude, rolling her eyes at you. She pushes you back onto the couch and begins to undress in front of you. You undress as well, taking your cock out. She does a little dance for you, showing off her sculpted ass and perky tits before turning around and sitting down on your lap. She slides your cock inside her and starts bouncing, riding you on the couch, and getting her pussy filled.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/laney/stage3/revcowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|Laney Stage 3]]
<<elseif $mira.questmain is 3.2 && $mira.dadCaught && ($laney.questmain gte 4 || $law.mafia.assaultedPolice)>>
<p>Your phone dings as you receive a text. You pull it out of your pocket and see that Mira has texted you. It’s somewhat surprising, considering when you last saw her she was getting chewed out by her father to an extent that you would never believe she would still be allowed access to her phone. But the text itself explains the situation, and answers that question for you.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>Can’t talk long. Snuck into dad’s room and got phone. Grounded till I graduate. Don’t reply, hope to talk soon<</speech>>
<p>You read it over a couple times and get what she is saying. You doubt it will be easy to see her at all until she graduates. There’s no way you can just go back to her house to study. And you doubt you’ll see her in the cafeteria any time soon either. The whole situation was a huge fuck up. Even if it was a lot of fun. But this isn’t going to deter you. Now that Mr. Inoue knows you’re fooling around with his daughter, you need to just one thing to try and knock him down a peg. You need to make him realize that he can’t stop you. Then, you hope, he will learn that being such a cantankerous person does more harm than good. But if not, you’ll still get some revenge either way. Especially after what he said about you and your family.</p>
<p>You take a seat on your couch and turn on the TV. Spending the time contemplating what you could do to get to spend some time with Mira. You need a way to keep Mr. Inoue busy and distracted while you get Mari alone and have some fun with her. And that is when a show comes on that gives you an idea. The show is nothing special, just the most recent procedural cop drama. But being reminded of the police makes you realize that you have the perfect way to keep Mr. Inoue distracted. You pull out your phone and call in a favor. After that, you head right to Mira’s house to set your plan in motion.</p>
[[You arrive at the Borough|Mira Stage 4 Caught][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 24>>
<<elseif $mira.questmain is 3.2 && !$mira.dadCaught>>
<p>Your phone dings as you receive a text. You pull it out of your pocket and see that Mira has texted you. After helping her back into her room, following your late night escapades, you knew it was only going to be a matter of time before she got back in touch with you. But you aren’t particularly happy about what she says to you.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>I think my dad knows that I snuck out. He can’t prove it so he hasn’t said anything. But he has been extra strict with me lately. He even did a bed check last night! I don’t think I can sneak out again any time soon<</speech>>
<p>Every time you hear more about this man it makes your opinion of him even worse. And considering how low it is already, it’s starting to become impressive just how good he is at pissing you off. But you aren’t going to let this get in the way. This has become something of a war. He insulted your family, and it’s time to show him how much he failed to make his the perfect family that he is working for. If you can’t help her sneak out, you’ll just have to sneak in instead. You head over to the borough, and park about a block away to not arouse suspicion. Then you follow the same path through bushes and hedges into their back yard that you followed when you brought Mira back home in the past. You’re a better climber than she is, so you are able to scale the side of the home by way of the gutter. You climb onto her window ledge and gently slide it open. She yelps in surprise but when she sees your head popping into view she quiets herself to a whisper.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>What the hell are you doing? Do you have a death wish?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle and say no, asking her to give you a hand climbing in. She grabs onto your hand and pulls you up through the window. You climb in as silently as you are able. And once you are in, Mira hits you on your arm.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>Now tell me why you’re here!<</speech>>
<p>You bluntly answer that you came to fuck her. Explaining that since she can’t sneak out. You decided to sneak in and have a little fun with her.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>You really drove all the way here just to fuck me? I don’t know if that’s sweet or stupid<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and say you’re fine if it’s a little bit of both. You then urge her to hurry, because you don’t want to get caught. Of course, getting caught might not be the worst thing after all. Mr. Inoue seeing his daughter on your cock would certainly be a powerful revenge.</p>
[[Mira undressed and gets to work|Mira Stage 4 Not caught][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 30>>
<<Highlight "House">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<div @class="_desk1">[img[_deskParams.img][Desk]]<div @class="_desk2"></div><p>_deskParams.name</p></div>
<a data-passage="Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mcbedroom1">[img[_bedroomParams.img]]<div @class="_mcbedroom2"></div><p>_bedroomParams.name</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits _bedroomParams.loc>></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="livingroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_living1">[img[_livingParams.img]]<div @class="_living2"></div><p>_livingParams.name</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits _livingParams.loc>></div></div></a>
<<if $targetHouse is "First home">>
<a data-passage="Start up Office" data-setter="$origin to 1" class="link-internal"><div @class="_startupoffice1">[img["ressources/img/home/homeoffice.webp"]]<div @class="_startupoffice2"></div><p>Home office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<if $startup.level is 1>><<LocationPortraits "Startup office" "Office buffet">><</if>></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Sister Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_sisbedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/sisbedroom.webp"]]<div @class="_sisbedroom2"></div><p>Sister bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Sis's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="mombedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mombedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/mombedroom.webp"]]<div @class="_mombedroom2"></div><p>Mom bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mom's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $kori.house is "First home">><a data-passage="koribedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_koribedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/koribedroom.webp"]]<div @class="_koribedroom2"></div><p>Kori's bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Kori's new bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft" || $targetHouse is "Mansion">>
<a data-passage="Extra bedrooms" class="link-internal"><div @class="_extrabedrooms1">[img[_exbP.img]]<div @class="_extrabedrooms2"></div><p>_exbP.name</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Extra bedrooms" _exbP.loc+1 _exbP.loc+2 _exbP.loc+3 _exbP.loc+4 _exbP.loc+5 _exbP.loc+6 _exbP.loc+7 _exbP.loc+8 _exbP.loc+9 _exbP.loc+10 _exbP.loc+11 _exbP.loc+12 _exbP.loc+13 _exbP.loc+14 _exbP.loc+15 _exbP.loc+16 _exbP.loc+17 _exbP.loc+18 _exbP.loc+19 _exbP.loc+20 _exbP.loc+21 _exbP.loc+22 _exbP.loc+23 _exbP.loc+24 _exbP.loc+25 _exbP.loc+26 _exbP.loc+27 _exbP.loc+28 _exbP.loc+29 _exbP.loc+30>></div></div></a>
<<if ($kori.house is "Mansion" && $targetHouse is "Mansion") || ($kori.house is "Loft" && $targetHouse is "Loft")>><a data-passage="koribedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_koribedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/koribedroom.webp"]]<div @class="_koribedroom2"></div><p>Kori's bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Kori's new bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<a data-passage="Kitchen" class="link-internal"><div @class="_kitchen1">[img[_kitchenParams.img]]<div @class="_kitchen2"></div><p>_kitchenParams.name</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits _kitchenParams.loc>></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Bathroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_bath1">[img[_bathParams.img]]<div @class="_bath2"></div><p>_bathParams.name</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits _bathParams.loc>></div></div></a>
<<if ($targetHouse is "First home" && !$housing.mansion.dungeon) || ($targetHouse is "Mansion" && $housing.mansion.dungeon)>><<if $quest.basement gte 5>><a data-passage="Basement" class="link-internal"><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basementclean.webp"]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<if $alice.loc is "Sex dungeon">><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img[`ressources/profilpictures${_od}/alice.webp`]]</div><</if>><<if $claus.loc is "Bea's dungeon bedroom">><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img[`ressources/profilpictures${_od}/claus.webp`]]</div><</if>><<if $eris.loc is "Eris's dungeon bedroom">><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img[`ressources/profilpictures${_od}/eris.webp`]]</div><</if>></div></div></a><<elseif $quest.basement > 1>><a data-passage="Basement" class="link-internal"><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basementclean.webp"]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p></div></a><<elseif $quest.basement > 0>><a data-passage="Basement" class="link-internal"><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basement.webp"]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p></div></a><</if>><</if>>
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion" && $housing.mansion.pool>><a data-passage="Mansion's pool" data-setter="$step to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mansion/pool.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Pool</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mansion's pool">></div></div></a><</if>><<ChristmasCheck>>
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>><a data-passage="City Map" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div></a><<else>><a data-passage="City Map" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div></a><</if>>
<<addclass "body" $houseBgThis>>
<h2 style="color: #848ed8;font-family: 'Raleway',sans-serif;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 800;line-height: 50px;margin: 0 0 24px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;">TIPS:</h2>
<h3>While you play the following stats will be raised based on your actions and choices. They are important for various actions and some women will only like you if you have high enough stats in a certain category. Your stats are…</h3><p><span class="int stat">Intelligence: $mc.int</span>
<span class="str stat">Strength: $mc.str</span>
<span class="char stat">Endurance: $mc.end</span>
<span class="char stat">Charisma: $mc.charisma</span>
<span class="porn stat">Porn Addiction: $mc.porn</span>
<span class="sex stat">Sexual Experience: $mc.seXP</span>
<span class="friends stat">Number of Friends: $mc.friends</span></p>
<p class="hint">In addition, each girl you meet along your journey will be influenced by one or more of the following three stats. Trust, Corruption, and Interest. Every girl is affected by the trust stat. Spend time with them, and show them you can be relied on to raise their trust in you. Trust is the main stat for most content with the girls. Corruption is a secondary stat for most girls relating to how many kinky and sexual thoughts you give them. Its primary purpose is accessing some of the more kinky and taboo content available with these women. Interest is a special stat that a select few women have. They are women of power and comfortable with their sexuality already, and thus are not so easily corrupted. Their interest in you will determine how willing they are in the bedroom with you</p>
<p class="hint">And finally, as you progress in the game, jobs and career paths will present themselves to you. You may try to juggle a job and school, or you can ignore school altogether! But bare in mind, ignoring a path will have consequences</p>
<button id="backgroundbutton" class="large button green">[[Let's go|Tutorial][$walkAppClicked to 0]]</button>
<<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>>
<<if $nicole.questmain is 1.1>><<set $nicole.questmain to 1.2>>
<p>You begin to rack your brain on how you might catch someone stalking Nicole. To be honest, you can’t even say with one hundred percent certainty that you actually saw someone hiding out in those bushes. But considering why she moved here to begin with, you see why Nicole wouldn’t want to take any chances. You wouldn’t either in her position. As you’re thinking though, a call comes in. You pull out your phone and see that Mikaela is calling. You answer and greet her, asking her what’s up as you do.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Javier is back.<</speech>>
<<if $mikaela.slave>>
<p>Three words yet they carry such an ominous weight to them that you can’t help but feel some concern. Javier disappeared after you enslaved Mikaela. Rightly so. No one would expect a man to stick around when he’s so emasculated as to sit back and watch his wife willingly give up her own freedom for the sake of another man’s pleasure. Obviously, you don’t consider a man like that to be any sort of threat to you. But hearing Mikaela say that he is back so plainly does make you feel a bit perturbed.</p>
<p>Three words yet they carry such an ominous weight to them that you can’t help but feel some concern. The last time you saw Javier he was in the middle of a weak and petulant tantrum about the fact that his wife is no longer his. You don’t consider him to be much of a threat to you. But hearing Mikaela say that he is back so plainly does make you feel a bit perturbed.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>He came by my home and picked up some of his old things. I don’t think he was even here for me<</speech>>
<p>The sounds a little relieving. He left so quickly that it makes sense that he might have forgotten something in the process. You ask her what he picked up out of curiosity.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>A part of binoculars, walkie talkies, his old telescope, and a Bluetooth microphone<</speech>>
<p>As you listen, you realize that all of the stuff he picked up seems to be a lot like surveillance equipment. You have an epiphany and realize that Javier suddenly returning and picking up that sort of stuff, just as Nicole moves to the city and has an issue with a stalker, seems like too much of a coincidence to discount. You presume that Javier seems like the prime suspect for who is stalking Nicole. You ask Mikaela if Javier ever exhibited that sort of behavior before.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Stalking? I guess you could call it that. Javier did hover around me a lot before I made him my ladder to the top. I can’t say I would call it stalking though. This was years ago, who knows what he’s capable of these days<</speech>>
<p>You thank Mikaela for the heads up and tell her to stay safe as you hang up the phone. Nothing you have right now constitutes as proof. But you promised Nicole that you would do something about this stalker if you could. So you figure it’s a good idea to go talk to her. Maybe she could give you the last bit of evidence you need to know whether or not Javier is the one stalking her.</p>
[[Bedroom]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $pol.mayor && $romi.questmain is 6>><<set $romi.questmain to 6.2>>
<p>Just as you step beyond the threshold of your bedroom, your phone dings. You sigh, as something interrupts your opportunity to relax. Pulling out your phone you see that you’ve received a text from an unknown number. You assume it is some form of spam messaging at first but when you open the text up you see a picture that sends a chill down your spine. The picture is of Romi, sitting tied to a chair in what appears to be a dank and dark room. As you are looking at it, another text comes in.</p>
<img src="ressources/scene/romi/finale/message.webp" style="all: unset; max-width: 40%;">
<p>Romi must have been making moves behind your back against the women running this city. And now she has gone and gotten herself captured. Going to the park when they tell you might not be the smartest course of action. But at this point you aren’t certain who you can truly trust. You still aren’t completely certain that you can trust Romi. But she has been good to you and helpful so far. So you have to do something.</p>
<<if $law.police.active>>
<p>You could call in a few favors from your fellow officers. Although Liz might catch wind and that could put Romi in more danger. You would need to find someone either naive enough or loyal enough to come with you. If you choose to bring anyone from the station along with you at all. You would just be putting more people in danger after all.</p>
<<elseif $law.mafia.active>>
<p>You’re the head of the largest criminal enterprise in the city. You could get your men together and storm the place if you truly wanted to. Or you could even grab Neera and just go in the two of you, more silently. But going in with a force might put your people, and Romi in danger. The text did say to come alone.</p>
<p>Regardless of what you decide, you have no choice but to head to the park when you can. Romi doesn’t deserve to be chained up. Especially not for the sake of bait to draw you in. You know that when you get there, you will likely have to face off this group of women that you have been working against this entire time. So you should be as prepared as possible before taking that step. But the moment you’re ready, the park awaits.</p>
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 5>><<set $mom.questmain to 6>>
<p>As you walk into your room, you take a seat on your bed and think about how you can get back into your Mother’s good graces. You know deep down that they best course of action for you to take is to become to official man of the house. You need to show her that you can take care of her, and make her feel safe like any good partner should.</p>
<p>First you should sneak into her room at night and take a look at the house bills. If you pay a few of them, that should go a long way towards making you seem dependable. Then, you spend some time cleaning the house. This will help show her how invested in the home you truly are. And finally, you should wow her with some expensive jewelry. To show her that you are willing and able to sweep her off her feet.</p>
<p>Until you do this, you doubt that anything you do with or for your Mom will change her opinion of you. You should get to it soon!</p>
<<elseif $mira.questmain is 2 && $mira.trust gte 15 && $mira.corr gte 10>>
<p>After what happened at her house, you know that there is almost no way in hell that you’ll be able to spend much time with Mira there. The only way you’ll be able to move forward is if you invite her out. So you pull out your phone and text her. Asking her if she thinks that she would be able to come out at some point to hang out with you. It takes a moment before you get a reply. Long enough that you actually begin to worry a bit. But, eventually, your phone dings and you read her response.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>My dad definitely won’t let me out any time soon. But I have an idea. Meet me at the Cock and Bull in two hours<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure how she will be there in two hours if Mr. Inoue isn’t going to let her out. But you figure it can’t hurt to head over and just see if she shows up. Worst case scenario is she doesn’t and she has something to make up for to you.</p>
[[Continue|Bedroom][$mira.questmain to 3.1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $mira.intro && $mira.trust gte 5 && $mira.corr gte 5 && $mira.questmain is 0>>
<p>You’re about to grab a seat on your bed and relax for a bit when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pull it out to see that you got a text. You don’t recognize the number at first, but when they ask if this is $mc.name you tell them that it is. Despite a small nagging feeling that it might not be a good idea to admit that so freely. Considering you don’t know who is on the other side.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>Oh good Kate gave me the right number then. This is Mira<</speech>>
<p>You sigh in a bit of relief. You doubted that it would be too bad for someone to know what number is yours but it still feels nice to actually know who is on the other side. You ask Mira what’s up while you lay down on your bed. Turning the TV on to take a load off. The phone dings again soon after with Mira’s response.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>I wanted you to know that I spoke to my father. I gave him a lame speech about how I want to help you learn Economics properly. So you can come over to my home now so we can ‘study’<</speech>>
<p>You reply to her, saying that that was a smart idea to give the two of you a chance to spend more time together. But, you can’t help but feel like there will be a catch along with this. And you ask her as much.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>Yeah there is one. My father must be present as well. I got him to agree to not hover over us. But he will still be just a room away the entire time. Don’t worry, I know how to get him distracted<</speech>>
<p>You reply to her again, expressing doubts. He hates you enough that you struggle to believe that she would be able to distract him away even if she had something crazy like an explosion to use.</p>
<<speech "Mira">>I think it’s worth a shot if nothing else. My father is relentless but so am I. And here’s some extra motivation if you’re still on the fence<</speech>>
<p>You get a second text right after the last one. One of Mira in her bathroom with her shirt lifted. Her perky tits on display as she lifts her skirt to reveal her lack of underwear.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/mira/stage1/flash.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You watch it over a few times before replying with three simply words. I’ll be there.</p>
''Now you're able to visit Mira at Mr. Inoue's home''
[[Continue|Bedroom][$mira.questmain to 1; $mira.gallery[2] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $candi.bedroom && $karly.bedroom && !$candi.karly_threesome>>
<p>Karly and Candi are both standing together in your bedroom when you walk in. You freeze up a bit, not expecting anyone to be in here at the moment. Even more surprising is that they’re both completely nude. Not that you would ever complain. But it’s hard to not have a quizzical look on your face when something like this happens out of the blue. You ask them both what is going on. They look at each other and smile before turning back to you.</p>
<<speech "Karly">>We wanted to ask you for something<</speech>>
<<speech "Candi">>And we came to the conclusion that it’s probably better to ask you after you’re too exhausted to argue with us<</speech>>
<<speech "Karly">>So we’re gonna fuck you until you’re too tired to tell us no<</speech>>
<p>You give them both skeptical looks. Partly because you doubt that they would be able to properly fuck you to the point where you can’t say no. But also because if they feel like they have to do that, then they must be asking for something insanely extravagant considering how willingly you spend money on your women. It doesn’t really matter though. Because you aren’t going to turn down a good time. You just have to remember to say no once its all over. You walk over and start to kiss them both. Your hands gliding along their soft and silky bodies. Groping and massaging them all over until they slide down to their knees in front of you. They tug your pants down, letting your cock drop free. Each of them grabbing hold and taking turns pulling it into their mouths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/candi/karlythreesome/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Karly pushes you onto the bed|Candi & Karly Threesome][$scene to 0]]<<addmins 15>>
<<else>><<if $alice.today.interacted is 1>><<set _alicerandomsex to $alice.today.randomsexlow>><<else>><<set _alicerandomsex to $alice.today.randomsexhigh>><</if>>
<<if $claus.bedroom && $dean.bedroom && $claus.gf && $dean.gf && !$claus.alreadyDean>>[[Sleep|Claus and Dean][$scene to 0; $claus.alreadyDean to 1; $claus.gallery[17] to 1; $dean.gallery[18] to 1]]<<elseif $law.mafia.active && $jeannie.questmain is 0 && $jeannie.need gte 100>>[[Sleep|Jeannie Stage 1][$scene to 0; $jeannie.questmain to 1; $jeannie.gallery[4] to 1]]<<elseif $powers.questmain is 4 && $powers.trust gte 25>>[[Sleep|powersmainquest4][$scene to 0; $powers.questmain to 5; $powers.gallery[6] to 1]]<<elseif $dean.questmain is 4 && $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.trust gte 20>>[[Sleep|deanmainquest4 sub][$scene to 0; $dean.questmain to 5]]<<elseif $alice.slave && $alice.house is "First home" && _alicerandomsex gt 80>>[[Sleep|Sleep Alice Slave][$choice to 0]]<<set $passageGift to passage()>><<else>>[[Sleep|Dream][$sleepOrigin to "house"]]<</if>>
<<ChristmasCheck>><<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat) && $christmas.part2 is 1 && !$claus.completed2>>
<span class="christmas-link">[[Mrs. Claus is here|Claus Main 2][$action to 0]]</span>
<<if $anniversary.active is 1 && $anniversary.guests.cousin && $cousin.loc.includes("bedroom")>>
<span class="golden-link">[[Celebrate with your Cousin|Anniversary Cousin]]</span>
<<if $dean.gf && $dean.bedroom && ($claus.gf || $claus.slave) && $claus.bedroom>>
[[Find your lovers Tabitha and Bea to share in the fun|Dean and Claus][$scene to 0; $dean.gallery[17] to 1; $claus.gallery[13] to 1]]
<<if $days is "Monday" && $has.pocketmoney is 0>><<set $money += 100>><<set $has.pocketmoney to 1>><<elseif $days isnot "Monday">><<set $has.pocketmoney to 0>><</if>>
<<timed 0.2s>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:59') && ( (($gameversion is 79.3 || $gameversion is 90 || $gameversion is 113 || $gameversion is 114) && $anniversary.active is 0) || ($anniversary.cheat is 1) )>><span class="golden-link"><<if $mom.questmain gte 10 && $sis.questmain gte 10 && $aunt.questmain gte 5 && $cousin.questmain gte 6 && $grandma.questmain gte 7 && $lucy.questmain gte 5 && $erika.questmain gte 4 && $missy.progress gte 5 && $powers.questmain gte 5>>[[Anniversary Event|Anniversary Event Intro][$anniversary.active to 1; $anniversary.allGuests to 1; $anniversary.cheat to 0]]<<else>>[[Anniversary Event|Anniversary Event Warning][$anniversary.active to 1]]<</if>></span><br><</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 0.2s>><<if $hschool.metStudents gte 1 && $steph.questmain is 0 && $steph.trust gte 5 && $steph.corr gte 5>>[[Consider seducing Steph|Steph Stage 1 Warning]]<br><</if>><</timed>>
<<timed 0.2s>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>
<<if $startup.level is 1>>
[[Get ready and head to the office|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 1]]<br>
[[Get ready and head to the office|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 2]]<br>
<</if>><<if $hschool.employee is 1>>
[[Get ready and head to the High school|High School][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
[[Get your backpack and head to the University|University][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
<<if $law.police.active>>
[[Get ready and head to the Police station|Police station][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
<<if $law.mafia.active>>
[[Get ready and head to the Casino|Hideout][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
<<if $pol.mayor>>
[[Get ready and head to the City hall|City hall][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
<<elseif $pol.active>>
[[Get ready and head to the Campaign HQ|Campaign HQ][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<br>
<<timed 0.2s>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $startup.active is 1 && $sis.slave>>
<<if $startup.level is 1>>
[[Bring your slave sister to work with you|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 1; $sis.slaveOffice to 1]]
[[Bring your slave sister to work with you|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 2; $sis.slaveOffice to 1]]
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div class="gallery girlcircle-cont">
<<if $mom.bedroom && ( ($mom.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($mom.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>momtext = "Your mom's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mom/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Mom]]<br>
<<if $sis.bedroom && ( ($sis.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sis.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>sistext = "Your sis's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sasha/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Sis]]<br>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && ( $cousin.loc is "Your bedroom" || ($cousin.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($cousin.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>cousintext = `Play games with ${SugarCube.State.variables.cousin.name}`</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin" onmouseover="hover(cousintext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/cousin/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Cousin]]<br>
<<if $grandma.slave && ( ($grandma.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($grandma.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>grandmatext = "Your grandma's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma" onmouseover="hover(grandmatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/grandma/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Grandma]]<br>
<<if $jade.slave && ( ($jade.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jade.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jadetext = "Jade's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jade/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Jade]]<br>
<<if $lucy.slave && ( ($lucy.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($lucy.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>lucytext = "Lucy's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/lucy/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Lucy]]<br>
<<if $kate.slave && ( ($kate.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($kate.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>katetext = "Kate's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kate/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Kate]]<br>
<<if $alice.slave && ( ($alice.house is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Your bedroom" && $houseBg is "house") || ($alice.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($alice.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>alicetext = "Alice's on your bed"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/alice/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Alice][$alice.today.interacted to 1]]<br>
<<if $sato.slave && ( ($sato.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sato.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>satotext = "Akira's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sato/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Akira]]<br>
<<if $suki.slave && ( ($suki.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($suki.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>sukitext = "Suki's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_suki" onmouseover="hover(sukitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/suki/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Suki]]<br>
<<if $powers.slave && ( ($powers.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($powers.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>powerstext = "Jessie's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/powers/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Powers]]<br>
<<if $dean.slave && ( ($dean.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($dean.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>deantext = "Dean Graves's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/dean/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Dean]]<br>
<<if $steph.slave && ( ($steph.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($steph.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>stephtext = "Steph's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_steph" onmouseover="hover(stephtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/steph/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Steph]]<br>
<<if $kori.slave && ( ($kori.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($kori.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>koritext = "Kori's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kori" onmouseover="hover(koritext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kori/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Kori]]<br>
<<if $hana.bedroom && ( ($hana.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($hana.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>hanatext = "Hana's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_hana" onmouseover="hover(hanatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/hana/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Hana]]<br>
<<if $jenna.slave || ( $jenna.gf && ( ($hana.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($hana.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") ) )>><<if $jenna.slave>><script>jennatext = "Jenna's restrained in your closet"</script><<else>><script>jennatext = "Jenna's in your bedroom"</script><</if>><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jenna" onmouseover="hover(jennatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jenna/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Jenna]]<br>
<<if $candi.bedroom && ( ($candi.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($candi.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>canditext = "Candi's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_candi" onmouseover="hover(canditext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/candi/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Candi]]<br>
<<if $nicole.questmain is 3 && ( ($nicole.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($nicole.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") || ($nicole.loc is "Your bedroom" && $houseBg is "house") )>><script>nicoletext = "Nicole's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_nicole" onmouseover="hover(nicoletext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/nicole/face.webp"][MC Bedroom Nicole]]<br>
<<if $siorla.slave && ( ($siorla.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($siorla.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>siorlatext = "Siorla's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_siorla" onmouseover="hover(siorlatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/siorla/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Siorla]]<br>
<<if $missy.bedroom && ( ($missy.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($missy.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>missytext = "Missy's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/missy/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Missy]]<br>
<<if $carla.slave && ( ($carla.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($carla.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>carlatext = "Carla's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/carla/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Carla]]<br>
<<if $abigail.bedroom && ( ($abigail.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($abigail.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>abigailtext = "Abigail's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/abigail/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Abigail]]<br>
<<if $tammy.slave && ( ($tammy.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tammy.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tammytext = "Tammy's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tammy/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Tammy]]<br>
<<if $erika.slave && ( ($erika.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($erika.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>erikatext = "Erika's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/erika/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Erika]]<br>
<<if $tiffany.bedroom && ( ($tiffany.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tiffany.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tiffanytext = "Tiffany's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tiffany/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Tiffany]]<br>
<<if $liz.slave && ( ($liz.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($liz.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>liztext = "Liz's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_liz" onmouseover="hover(liztext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/liz/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Liz]]<br>
<<if $karly.slave && ( ($karly.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($karly.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>karlytext = "Karly's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_karly" onmouseover="hover(karlytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/karly/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Karly]]<br>
<<if $neera.slave && ( ($neera.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($neera.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>neeratext = "Neera's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_neera" onmouseover="hover(neeratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/neera/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Neera]]<br>
<<if $jeannie.slave && ( ($jeannie.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jeannie.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jeannietext = "Jeannie's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jeannie" onmouseover="hover(jeannietext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jeannie/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Jeannie]]<br>
<<if $sera.gf && ( ($sera.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sera.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>seratext = "Sera's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sera" onmouseover="hover(seratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sera/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Sera]]<br>
<<if $claus.slave && ( ($claus.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($claus.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>claustext = "Bea Claus's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_claus" onmouseover="hover(claustext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/claus/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Claus]]<br>
<<if $eris.slave && ( ($eris.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($eris.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>eristext = "Eris's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_eris" onmouseover="hover(eristext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/eris/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Eris]]<br>
<<if $romi.gf && ( ($romi.loc is "Loft's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($romi.loc is "Mansion's master bedroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>romitext = "Romi's in your bedroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_romi" onmouseover="hover(romitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/romi/face.webp`][MC Bedroom Romi]]<br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
[[Go out|House]]
<</if>><<set _bg to 'mcbedroom-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>><<set $wokeUp to 0>><<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>>
<<if !$influencer.equipmentSetup && $influencer.equipment.camera>>
<p>You clear some space on your desk and start unpacking your new gear. You set up the lights and the computer next. Once they are in place and working, you hook the camera up and tweak the settings until every picture and video comes out well lit and crisp. You smile at your set up, proud of it and happy with how simple it was to put it all together. You’ll have to remember to thank Alfie for making it so simple for you. Now that it’s all set up, you can get this $influencer.platform channel up and running! You just need to return here to your computer to start making content whenever you’re ready.</p>
[[Continue|House][$influencer.equipmentSetup to 1]]
<<if $mom.questmain is 7 && $has.paidbills is 0>>
[[Pay the bills ($1000)|paybills]]
<<if $influencer.equipmentSetup>>
[[Create influencer content|Influencer Content][$choice to 0]]
<<if $bria.chosen || $anastasia.chosen || $rose.chosen>>
[[Manage your Influencers|Influencer Girls][$choice to 0]]
<<if $has.study is 0 && $school.degree isnot "doctorate">>
<a data-passage="Study" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-book"></i> Study</a>
<<elseif $school.degree isnot "doctorate">>
<p class="hint">You already studied today</p>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '19:59') || $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday") && $sis.homework is 1>>
<<if $sis.slave lt 1>>
[[Help your sister to study|sisterstudy]]
[[Punish your slave|sis slave punish][$sis.gallery[23] to 1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '19:59') && $school.degree isnot "doctorate">>
<<if ($homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 0 && $teacher.questmain isnot 3) || $teacher.questmain is 2>>
<a data-passage="Homework Chemistry" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-atom"></i> Do your Chemistry homework</a>
<<if $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 0>>
<a data-passage="Homework Economics" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-search-dollar"></i> Do your Economics homework</a>
<<if $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 0>>
<a data-passage="Homework Japanese" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-language"></i> Do your Japanese homework</a>
<<if $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 0>>
<a data-passage="Homework Math" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-calculator"></i> Do your Maths homework</a>
<a data-passage="WatchPorn" data-setter="$has.porn to 1; $mc.porn += 1" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-hand-holding-water"></i> Porn</a>
<<if ($housing.loft.own && $housing.loft.totalRooms < $housing.loft.maxRooms) || ($housing.mansion.own && ($housing.mansion.totalRooms < $housing.mansion.maxRooms || !$housing.mansion.pool) )>>
<a data-passage="Housing upgrades" data-setter="$prevpassage to passage(); $choice to 0" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-angle-double-up"></i> Upgrade a house</a>
<a data-passage="Rename Family" class="link-internal"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i> Rename your family members</a>
[[Go back|House]]
<</if>><<set _bg to 'desk-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>><<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>>
<<nobr>><<set _bathRan to random(1,100)>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $mom.trust gte 10>><<set $mom.questmain to 4>>
<p>You decide that you should get a shower before dinner. So you grab a towel from your room and head down the hall towards the bathroom. The door is slightly ajar, so you assume the bathroom is empty and you walk right in. Although, the second you push the door open, you realize that you were very wrong. Your Mother is standing there in the center of the room undressing. She pulls her bra and panties off right before your eyes and you can do nothing but stare in awe.</p>
<p>You keep staring until she inevitably notices you. She turns to face you, shock on her face as she sees you there gawking at her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$mc.name! What are you doing! I’m not dressed!<</speech>>
[[Apologize|mommainquest3][$stage to 0; $mom.gallery[0] to 1]]
<<if $mc.dom gte 5>>
[[Command her to continue|mommainquest3][$stage to 1; $mom.gallery[1] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 4>><<set $sis.questmain to 5>>
<p>You approach the bathroom door and listen for $sis.name inside. The moment you hear the water running you carefully and quietly unlock the door, hoping that this way, she will simply think that she accidentally left it unlocked. Once the door is unlocked you strip down to pretend like you were headed into the shower yourself. You open the door and step inside instantly getting a great view of your fully nude Sister.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>$mc.name! What the fuck! What are yo-<</speech>>
<p>She trails off as her gaze lists down towards you huge cock hanging between your legs. The two of you stare at each other for quite a while before either of you move or speak. Eventually is it $sis.name who breaks the silence.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I uh… I think you should leave<</speech>>
<p>She sounded very non committal in the way she said that, but you agreed with her regardless. You saw what you came here to see. Your Sister’s cute little tits and tight ass. And you can’t wait to get your hands on both.</p>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 1 && $sis.trust gte 10>><<set $sis.questmain to 2>>
<p>You head towards the bathroom to take a quick shower only to find that the door is locked. You hear the shower running and realize that $sis.name must be in there. You jiggle the handle a little to see if you can open it but it is definitely locked. You notice the key hole on the outside and wonder if your Mom has a key somewhere in her room. You might be able to get a good peak at $sis.name one day if you can find one. In the meantime you leave, needing to wait your turn.</p>
<<elseif ( ($aunt.bedroom && $aunt.loc.includes("bathroom")) || ($dean.gf && $dean.loc.includes("bathroom")) || ($cousin.bedroom && $cousin.loc.includes("bathroom")) || ($abigail.gf && $abigail.loc.includes("bathroom")) ) && _bathRan gte 80>>
<<set _NumberOfConditions to [1,2,3,4]>>
<<ShuffleArray _NumberOfConditions>>
<<set _orderToUse to _shuffArr>>
<<set _alreadyCase to false>>
<<for _idx to 0; _idx < _orderToUse.length; _idx++>>
<<if !_alreadyCase>>
<<switch _orderToUse[_idx]>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $aunt.bedroom && $aunt.loc.includes("bathroom")>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<if $aunt.gf>>
<p>You hear the shower running as you pass by the bathroom door and decide to head in and take a peak of whoever is in there at the moment. Once inside you see the familiar blonde locks of your Aunt $aunt.name. You step closer, making your presence known to her by complimenting her figure. Adding that the only negative is that soap is covering some of it up.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $aunt.name>>Well enjoy the sight $mc.name. I won’t be long if you’d like to meet up in my bedroom for some fun<</speech>>
<p>You saw your slave Aunt head into the bathroom. Soon after you hear the shower running. You aren’t going to pass up an opportunity for a show so you head in and pull the shower curtain open. The sudden action startles $aunt.name but she calms down once she sees that it’s you on the other side. She wiggles her ass for you, knowing that you’re hear to watch her.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $aunt.name>>Lovely to see you $aunt.title. I hope to see you in my room later as well<</speech>>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $dean.gf && $dean.loc.includes("bathroom")>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You step into the bathroom and see that your lover Tabitha is enjoying a bath. She seems to have forgotten to lock the door. And but the look on her face as she sees you enter, you can tell that this was intentional. She rubs soap and water over her huge breasts, checking to make sure you’re watching now and then. She puts her arms together underneath her tits to push them forward enticingly. Clearly tempting you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/events2/bath/dean.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You walk over and give her a kiss. Breaking from it only to tell her that she should expect a visit to her bedroom before long. Something she seems very pleased to hear you say.</p>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $cousin.bedroom && $cousin.loc.includes("bathroom")>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You enter the bathroom and see $cousin.name getting undressed to get into the shower. She doesn’t stop as you enter though. She has long since been comfortable with you seeing her naked. And everyone else in the house for that matter. She looks at you seductively as she turns the water on and gets in. She soaps up her tits to tease and entice you. And you gladly take the chance to slide your cock between those big soft fuck pillows.</p>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $abigail.gf && $abigail.loc.includes("bathroom")>>
<<addhours 1>>
<p>You hear the water running and walk into the bathroom to see your girlfriend Abi getting washed under the stream of the shower. Her hands glide along her big ass and round tits. She sees you watching and decides to turn and give you a show. Teasing you and getting a shower, she always does like to get two things done at once.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/events2/bath/abigail.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set _alreadyCase to true>>
<<if $hschool.active is 0 && $school.degree isnot "" && ($sis.slave || $sis.questmain gte 10) && ["Bathroom", "Loft's bathroom", "Mansion's bathroom"].includes($sis.loc)>>
[[Your sister wants to tell you something|High School Intro]]
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion">>
[[Take a shower|Shower Mansion]]
<<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft">>
[[Take a shower|Shower Loft]]
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div class="gallery girlcircle-cont">
<<if $mom.slave && ( ($mom.loc is "Bathroom" && $houseBg is "house") || ($mom.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($mom.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>momtext = "Your mom's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mom/face.webp`][Bathroom Mom]]<br>
<<if ($sis.slave && ( ($sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $houseBg is "house") || ($sis.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sis.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") ) ) || ($sis.questmain gte 9 && ( ($sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $houseBg is "house") || ($sis.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sis.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") ) ) || ($sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $sis.questmain gte 4)>><script>sistext = `${SugarCube.State.variables.sis.name}'s in the bathroom`</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sasha/face.webp`][Bathroom Sis]]<br>
<<if $jade.slave && ( ($jade.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jade.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jadetext = "Jade's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jade/face.webp`][Bathroom Jade]]<br>
<<if ($kate.slave || $kate.gf) && ( ($kate.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($kate.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>katetext = "Kate's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kate/face.webp`][Bathroom Kate]]<br>
<<if ($lucy.slave || $lucy.gf) && ( ($lucy.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($lucy.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>lucytext = "Lucy's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/lucy/face.webp`][Bathroom Lucy]]<br>
<<if $alice.slave && ( ($alice.house is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Bathroom" && $houseBg is "house") || ($alice.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($alice.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>alicetext = "Alice's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/alice/face.webp`][Bathroom Alice][$alice.today.interacted to 1]]<br>
<<if $teacher.slave && ( ($teacher.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($teacher.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>teachertext = "Carrie Lee's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/teacher/face.webp`][Bathroom Lee]]<br>
<<if $sato.slave && ( ($sato.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sato.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>satotext = "Akira's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sato/face.webp`][Bathroom Akira]]<br>
<<if $suki.slave && ( ($suki.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($suki.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>sukitext = "Suki's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_suki" onmouseover="hover(sukitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/suki/face.webp`][Bathroom Suki]]<br>
<<if $powers.slave && ( ($powers.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($powers.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>powerstext = "Jessie's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/powers/face.webp`][Bathroom Powers]]<br>
<<if $hana.gf && ( ($hana.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($hana.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>hanatext = "Hana's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_hana" onmouseover="hover(hanatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/hana/face.webp`][Bathroom Hana]]<br>
<<if $jenna.gf && ( ($jenna.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jenna.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jennatext = "Jenna's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jenna" onmouseover="hover(jennatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jenna/face.webp`][Bathroom Jenna]]<br>
<<if $candi.slave && ( ($candi.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($candi.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>canditext = "Candi's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_candi" onmouseover="hover(canditext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/candi/face.webp`][Bathroom Candi]]<br>
<<if $siorla.slave && ( ($siorla.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($siorla.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>siorlatext = "Siorla's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_siorla" onmouseover="hover(siorlatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/siorla/face.webp`][Bathroom Siorla]]<br>
<<if $carla.bedroom && ( ($carla.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($carla.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>carlatext = "Carla's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/carla/face.webp`][Bathroom Carla]]<br>
<<if $abigail.bedroom && ( ($abigail.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($abigail.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>abigailtext = "Abigail's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/abigail/face.webp`][Bathroom Abigail]]<br>
<<if $tammy.bedroom && ( ($tammy.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tammy.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tammytext = "Tammy's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tammy/face.webp`][Bathroom Tammy]]<br>
<<if $erika.bedroom && ( ($erika.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($erika.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>erikatext = "Erika's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/erika/face.webp`][Bathroom Erika]]<br>
<<if $mikaela.slave && ( ($mikaela.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($mikaela.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>mikaelatext = "Mikaela's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mikaela/face.webp`][Bathroom Mikaela]]<br>
<<if $tiffany.slave && ( ($tiffany.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tiffany.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tiffanytext = "Tiffany's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tiffany/face.webp`][Bathroom Tiffany]]<br>
<<if ($liz.gf || $liz.slave) && ( ($liz.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($liz.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>liztext = "Liz's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_liz" onmouseover="hover(liztext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/liz/face.webp`][Bathroom Liz]]<br>
<<if $karly.slave && ( ($karly.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($karly.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>karlytext = "Karly's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_karly" onmouseover="hover(karlytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/karly/face.webp`][Bathroom Karly]]<br>
<<if $jeannie.slave && ( ($jeannie.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jeannie.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jeannietext = "Jeannie's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jeannie" onmouseover="hover(jeannietext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jeannie/face.webp`][Bathroom Jeannie]]<br>
<<if $sera.bedroom && ( ($sera.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sera.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>seratext = "Sera's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sera" onmouseover="hover(seratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sera/face.webp`][Bathroom Sera]]<br>
<<if $cynthia.bedroom && ( ($cynthia.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($cynthia.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>cynthiatext = "Cynthia's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_cynthia" onmouseover="hover(cynthiatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/cynthia/face.webp`][Bathroom Cynthia]]<br>
<<if $claus.slave && ( ($claus.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($claus.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>claustext = "Bea Claus's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_claus" onmouseover="hover(claustext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/claus/face.webp`][Bathroom Claus]]<br>
<<if $eris.slave && ( ($eris.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($eris.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>eristext = "Eris's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_eris" onmouseover="hover(eristext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/eris/face.webp`][Bathroom Eris]]<br>
<<if $romi.gf && ( ($romi.loc is "Loft's bathroom" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($romi.loc is "Mansion's bathroom" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>romitext = "Romi's in the bathroom"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_romi" onmouseover="hover(romitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/romi/face.webp`][Bathroom Romi]]<br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
[[Go back|House]]
<</if>><<set _bg to 'bathroom-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>>
<<if $anniversary.active is 1>>
<p class="hint">Today is your birthday! When a guest is here, feel free to party with them</p>
<<if $anniversary.guests.mom && $mom.loc.includes("itchen")>><br><span class="golden-link">[[Celebrate with Mom|Anniversary Mom]]</span><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.aunt && $aunt.loc.includes("itchen")>><br><span class="golden-link">[[Celebrate with your Aunt|Anniversary Aunt][$scene to 0; $aunt.gallery[7] to 1]]</span><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.grandma && $grandma.loc.includes("itchen")>><br><span class="golden-link">[[Celebrate with your Grandma|Anniversary Grandma][$scene to 0; $grandma.gallery[6] to 1]]</span><</if>>
<<if $anniversary.guests.lucy && $lucy.loc.includes("itchen")>><br><span class="golden-link">[[Celebrate with Lucy|Anniversary Lucy][$scene to 0; $lucy.gallery[11] to 1]]</span><</if>>
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Kitchen" && $mom.questmain is 4 && $mom.trust gte 15>><<set $mom.questmain to 5>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen to grab a quick snack and notice your Mom sitting at the kitchen table flipping through a magazine. She is reading a cliche article about multiple ways to please your partner. You grab a quick sandwich and take a seat next to her. You ask her about the article in an effort to strike up a conversation.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh this is more just fun nonsense to read, than it is anything else. Even if this stuff was true I don’t really have man to please anymore<</speech>>
<p>You playfully mention that you are a man, and that you are around all the time.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh really? Very funny sweety, but you know what I mean<</speech>>
<p>You continue to flirt with your Mother. You hint heavily at the idea that you could be the man in her life that she is lacking. You also heavily hint that you want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Even if something so outlandish did happen, these tips are pointless. You don’t need tips on how to please a guy. Cocks aren’t that hard to please<</speech>>
[[Offer to test the tips|mommainquest4][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $mom.gallery[2] to 1]]
<<if $mc.dom gte 7>>
[[Make her show you how easy it is|mommainquest4][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $mom.gallery[3] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 7>><<set $sis.questmain to 8>>
<p>As your whole family sits down to eat, you and your Mother specifically chose to sit on the same side of the table, opposite of $sis.name. $sis.name is clearly suspicious of this, but pays it no mind as you all start eating. You are eventually the one to open up the dialogue, explaining that both you and your Mother agree that she is being irresponsible and needs to start taking her classes more seriously.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I can’t take them seriously. They annoy me, and I hate them. Fuck them<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Well you like money, and shopping. So if you won’t do it for yourself, then you’re gonna do it for that. Until your grades are up, you are cut off. No money, no shopping, nothing<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>What the fuck! That is completely fucking unfair! I can’t believe this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$sis.name we have both had it with your bad attitude! From now on, you have to prove to $mc.name that you have earned your allowance each week. So if you want to have any fun, you better make sure he is happy. Am I understood?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Yeah, loud and clear<</speech>>
<p>$sis.name gives you a knowing look. She can tell exactly what you want from this arrangement. And you think your Mom can too. You don’t care though. As long as you get what you want, you’re happy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Good, Now I’m going to take a shower. When you are done eating $sis.name I expect you to be studying<</speech>>
<p>You Mother stands up and leaves the room. The second she is out of sight, $sis.name slides under the table and crawls between your legs. You look down at her surprised.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>This is what you wanted isn’t it? For me to make you happy? Pervy Twerp<</speech>>
[[She sucks your cock|sismainquest7][$scene to 0; $sis.gallery[3] to 1]]
<<if ["Kitchen", "Loft's kitchen", "Mansion's kitchen"].includes($mom.loc) && $quest.basement is 0 && $day isnot 1>>
[[Mom talks to you about the basement|kitchenbasement][$step to 0]]
<<if $hschool.active is 0 && $school.degree isnot "" && ($sis.slave is 1 || $sis.questmain gte 10) && ["Kitchen", "Loft's kitchen", "Mansion's kitchen"].includes($sis.loc)>>
[[Your sister wants to tell you something|High School Intro]]
<<if $targetHouse is "Mansion">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '11:59') && $has.breakfast is 0>>
<<if $day is 1>>[[Have something to eat|kitchenbasement][$has.breakfast to 1; $step to 0]]<<else>>[[Have something to eat|Breakfast Mansion][$has.breakfast to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '23:59') && $has.dinner is 0 && $quest.basement is 4>>
[[Have something to eat|dinnerbasement][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '23:59') && $has.dinner is 0>>
[[Have something to eat|Dinner Mansion][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<elseif $targetHouse is "Loft">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '11:59') && $has.breakfast is 0>>
<<if $day is 1>>[[Have something to eat|kitchenbasement][$has.breakfast to 1; $step to 0]]<<else>>[[Have something to eat|Breakfast Loft][$has.breakfast to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '23:59') && $has.dinner is 0 && $quest.basement is 4>>
[[Have something to eat|dinnerbasement][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '23:59') && $has.dinner is 0>>
[[Have something to eat|Dinner Loft][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:59') && $has.breakfast is 0>>
<<if $day is 1>>[[Have Breakfast|kitchenbasement][$has.breakfast to 1; $step to 0]]<<else>>[[Have Breakfast|Breakfast][$has.breakfast to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif ($period is 4 or $period is 5) && $has.dinner is 0 && $quest.basement is 4>>
[[Eat with your family|dinnerbasement][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<elseif ($period is 4 or $period is 5) && $has.dinner is 0>>
[[Eat with your family|eatingdinner][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<if $period is 4 or $period is 5 && $has.dishes is 0>>
[[Wash the dishes|washingdishes][$has.dishes to 1]]
<<if $has.dishes is 1 && $has.dinner is 1 && $has.breakfast is 1>>
<p class="hint">You don't feel hungry right now</p>
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div class="gallery girlcircle-cont">
<<if $mom.bedroom && ( ($mom.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($mom.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>momtext = "Mom's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mom/face.webp`][Kitchen Mom]]<br>
<<if $jade.slave && ( ($jade.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jade.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>jadetext = "Jade's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jade/face.webp`][Kitchen Jade]]<br>
<<if $lucy.slave && ( ($lucy.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($lucy.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>lucytext = "Lucy's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/lucy/face.webp`][Kitchen Lucy]]<br>
<<if ($kate.slave || $kate.gf) && ( ($kate.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($kate.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>katetext = "Kate's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kate/face.webp`][Kitchen Kate]]<br>
<<if $alice.slave && ( ($alice.house is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Kitchen" && $houseBg is "house") || ($alice.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($alice.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>alicetext = "Alice seems to be cleaning"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/alice/face.webp`][Kitchen Alice][$alice.today.interacted to 1]]<br>
<<if $teacher.slave && ( ($teacher.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($teacher.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>teachertext = "Carrie Lee's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/teacher/face.webp`][Kitchen Lee]]<br>
<<if $sato.slave && ( ($sato.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sato.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>satotext = "Akira's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sato/face.webp`][Kitchen Akira]]<br>
<<if $suki.slave && ( ($suki.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($suki.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>sukitext = "Suki's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_suki" onmouseover="hover(sukitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/suki/face.webp`][Kitchen Suki]]<br>
<<if $powers.slave && ( ($powers.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($powers.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>powerstext = "Jessie's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/powers/face.webp`][Kitchen Powers]]<br>
<<if $dean.slave && ( ($dean.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($dean.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>deantext = "Dean Graves's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/dean/face.webp`][Kitchen Dean]]<br>
<<if $kori.slave && ( ($kori.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($kori.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>koritext = "Kori's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kori" onmouseover="hover(koritext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kori/face.webp`][Kitchen Kori]]<br>
<<if $candi.gf && ( ($candi.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($candi.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>canditext = "Candi's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_candi" onmouseover="hover(canditext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/candi/face.webp`][Kitchen Candi]]<br>
<<if $missy.gf && ( ($missy.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($missy.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>missytext = "Missy's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/missy/face.webp`][Kitchen Missy]]<br>
<<if $tammy.bedroom && ( ($tammy.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tammy.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tammytext = "Tammy's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tammy/face.webp`][Kitchen Tammy]]<br>
<<if $erika.bedroom && ( ($erika.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($erika.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>erikatext = "Erika's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/erika/face.webp`][Kitchen Erika]]<br>
<<if $mikaela.slave && ( ($mikaela.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($mikaela.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>mikaelatext = "Mikaela's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mikaela/face.webp`][Kitchen Mikaela]]<br>
<<if $tiffany.slave && ( ($tiffany.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($tiffany.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>tiffanytext = "Tiffany's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/tiffany/face.webp`][Kitchen Tiffany]]<br>
<<if ($liz.gf || $liz.slave) && ( ($liz.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($liz.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>liztext = "Liz's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_liz" onmouseover="hover(liztext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/liz/face.webp`][Kitchen Liz]]<br>
<<if $jane.gf && ( ($jane.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($jane.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>janetext = "Jane's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jane" onmouseover="hover(janetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jane/face.webp`][Kitchen Jane]]<br>
<<if $laney.slave && ( ($laney.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($laney.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>laneytext = "Laney's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_laney" onmouseover="hover(laneytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/laney/face.webp`][Kitchen Laney]]<br>
<<if $neera.slave && ( ($neera.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($neera.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>neeratext = "Neera's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_neera" onmouseover="hover(neeratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/neera/face.webp`][Kitchen Neera]]<br>
<<if $sera.bedroom && ( ($sera.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($sera.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>seratext = "Sera's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sera" onmouseover="hover(seratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sera/face.webp`][Kitchen Sera]]<br>
<<if $cynthia.slave && ( ($cynthia.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($cynthia.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>cynthiatext = "Cynthia's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_cynthia" onmouseover="hover(cynthiatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/cynthia/face.webp`][Kitchen Cynthia]]<br>
<<if $claus.slave && ( ($claus.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($claus.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>claustext = "Bea Claus's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_claus" onmouseover="hover(claustext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/claus/face.webp`][Kitchen Claus]]<br>
<<if $eris.slave && ( ($eris.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($eris.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>eristext = "Eris's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_eris" onmouseover="hover(eristext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/eris/face.webp`][Kitchen Eris]]<br>
<<if ($romi.gf || $romi.slave) && ( ($romi.loc is "Loft's kitchen" && $houseBg is "loft") || ($romi.loc is "Mansion's kitchen" && $houseBg is "mansion") )>><script>romitext = "Romi's in the kitchen"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_romi" onmouseover="hover(romitext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/romi/face.webp`][Kitchen Romi]]<br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
[[Back|House]]<<set _bg to 'kitchen-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 6>>[[Softporn]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 10>>[[Lesbian]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 15>>[[Black]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 20>>[[Hardcore]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 25>>[[Gangbang]]<br><</if>>
<<if $mc.porn >= 30>>[[Bukkake]]<br><</if>>
[[Go back|Desk]]<<set _bg to 'desk-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>>
<<if $day isnot 1>>
<<if $day gt 7 && $grandma.questmain is 0>><<set $grandma.questmain to 1>>
<p>You sit down at the breakfast table across from $sis.name. Your Mother is at the stove finishing off cooking some scrambled eggs. You drink some orange juice when there is a knock at the door. You put your drink down, and yawn as you tell your Mother and sister that you will get it. You stand back up and walk to the front door, rather confused as to who would be knocking at the door this early. You pull open the door and are greeted by the sight of your overly well dressed Grandmother $grandma.name.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Don’t you just sit there and stare, $mc.name, invite your Grandma in already<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her and spread your arms wide to hug her as she comes in. She hugs you back tightly, taking the opportunity to feel you up a bit in the process. As she often does. You both pull away and you lead her in towards the kitchen. The moment you walk in with her, $sis.name jumps up and runs over to her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Grandma $grandma.name!<</speech>>
<p>She wraps her arms around $grandma.name’s waist tightly, bouncing a bit as she hugs her. Your Mother turns around, pulling the eggs off the heat. She walks over to the table and smiles warmly at her adoptive mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey Mom, take a seat I’ll get you some coffee<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Thanks $mom.name. Two creams, two sugars. You know how I like it. Now, how are my grandchildren?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I’m good Grandma $grandma.name! I’m a senior now! I’m so close to being done with highschool I can’t wait!<</speech>>
<p>You wait until $sis.name is finished, then you fill $grandma.name in on what you have been up to as well. She listens intently, even though your words trail off here and there. Half because you just woke up, and half because of the large amount of cleavage her shirt is showing.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Oh I’m so proud of you both! You raised these two right, $mom.name. To bad their fathers aren’t around to see it<</speech>>
<p>$grandma.name pinches both your and $sis.name’s cheeks lovingly. There is a pregnant pause for a moment as you think about your dad. Your sister likely is thinking about hers as well. But once Mom puts the huge plate of eggs down on the table you both scoop some onto your plate and start to chow down.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Oh, $mc.name, since I’m here I was hoping I could get your help with something. My garage door has been acting weird. Do you think you could come over today and see if you can fix it?<</speech>>
<p>She gently and sensually caresses your arm as the two of you talk. She is giving you an oddly sensual look as she asks you. You tell her that you would love to give her a hand. She smiles almost triumphantly before turning to your Mother.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $grandma.name>>Now that that is settled why don’t you and I go shopping, $mom.name? I have been looking to update my wardrobe recently<</speech>>
<p>You and your sister continue to eat as your Mother and Grandmother head upstairs so your Mom can get ready to leave. Once you are done you clear the table and head out yourself. Maybe you should head over to your Grandmother’s house when you have the time to take a look at that garage door.</p>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Get out|City Map]]<</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $breakfast = random(100)>>
<<if $breakfast gte 90>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen and notice that the room is very messy. You sigh and quickly clean all of the dishes, wipe up the counter tops and tables, and clean up what someone had spilled on the floor. Your Mother enters the room just as you are finishing up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness this place is spotless! Did you clean up this huge mess all on your own <<print "$mc.name">>?<</speech>>
<p>You nod as you finish washing and drying your hands, now that you have finished your work.</p>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9>>
<<speech "Mom">>You have just been the perfect little man of the house lately. Why don’t I show you some of the benefits of that position.<</speech>>
[[Follow your Mother|breakfastscene][$breakfastscene to 1; $mom.gallery[7] to 1]]
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p class="hint">You need to advance further at your mother's main story to access the scene!</p><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif $breakfast gte 60>>
<p>When you enter the kitchen you realize that you are the first one awake. You decide to make breakfast for everyone before they wake up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh <<print "$mc.name">>, that was so thoughtful!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Yeah thanks, it looks….. Delicious<</speech>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<<elseif $breakfast gte 30>>
<<if $sis.slave lt 1>>
<p>As you sit down for breakfast you notice that $sis.name has fallen back asleep at the table. She has her math homework laid out on the table in front of her, and it isn’t finished. You quickly finish it for her and let her get some extra rest. When it is time to leave you gently wake her up and help her pack her things for the day. She notices the difference in handwriting and realizes what you did.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<p>As you sit down for breakfast with your family you notice your slave $sis.name sits very close to you. If her chair were any closer you would be touching. Since she is being such a good slave, being close to you to be used whenever you desire, You pat her head approvingly. The three of you eat together and once the food is done your Mother gets up and heads out of the kitchen to continue her day.</p>
<<if $daycheck is 'Saturday' || $daycheck is 'Sunday'>>[[Follow her out|House]]<<else>><<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Follow her out|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<<elseif $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Follow her out|High School]]<<else>>[[Follow her out|University]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Stay behind and use your slave|sis slave eating][$scene to 0; $sis.gallery[21] to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of coffee. You sit down and your Mother puts a plate of eggs down in front of you. You scarf them down and thank her for the delicious meal.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course sweety, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!<</speech>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<<elseif $day is 1>>
<<if $has.sisterintro is 1>>
<p>You head into the kitchen and take a seat at the table. You start eating as your Mom prepares more plates of food for $sis.name and herself. She carries them to the table just as $sis.name walks in and takes a seat. Your Sister is slow to sit down, seething a bit from the pain as her ass touches the seat.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$sis.name, honey? Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Yeah I’m alright Mom. I just did too many squats this morning<</speech>>
<p>$sis.name looks over at you with a knowing smile on her face. As the three of you have breakfast together, a dozen thoughts swirl through your mind. Spanking $sis.name was fun. It was exhilarating. And it made you damned horny. You had rarely looked at your Mother or your Sister in a sexual light before but now that you are you can’t help but imagine all of the things you can do with them. So you promise yourself that every one of those curiosities will be sated, in time. When you are done you get up and place the plate in the sink. You make sure you thank your Mom and give her a kiss on the cheek before heading out to school for your first day back.</p>
<p>You take a seat at the table with your Mom and notice that her shirt is oddly low cut today. You can’t help but stare at the large amount of cleavage she is showing, much to your delight. Thoughts of fucking her tits flood your mind suddenly. But they are thrown away when you notice that $sis.name isn’t here. You assume that your Mom is punishing her and ask her about it.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>If your Sister can’t act right, then she won’t eat right<</speech>>
<p>You wonder if you may have been too harsh. You should try to make it up to her in the future. Maybe in a similar way to how you want to treat your Mom. For now though you finish your meal, and give your Mom a hug before heading out towards school.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $startup.active is 1>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<br><</if>>
<<if $hschool.employee is 1>>[[Head to the High school|High School]]<br><<else>>[[Head to the University|University]]<br><</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<</if>><<set _bg to 'kitchen-'+$houseBg>><<addclass "body" _bg>><<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>><<nobr>>
<<if $employees.mom>>
<<if $employees.mom.hired is 1>><<set _momishired to 1>><<else>><<set _momishired to 0>><</if>>
<<set _momishired to 0>>
<<Highlight "University">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','17:59')>>
<<if $school.status is 0>>
<p>Today is the first day of your senior year of college. Take your time, and enjoy the experience. You will meet many girls here, and maybe even learn something along the way. Remember to study and attend class. When you skip class your grades will suffer. If your grades fall too low, you won’t be able to progress with any of the women you meet here. Eventually, you will be able to graduate from your University. Doing so will lead to greater opportunities for your future, and it will improve your salary at various jobs you take. The year starts now, good luck and have fun!</p>
[[Get inside the building|University][$school.status to 1; $school.grades += 15]]
<<elseif $halloween2021.active && $eris.questmain is 2>>
<p>Around Halloween time there are always a slew of college parties to attend. Finding one won’t be hard. But finding the right one, the one Eris went too, will be. Or at least, that is what you thought. Until you arrived at the college yourself. The moment you were in sight of the fraternities and sororities, you could tell which party Eris went to. The party where people are dancing on the roof, smoking weed on the front porch, and fucking on the front lawn. One guy even comes flying through a window after a fight. This kind of chaos tells you all you need to know.</p>
<p>You head into the house, and weave your way through the crowd of drunk students. Part of you wishes you could just stop and enjoy the party. But you told Romi you’d try to keep Eris out of trouble. The center of the chaos is in the kitchen. Where girls are taking body shots off of Eris while a rowdy crowd of frat dudes watch on. You push through the crowd with great difficulty until you can get to the table beside Eris. Her eyes beam when she sees you.</p>
<<speech "Eris">>You found me again? Wow! Most guys Romi sends to watch me would have given up by now. Wanna do a shot?<</speech>>
<p>You politely decline, not wanting to get drunk and risk losing track of her again. You tell her that Romi’s party is soon and that the both of your should head over there now.</p>
<<speech "Eris">>Oh sure, let me just grab my clothes real quick first. Lead me to the room I left them in?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her hand and help her up to her feet from the table. The sounds of groans and sadness fill the house as the show is over for the guys. You lead her through the crowd and head into the room that she points out as the room her clothes are in. But once you step in, you are confused to see no clothes anywhere in the room.</p>
<p>You turn towards Eris to ask her where they are at, only to feel her hand hit you in the chest. Pushing you onto your back on the bed behind you. She yanks your pants down and grabs your cock, stroking it until its rock hard. She climbs on top of you and lowers herself down onto your cock, sliding it inside of her and riding you hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/eris/halloween/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Focus on her as you cum this time|University Eris][$eris.gallery[2] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $teacher.gf && !$teacher.alreadySis && $sis.questmain gte 10 && !$sis.slave && $hschool.comp.wonAllMinigames>>
<p>You walk through the from doors of the University’s main building and see a familiar face looking around as if she was lost. Your sister, $sis.name, is practically spinning in circles and trying to figure out where she needs to go. You run up to her and ask her what she’s doing here. The moment she hears your voice she perks up and runs over to you excitedly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>$mc.name! I need help. I’m supposed to be having my college visit today but my tour guide didn’t show up! Can you show me around? You’re perfect to show me since you went here<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you’d be glad to show her around. You look at the time and realize that your lover, Carrie, should have a free period. You suggest starting there in the chemistry lab because of this.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Sure! That kinda sounds like the nerd shit you like but I wanna see everything. Better to get the boring stuff out of the way first<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head at her calling chemistry ‘nerd shit’. But you brush it off and lead her through the halls to the lab room. You look in through the window on the door and see that Carrie is sitting at her desk on the far side of the room writing something. Looking rather disappointed. No doubt her latest class’s papers are not living up to her expectations. You open the door, and announce your presence. Something that makes Carrie happy and intrigued immediately.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Oh $mc.name thank god you’re here. Today has been dreadfully depressing. I’m in need of something to perk me up. Oh! Who is this?<</speech>>
<p>She asks just as $sis.name slowly walks into the room behind you, looking around. Its obvious that she is just seeing things and not really taking it in, since chemistry isn’t a strong suit of hers she likely barely understands half of the things she is looking at. Carrie gets up from her desk and walks over to her as you explain what is happening. Introducing your sister and explaining that she is here to tour the school since she is considering coming to this university. Carrie grabs $sis.name by her chin and makes her make eye contact.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Hmm… pretty, but are you smart? Are you thinking about majoring in chemistry $sis.name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Actually Chemistry is a big nerdy for me. I’m thinking of coming for the culinary program. $mc.name was my teacher for it in high school and I really started to love it<</speech>>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Why do you think he was such a good teacher? He attended my class, of course. Cooking is just the chemistry of food. The more you know about chemical reactions the better your cooking skills are. I highly recommend that you minor in it and take my class if becoming a chef of any sort is your true goal<</speech>>
<p>$sis.name looks at your incredulously. You look at her and nod your head in agreement. Indicating that Carrie is completely right in her assertion. It gives $sis.name some obvious comfort but also seems to make her second guess her decisions.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I guess that makes sense. I don’t have a great track record for nerdy subjects though. Just ask $mc.name. He had to do a lot to get me to focus and do anything right when it came to school<</speech>>
<p>You tell Carrie that she has a point. Explaining how you had to motivate her, without going into too deep of details. Although by the look at Carrie’s face something tells you that she figured out the details of the circumstances anyway.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Yet you accomplished it. If all you need is motivation, between your brother and myself. I’m certain that we can help you stay extremely motivated to succeed. Don’t you think so $sis.name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I… yeah I guess you’re right<</speech>>
<p>Your sister seems shockingly diminutive at the moment. Carrie’s presence, charisma, and dominant nature is clearly affecting $sis.name more than you would have guessed. The poor girl has known Carrie for a few minutes and she is already wrapped around her finger. Carrie has a look on her face that is all too familiar to you. Something you would not have assumed to see in her. A look of lust and desire that usually tells you that you are more than likely only a moment away from your clothes being off.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Wonderful, I’m glad that you agree. If you apply yourself and work as hard as $mc.name here, you might just be able to impress me. And I like to be impressed. You want to impress me don’t you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Yes ma’am<</speech>>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Good girl. Now, impress me<</speech>>
<p>Carrie suddenly pulls $sis.name’s shirt off. You are shocked by the sudden motion, but as Carrie pulls her own shirt off and pushes $sis.name down to her knees beside her that shock turns into arousal. They kneel in front of you, two women you love dearly, and simply begin to reach for your cock together. Carrie unzips you, and under her direction $sis.name pulls your cock out and starts sucking it. Carrie is clearly treating this almost like a test of some sort. Guiding $sis.name as much as she is expecting her to know what she is doing. Your lover clearly is simply getting off on having control as the pair pass your cock back and forth between their mouths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lee/sis/bj.mp4" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
[[Carrie takes the lead|Lee Sis Threesome][$teacher.alreadySis to 1; $scene to 0; $teacher.gallery[11] to 1; $sis.gallery[46] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<timed 0.2s>><div class="loc-nav">
<<if $school.finalexam gte 1 && $school.degree isnot "doctorate">>
<a data-passage="Final Exam b" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>The final exam</p></div></a>
<<elseif $school.finalexam is 0 && $dean.questmain gte 5 && $jade.questmain gte 4 && $kate.questmain gte 4 && $lucy.questmain gte 5 && $quest.alicebathroom gte 3>>
<a data-passage="Final Exam" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>The final exam</p></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statuschem gte 1>><<if $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom" && $teacher.questmain is 3>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="teachermainquest3" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom" && $teacher.questmain is 0 && $teacher.trust gte 5>>
<a data-passage="teachermainquest0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom">>
<a data-passage="teacherwednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusecon gte 1>><<if $mom.questmain gte 9 && $mom.trust gte 25 && $grandma.questmain is 6 && $grandma.int gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="grandmamainquest6" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Economics hall" && $mom.questmain is 9 && $mom.trust gte 25 && $mom.corr gte 10 && (_momishired is 0 || $startup.active is -1)>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="mommainquest9" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Economics hall">>
<a data-passage="momwednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusjap gte 1>><<if $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom" && $sato.questmain gte 6 && $sato.trust gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest6" class="link-internal"><div @class="_japwed1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div @class="_japwed2"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $sato.questmain is 5 && $sato.trust gte 20>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest5" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom" && $sato.questmain is 1 && $sato.trust gte 10>><<set $stage to 0>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest1" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom">>
<a data-passage="satowednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusmath gte 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall" && $powers.questmain is 2 && $powers.trust gte 15>>
<a data-passage="powersmainquest2" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall" && $powers.questmain is 0 && $powers.trust gte 5>>
<a data-passage="powersmainquest0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall">>
<a data-passage="powerswednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday">><<if $school.statushall is 0>><<set _target to "Study Hall First">><<else>><<set _target to "Study Hall">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Study hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Study hall">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $daycheck isnot "Wednesday">><<if $school.statuschem is 0>><<set _target to "Class Chemistry First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Chemistry">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_chem1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div @class="_chem2"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusecon is 0>><<set _target to "Class Economics First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Economics">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_econ1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div @class="_econ2"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusjap is 0>><<set _target to "Class Japanese First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Japanese">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_jap1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div @class="_jap2"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusmath is 0>><<set _target to "Class Math First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Math">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_math1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.webp"]]<div @class="_math2"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<</if>><<set $scene to 0>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><<if $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 4 && $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.trust gte 20 && $mc.dom gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest4 dom" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.trust gte 10>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest2 sub" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 1>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest1" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.webp"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Dean's office" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Library" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unilibrary1">[img["ressources/img/university/library.webp"]]<div @class="_unilibrary2"></div><p>Library</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Library">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University gym" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unigym1">[img["ressources/img/university/gym.webp"]]<div @class="_unigym2"></div><p>Gym</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University gym">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University pool" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unipool1">[img["ressources/img/university/pool.webp"]]<div @class="_unipool2"></div><p>Pool</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University pool">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Cafeteria" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unicafeteria1">[img["ressources/img/university/cafeteria.webp"]]<div @class="_unicafeteria2"></div><p>Cafeteria</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Cafeteria">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University restrooms" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unirestrooms1">[img["ressources/img/university/toilets.webp"]]<div @class="_unirestrooms2"></div><p>Toilets</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University restrooms">></div></div></a>
<<ChristmasCheck>><<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>><a data-passage="College avenue" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>College avenue</p></div></a><<else>><a data-passage="College avenue" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>College avenue</p></div></a><</if>>
<p>The doors seem to be closed.</p>
[[Head home|House]]
<</nobr>><</if>><<if $romi.questmain is 6.2 && !$cancelRomiQuest>>
<span style="color: #ff1e1e; background-color: #0009; padding: 1px;">''Warning: Previous choices made, including women you have entered into a loving relationship with, can greatly affect the available choices of the following chain of events. Both in a positive and negative fashion. Before continuing, please heavily consider the choices you have made, and even make additional back up saves at this point so that you can replay and experience more of the content to get the result you like the best.''</span>
[[Continue|Romi Finale][$scene to 0]]
[[Go back|Park][$cancelRomiQuest to true]]<<addclass "body" "park">>
<<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>><<nobr>>
<<QuestMarkers "Park">>
<<set _ran to random(1,100)>><<if _ran gte 90 && $teacher.questmain gte 6 && $teacher.loc is "Park">>
[[That woman looks like Ms. Lee|Park Lee][$stage to 2; $scene to 0]]
[[Ignore that and continue|Park]]
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="jogging" data-setter="$scene to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/jogging.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Do some jogging</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="candycart" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/candycart.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Candy cart</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="hotdogtruck" data-setter="$scene to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/hotdogtruck.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Hotdog truck</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="lemonadetruck" data-setter="$scene to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/lemonadetruck.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Lemonade truck</p></div></a><<ChristmasCheck>>
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>><a data-passage="City Map" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div></a><<else>><a data-passage="City Map" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/street.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div></a><</if>>
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div style="clear:both;"><div class="gallery girlcircle-cont">
<<if $sis.loc is "Park">><script>sistext = "Your Sis is at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sasha/face.webp`][Park Sis]]<br>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Park">><script>cousintext = `Do some yoga with ${SugarCube.State.variables.cousin.name}`</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin" onmouseover="hover(cousintext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/cousin/face.webp`][Park Cousin]]<br>
</div><<if _cousinmark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>><br>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1 && $grandma.loc is "Park">><script>grandmatext = "Say hi to your grandma"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma" onmouseover="hover(grandmatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/grandma/face.webp`][Park Grandma]]<br>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Park">><script>lucytext = "Lucy's here"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/lucy/face.webp`][Park Lucy]]<br>
<<if $has.metalice is 1 && $alice.loc is "Park">><script>alicetext = "Go near Alice"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/alice/face.webp`][Park Alice]]<br>
<<if $mira.intro && $mira.loc is "Park">><script>miratext = "Mira's at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mira" onmouseover="hover(miratext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/mira/face.webp"][Park Mira]]<br>
<<if $sarai.hired && $sarai.loc is "Park">><script>saraitext = "Spend some time with Sarai"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sarai" onmouseover="hover(saraitext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/sarai/face.webp"][Park Sarai]]<br>
<<if $school.statuschem gte 1 && $teacher.loc is "Park">><script>teachertext = "Seems like Ms. Lee is here"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/teacher/face.webp`][Park Lee][$stage to 1]]<br>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Park">><script>deantext = "You spot Dean Graves"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/dean/face.webp`][Park Dean]]<br>
</div><<if _deanmark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>><br>
<<if $hschool.metStudents gte 1 && $steph.loc is "Park">><script>stephtext = "Stephanie is at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_steph" onmouseover="hover(stephtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/steph/face.webp`][Park Steph][$steph.gallery[8] to 1]]<br>
<<if $hschool.metStudents gte 1 && $jenna.loc is "Park">><script>jennatext = "Who's climbing that tree?"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jenna" onmouseover="hover(jennatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jenna/face.webp`][Park Jenna][$jenna.gallery[10] to 1]]<br>
</div><<if _jennamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>><br>
<<if $amanda.intro && $amanda.loc is "Park">><script>amandatext = "Amanda's skating"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_amanda" onmouseover="hover(amandatext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/amanda/face.webp"][Park Amanda][$amanda.gallery[11] to 1]]<br>
<<if $hschool.employee gte 1 && $siorla.loc is "Park">><script>siorlatext = "Say hi to Prin. Siorla"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_siorla" onmouseover="hover(siorlatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/siorla/face.webp`][Park Siorla][$siorla.gallery[5] to 1]]<br>
<<if $missy.progress gte 1 && $missy.loc is "Park">><script>missytext = "Hang around with Missy"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/missy/face.webp`][Park Missy]]<br>
<<if $dorothy.intro && $dorothy.loc is "Park">><script>dorothytext = "Dorothy Wentworth is at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_dorothy" onmouseover="hover(dorothytext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/dorothy/face.webp"][Park Dorothy]]<br>
<<if $law.police.active && $jane.choices.stage2 && $jane.loc is "Park">><script>janetext = "You spot Jane"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_jane" onmouseover="hover(janetext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/jane/face.webp`][Park Jane][$jane.gallery[7] to 1]]<br>
<<if $bria.intro && $bria.loc is "Park">><script>briatext = "Bria crosses your path"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_bria" onmouseover="hover(briatext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/bria/face.webp"][Park Bria][$bria.gallery[8] to 1]]<br>
<<if ($cynthia.slave || $cynthia.gf) && $cynthia.loc is "Park">><script>cynthiatext = "Cynthia is at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_cynthia" onmouseover="hover(cynthiatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/cynthia/face.webp`][Park Cynthia]]<br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint blue-p">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Come back home|House]]</div>
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</if>><<set $cancelRomiQuest to false>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '22:59')>>
<<RandomEvent>><<if !$ranEvent>>
<<if $mary.questmain is 1 && $mary.trust gte 10>>
<p>Walking through the mall you notice Mary sitting on a bench by the fountain. She is eating a slice of pizza from the food court and looks like she’s just been given bad news. You head over to her to see what’s wrong. Calling out her name as you get close. When she sees you, she perks up a bit, calling back to you happily with a bit of pizza still in her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Mary">>Mr. $mc.surname! Hello!<</speech>>
<p>She swallows the pizza to speak more clearly as you get closer. You take a seat beside her on the bench and ask her why she looked so sad a moment ago. She points to a couple bags between her legs as she answers.</p>
<<speech "Mary">>Ms. Wallace is having a press event tonight and she asked me to pick up a few things for her. I thought I was invited as well, so I got myself a nice dress. Only to find out a few minutes ago that I’m not actually invited after all. I could have sworn Ms. Wallace told me to dress nicely. But I guess I must have misunderstood<</speech>>
<p>She keeps a smile on her face but her eyes betray how she really feels in the moment. You decide to try and cheer her up. You suggest that if she can’t go to this event, then the two of you can make an event of your own for the rest of the day. She looks at you with an incredulous smile.</p>
<<speech "Mary">>What do you mean? Like rent out a venue for just us two to hang out?<</speech>>
<p>You say that a venue isn’t needed. Noting that you’re already at the mall. The mall has everything you need to be able to have fun. From an arcade, to shops, to food, and even drinks. You grab her hand and offer to lead her on a bit of an adventure. She pops up from the bench, smiling wider than you’ve seen her smile before.</p>
<<speech "Mary">>Let’s do it! This sounds like fun! I’ll race ya to the arcade!<</speech>>
<p>You follow Mary up the stairs to the arcade. She does a cute little dance to celebrate getting there first. Then you both spend a while playing games. She wins some but you win more. Going through until you’ve played almost every game that the two of you have any interest in playing together.</p>
[[Go grab a bite and a few drinks|Mary Stage 2][$scene to 0]]
<<elseif $restaurant.avaible is 1 && $mom.questmain is 1>><<if $mc.money gte 5>><<set $mc.money -= 5>><<else>><<set $mc.money = 0>><</if>>
<p>As you walk into the mall you notice something strange happening at the general store. There is a commotion and it is extremely crowded. Apparently the have a huge sale going on, on all of their items. You figure it is your lucky day and you head in to find a new book for your Mom to read. There is very little space with the unreasonable number of people filling the aisles. But you are able to make it through to the book section. One book in particular catches your eye and you pick it up to read a few pages to get an idea of what it is about. You realize that somehow, a smut filled romance novel made its way into the store. Some of the descriptions are absurdly graphic and detailed. You smile devilishly and head to the counter to buy it.</p>
<p>Once you are finished paying you push your way through the crowd to get back out of the store and return to the mall. You make a mental note to put the book on the living room table for your Mom to find as soon as you get home.</p>
[[Return|Mall][$mom.questmain to 2]]
<<Highlight "Mall">>
<<QuestMarkers "Mall">>
<<if $restaurant.avaible is 0>>
<p>You walk through the sliding front door of the mall in your city. There is a large board in the entrance that shows a map of all of the stores, as well as has several flyers taped and tacked to it. One of the flyers sticks out to you. It turns out one of the restaurants in the mall, The Cock and Bull, is hiring. They are open from 11:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 22:00 every day.</p>
<<set $restaurant.avaible to 1>>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="restaurant" class="link-internal"><div @class="_restaurant1">[img["ressources/img/restaurant/restaurant.webp"]]<div @class="_restaurant2"></div><p>The cock and bull</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "The Cock and Bull">></div></div></a>
<div class="loc-nav"><<ChristmasCheck>>
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1 && !$christmas.part2>><a data-passage="Claus Main" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/claus.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mrs. claus</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img[`ressources/profilpictures${_od}/claus.webp`]]</div></div></div></a><</if>>
<a data-passage="Electronics" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div @class="_electronics1">[img["ressources/img/mall/electronicsstore.webp"]]<div @class="_electronics2"></div><p>Electronics store</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Electronics store">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Clothes" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/clothingshop.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Clothing store</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="Makeup" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/makeupstore.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Make up store</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="Luxury" data-setter="$action to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/makeupstore.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Luxury store</p></div></a>
<a data-passage="Mall Fountain" data-setter="$scene to 0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/fountain.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Wish fountain</p></div></a>
<<if $law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank lt 4 && $law.mafia.rank gte 2>><a data-passage="Mafia squeeze shop" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/law/mafia/extort.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p style="font-size: .8em; margin-bottom: 36px;">Collect some protection money</p></div></a><</if>>
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div class="gallery girlcircle-cont" style="display: flex; clear:both;">
<<if $steph.questmain is 2 && $steph.path is "love" && $steph.trust gte 15 && $steph.corr gte 10>><script>stephtext = `Hang out with ${SugarCube.State.variables.sis.name} and Steph`</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_steph" onmouseover="hover(stephtext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/steph/face.webp`][Steph Stage 3 Love][$steph.questmain to 3; $steph.gallery[2] to 1]]<br>
<<if $hschool.metStudents is 1 && $kori.loc is "Mall">><script>koritext = "Kori's at the book store"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_kori" onmouseover="hover(koritext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/kori/face.webp`][Mall Kori]]<br>
<<if $hschool.metStudents && $hana.loc is "Mall">><script>hanatext = "Your student Hana's at the Arcade"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_hana" onmouseover="hover(hanatext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/hana/face.webp`][Mall Hana]]<br>
<<if $amanda.intro && $amanda.loc is "Mall">><script>amandatext = "Amanda's at the gift shop"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_amanda" onmouseover="hover(amandatext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/amanda/face.webp"][Mall Amanda]]<br>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Mall">><script>aunttext = `Go Shopping with Aunt ${SugarCube.State.variables.aunt.name}`</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_aunt" onmouseover="hover(aunttext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/aunt/face.webp`][Mall Aunt]]<br>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Mall">><script>deantext = "You see the Dean shopping"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/dean/face.webp`][Mall Dean]]<br>
<<if $eva.questmain && $eva.loc is "Mall">><script>evatext = "You see Eva"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_eva" onmouseover="hover(evatext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/eva/face.webp"][Mall Eva]]<br>
<<if $halloween2021.active && $eris.questmain is 0>><script>eristext = "Search for Eris here"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_eris" onmouseover="hover(eristext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/eris/face.webp`][Mall Eris][$scene to 0; $eris.gallery[0] to 1]]<br>
</div><<if _erismark>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>><br>
<<if $law.mafia.active && $sera.loc is "Mall">><script>seratext = "Go shopping with Sera"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_sera" onmouseover="hover(seratext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/sera/face.webp`][Mall Sera][$sera.gallery[7] to 1]]<br>
<<if $anastasia.intro && $anastasia.loc is "Mall">><script>anastasiatext = "Ana's taking some pictures"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_anastasia" onmouseover="hover(anastasiatext)"><br>
[img["ressources/img/anastasia/face.webp"][Mall Anastasia][$anastasia.gallery[7] to 1]]<br>
<<if $mary.intro && $mary.loc is "Mall">><script>marytext = "Mary's at the mall"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_mary" onmouseover="hover(marytext)"><br>
[img[`ressources/img${_od}/mary/face.webp`][Mall Mary][$mary.gallery[9] to 1]]<br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
[[Leave the mall|City Map][$action to 0]]
<p class="hint">The mall opens from 8:00 until 23:00 hs.</p>
[[Leave|City Map]]
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "mall-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "mall">>\
<</nobr>><<if $mc.money <= 5>>
<<linkreplace "Buy hotdog" t8n>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money</p>
[[Buy hotdog|hotdogscene][$mc.money -= 5]]
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<if $mc.money <= 5>>
<<linkreplace "Buy lemonade" t8n>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money</p>
[[Buy Lemonade|lemonadescene][$mc.money -= 5]]
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if (_christmasVer || $christmas.cheat is 2 || $christmas.cheat is 1) && $christmas.active is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<if !$influencer.manager && $influencer.stallEnd>>
<p>Alfie is lounging in a chair, watching something on his screen when you walk into the Electronics shop. When he notices you enter her fumbles a bit and presses some buttons on his keyboard to swap from whatever he was watching, back to the point of sale program that he uses for the shop.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Hey bro! How’s the influencer life treatin’ ya?<</speech>>
<p>You greet him, and answer his question. Noting that you’re actually here because it isn’t going as well as you would have hoped. Explaining how you rose up rather well at first but now you seem to have stalled out a bit.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Stalled huh? Damn, what do ya think is wrong? I can promise you it isn’t the equipment. I don’t think I could sell you anything that would be better<</speech>>
<p>You agree that you don’t think it has anything to do with the gear. And you add that you’re following the metrics on making the right kind of content. But you just aren’t getting the same numbers on $influencer.platform that you were hoping for.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Oh sounds like you’ve hit the wall. I won’t lie to you. That happens sometimes. Those super big creators usually have some sort of viral moment that word of mouth just can’t compete with<</speech>>
<p>You know all too well that viral moments don’t just happen out of thin air. You ask Alfie if there is an easy way to get past this wall.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>An easy way? Oh hell no. Bud you’d be lucky to get past it the hard way. You’re pretty popular already though. I’m really impressed with the size of your account. You should be proud<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t happy with just being someone at the lower end of the mid level. Especially with how much work and money you’ve invested into it. You ask Alfie if he has any suggestions. He scrunches his face, clearly unsure of what to suggest.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Hmm, I may have an even better idea. You’ve been doing this long enough now that you know how this all works. If you aren’t growing, it isn’t because you don’t know what to do. It’s because your content just isn’t what people are looking for. So, why don’t you try your hand at managing instead?<</speech>>
<p>You are immediately interested by the idea. You ask him how you would go about doing that.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Oh bro it’s so simple. Basically there are loads of creators out there that have amazing content. But have no clue how to actually manipulate the algorithms. So they’re wasting so much of their potential. You come in, manage their channels, and you skim some of their profit off the top. There are so many creators in need of a manager. A lot of women especially. They just don’t know how to use their assets<</speech>>
<p>The idea of just managing people is certainly tantalizing. Especially when female creators get mentioned. You certainly know good assets when you see them.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Here is someone on $influencer.platform since you’re most familiar with it<</speech>>
<<switch $influencer.platform>>
<<case "WeViu">>
[img["ressources/scene/influencer/intro/bria.webp"]]<<set $bria.chosen to 1>><<set $bria.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<case "QuikPik">>
[img["ressources/scene/influencer/intro/anastasia.webp"]]<<set $anastasia.chosen to 1>><<set $anastasia.gallery[0] to 1>>
<<case "Seize">>
[img["ressources/scene/influencer/intro/rose.webp"]]<<set $rose.chosen to 1>><<set $rose.gallery[0] to 1>>
<p>You examine the girl and her account that Alfie pulls up for you. She could certainly be doing more. She has talent and looks but isn’t using either to their fullest. You ask Alfie if you could connect her with you.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Oh sure thing bro! I’ll make the call. When you get home I’m sure you’ll have a message waiting for you. Talk to her and show her you mean business and I have no doubts that she’ll bring you on to manage her account<</speech>>
<p>You thank Alfie again, telling him that he has been a major help to you.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Any time bro. What are friends for?<</speech>>
[[Continue|Mall][$influencer.manager to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif !$influencer.intro && $restaurant.employee>>
<p>You pass by a sign that reads ‘Under new management’, as you enter the Electronics store. You look around and don’t really feel like much has changed about the store itself. So you go up to the counter to speak to the gentleman standing behind it. He greets you with a wide smile. He is a tall, and slightly rotund man who looks just a few years older than you.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>How’s it going bro? Something I can help you with?<</speech>>
<p>His smile is a little infectious. You tell him that for the moment, you’re just looking around. Adding that you saw the sign and figured you’d see how the new management has changed the store up.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>You’re looking at that new management. I’m Alfie! My uncle gave me this shop about a week ago. It’s not everything I want it to be just yet. But I have pretty big plans for this place. Why don’t you take a look around at our stock? Holler if you need anything at all. You’re my first customer since I took over so I’ll give ya a bit of a discount since you seem cool<</speech>>
<p>You thank Alfie. You can’t help but think that if this is how nice he is to all of his customers, he’s bound to end up with quite a loyal customer base. You step away from the counter and start looking at some of the computers that are on sale. And then you see the webcams, and specialty lights. You can’t help but think that a place like this would be a paradise for someone who likes to call themselves an ‘Influencer’. The thought actually gives you an idea. The job of being an influencer seems simple enough. You just have to be attractive and have something at least moderately interesting to say. And with how much money you have heard about some of those people making, you can’t help but want to give it a shot yourself. You return to the counter, calling Alfie’s name and asking him if he has some advice for you on the subject.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>You wanna be an influencer? That’s a broad umbrella bro. You can’t really just be an influencer. It’s kind of like being an engineer. There’s mechanical engineers, software engineers, the list goes on<</speech>>
<p>Alfie pulls out his phone and pulls up a couple websites that you know well, like the video sharing platform WeViu. He points out a few of his favorite influencers. And begins to explain how each platform has its own nuances.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>What works on WeViu might not work on QuikPik. And that works both ways. You gotta know the platform you’re working on. I can help you pick if you want. I spend enough time online that I know my way around these platforms better than I know how to get around the city<</speech>>
<p>You say that you would love his help. But can’t help but ask why he’s going through all the trouble for you since you’ve just met.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Ya seem like a cool dude. Besides, I just like to help people. Come on around I’ll show you the big three that you’ll want to take a look at<</speech>>
<p>You walk around the counter and look at his computer screen as he brings up three different websites.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>I won’t bore you with detail, I’m sure you know most of these sites anyway. But just for a refresher, WeViu is a video sharing platform. Quikpik is all about sharing photos and short videos. Think like ten second long clips. And finally Seize is all about live streaming content. Gaming, chatting, and even some girls in hot tubs. All of the platforms have their positives and negatives<</speech>>
<p>He clicks on the WeViu site first.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>WeViu has the widest reach by far. Everyone and their grandma puts on a WeViu vid every now and then. But they also have some of the strictest content moderation. Hell you can lose revenue from a video just because you cursed in it<</speech>>
<p>The moves on to Quikpik, next.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Quikpik is the best for having a more shotgun approach. You can make a lot more content on Quikpik. And every post is a new chance at cash. But there are so many people already doing the same thing on Quikpik that its hard to get a foothold if you aren’t doing anything truly unique<</speech>>
<p>And finally he shows you Seize.</p>
<<speech "Alfie">>Seize used to be all about gaming. But it’s evolved over time. Now it’s about live streaming just about anything you can imagine. Some people will just sit in front of a camera and yap for four hours and people eat it up. Some women try to push the envelope and basically do softcore porn streams in bikinis. Which is the double edged sword of the site. On the positive side, the content moderation is pretty relaxed compared to the other two. But on the other, it varies so often that you never know what might get banned one day then be completely fine the next. So, what do you think? Any of these particularly interesting to you?<</speech>>
<p>You flip through the three for a moment, considering the positives and negatives to each. Alfie has been a great help, and you let him know as much. Feeling closer to him with every bit of help he offers you. But now is the time for a decision. One that you should not take lightly, as once you start working on one, it would be foolish to try and change to one of the others.</p>
[[Start a WeViu Channel|Influencer Intro][$scene to 0; $influencer.platform to "WeViu"]]
[[Start a Quikpik account|Influencer Intro][$scene to 0; $influencer.platform to "QuikPik"]]
[[Start a Seize live stream|Influencer Intro][$scene to 0; $influencer.platform to "Seize"]]
<<elseif $influencer.intro>>
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Electronics store Products</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<td><img src="ressources/scene/influencer/equipment/camera.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>10,000$ (Payment plan available)</td>
<td>''You need this if you want to work as an influencer''</td>
<td><<if !$influencer.equipment.camera>>[[Buy|Influencer Intro][$scene to 0]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<if ($bria.questmain lt 4 && $bria.chosen) || ($anastasia.questmain lt 4 && $anastasia.chosen) || ($rose.questmain lt 4 && $rose.chosen) || $maddie.chosen>><<else>>[[Get information about a new influencer|Influencer New Girl][$choice to 0]]<br><</if>>
[[Go back|Mall]]
<div class="loc-nav"><a data-passage="Mall" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div></a></div>
<</if>><div class="loc-nav"><a data-passage="Mall" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/mall.webp"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div></a></div>
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Clothing store Products</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/designer_clutch.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Designer Clutch</td>
<td>''Could raise someone's interest towards me''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 1]]
''x'' <<numberbox "$buyAmount.designer_clutch" $buyAmount.designer_clutch>></td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/lingerie.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>''This could make any girl more corrupted (single use)''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 2]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/kate/bikini.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Black Bikini</td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Kate''</td>
<td><<if $inv.katebikini is 0>>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 3]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/jade/leggings.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Jade''</td>
<td><<if $inv.jadeleggings is 0>>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 4]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<<if $law.police.active>><tr>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/karly/whitelingerie.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>White Lace Lingerie</td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Karly''</td>
<td><<if $inv.karlylingerie is 0>>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 5]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<nobr>><<if $action is 1>>
<<if $element is 1 && $mc.money gte 30*$buyAmount.designer_clutch && $buyAmount.designer_clutch gt 0>>
<<set $giftsRep.designer_clutch += $buyAmount.designer_clutch>>
<<set $mc.money -= 30*$buyAmount.designer_clutch>>
''You bought $buyAmount.designer_clutch designer clutch<<if $buyAmount.designer_clutch gt 1>>es<</if>>''
<<elseif $element is 1 && $mc.money lt 30*$buyAmount.designer_clutch>>
''You don't have enough money, sorry''
<<elseif $element is 2 && $mc.money gte 200>>
<<set $giftsNoRep.lingerie += 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 200>>
''You bought a set of lingerie''
<<elseif $element is 2 && $mc.money lt 200>>
''You don't have enough money, sorry''
<<elseif $element is 3 && $mc.money gte 50>>
<<set $inv.katebikini to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 50>>
''You now have the black bikini''
<<elseif $element is 3 && $mc.money lt 50>>
''You don't have enough money, sorry''
<<elseif $element is 4 && $mc.money gte 25>>
<<set $inv.jadeleggings to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 25>>
''You now have the leggings''
<<elseif $element is 4 && $mc.money lt 25>>
''You don't have enough money, sorry''
<<elseif $element is 5 && $mc.money gte 150>>
<<set $inv.karlylingerie to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 150>>
''You now have the white lace lingerie''
<<elseif $element is 5 && $mc.money lt 150>>
''You don't have enough money, sorry''
[[Go back|Mall]]
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Luxury store Products</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/locket.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>''This could make any girl trust me more (single use)''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 1]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/tennis_bracelet.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Tennis Bracelet</td>
<td>''This could make any girl be more interested in me (single use)''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 2]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/mom/jewelry.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Fine Jewelry</td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Mom''</td>
<td><<if $inv.momjewelry is 0>>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 3]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><tr>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/ring.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Silver ring with emerald</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 4]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/necklace.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Fine pearl necklace</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 5]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/ring2.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Gold ring with amethyst</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 6]]</td>
<<if $eva.questmain>><tr>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/eva/marigolds.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>''Eva might like this''</td>
<td><<if $inv.marigolds is 0>>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 7]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/eva/caramel_turtles.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Caramel turtles</td>
<td>''Eva might like this''</td>
<td><<if $inv.caramel_turtles is 0>>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 8]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/eva/citrine_necklace.webp" alt="" /></td>
<td>Citrine necklace</td>
<td>''Eva might like this''</td>
<td><<if $inv.citrine_necklace is 0>>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 9]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<nobr>><<if $action is 1>>
<<if $element is 1 && $mc.money gte 150>>
<<set $giftsNoRep.locket += 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 150>>
<p class="got">You have bought the locket</p>
<<elseif $element is 1 && $mc.money lt 150>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $mc.money gte 300>>
<<set $giftsNoRep.tennis_bracelet += 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 300>>
<p class="got">You have bought the tennis bracelet</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $mc.money lt 300>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $mc.money gte 500>>
<<set $inv.momjewelry to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 500>>
<p class="got">You have bought the fine jewelry</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $mc.money lt 500>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $mc.money gte 120>>
<<set $erika.gifts.push("silver ring with emerald")>>
<<set $mc.money -= 120>>
<p class="got">You have bought a silver ring with emerald</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $mc.money lt 120>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 5 && $mc.money gte 260>>
<<set $erika.gifts.push("fine pearl necklace")>>
<<set $mc.money -= 260>>
<p class="got">You have bought a fine pearl necklace</p>
<<elseif $element is 5 && $mc.money lt 260>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 6 && $mc.money gte 210>>
<<set $erika.gifts.push("gold ring with amethyst")>>
<<set $mc.money -= 210>>
<p class="got">You have bought a gold ring with amethyst</p>
<<elseif $element is 6 && $mc.money lt 210>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 7 && $mc.money gte 20>>
<<set $inv.marigolds to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 20>>
<p class="got">You have bought the marigolds</p>
<<elseif $element is 7 && $mc.money lt 20>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 8 && $mc.money gte 35>>
<<set $inv.caramel_turtles to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 35>>
<p class="got">You have bought the caramel turtles</p>
<<elseif $element is 8 && $mc.money lt 35>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 9 && $mc.money gte 500>>
<<set $inv.citrine_necklace to 1>>
<<set $mc.money -= 500>>
<p class="got">You have bought the citrine necklace</p>
<<elseif $element is 9 && $mc.money lt 500>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
[[Go back|Mall]]
<<if $school.statuslib is 1>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Library">>
<<if $lucy.trust >= 20 && $mc.int >= 15 && $quest.lucygiftquest is 0>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 1]]
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 2>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 2]]
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 4>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 3]]
[[Sit in front of Lucy|librarylucy][$lucy.library to 1]]
<<if ($homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 0 && $teacher.questmain isnot 3) || $teacher.questmain is 2>>[[Do your Chemistry homework|Homework Chemistry Uni]]<br><</if>>
<<if $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 0>>[[Do your Economics homework|Homework Economics Uni]]<br><</if>>
<<if $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 0>>[[Do your Japanese homework|Homework Japanese Uni]]<br><</if>>
<<if $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 0>>[[Do your Maths homework|Homework Math Uni]]<br><</if>>
[[Go back|University]]
<p>Your university has a very large library. There are textbooks, novels, and dissertations of all kinds for you to search for and read. You should take advantage of this space to train your intelligence. You can also find Lucy here with her nose buried in a book, in case you wanted to hang out with her. You should beef up your smarts before hand though. She likes them smart!</p>
[[Continue|Library][$school.statuslib to 1]]
<<if $alice.loc is "University restrooms" && !$alice.gf>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom > 1>>
<<if $has.alicedailyblowjob is 0>>[[Enter the stall and get a blowjob from Alice|restroomscene3][$alice.gallery[2] to 1]]<<else>><p class="hint">You already got a blowjob from Alice today! Come back tomorrow!</p><</if>><br>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass is 1 && $alice.trust gte 10>>
[[The noises seem louder today|restroomscene2][$scene to 0; $alice.gallery[1] to 1]]<br>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass is 1>>
[[You hear the strange noises again|restroomscene loop][$scene to 0]]<br>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 0>>
[[You hear strange noises coming from one of the stalls|restroomscene][$scene to 0; $alice.gallery[0] to 1]]<br>
<<if $law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.hasDrugs && $law.mafia.rank lt 4>>
[[Sell some drugs|Mafia sell weed]]
<<set _lawDisorderIntroBool to $school.statuschem && $school.statusecon && $school.statusjap && $school.statusmath && $mom.questmain >= 10 && $sis.questmain >= 10 && $aunt.questmain >= 5 && $cousin.questmain >= 6 && $grandma.questmain >= 7 && $mc.str >= 10 && !$law.active>>
<<if _lawDisorderIntroBool || ($law.mafia.active && $law.mafia.rank lt 4 && $suzy.loc is "University restrooms")>>
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<set $passageGift to passage()>>
<div class="gallery girlcircle-cont">
<script>suzytext = "A shady girl's here"</script><div class="girlcircle"><br>
<div class="portrait" target="_suzy" onmouseover="hover(suzytext)"><br>
<<if $law.mafia.active>>[img[`ressources/img${_od}/suzy/face.webp`][University restrooms Suzy][$step to 2]]<<else>>[img[`ressources/img${_od}/suzy/face.webp`][University restrooms Suzy][$step to 1; $suzy.gallery[0] to 1]]<</if>><br>
</div><<if _lawDisorderIntroBool>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>><br>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When you see a girl here, click her to choose how to interact with her.</p>
<<if $alice.loc isnot "University restrooms" && !_lawDisorderIntroBool && !$law.mafia.active>>
<p>You have nothing to do at the restrooms right now.</p><br>
[[Go back|University]]
<<if $school.statuspool is 1>>
[[Have a swim|poolalone]]
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "University pool">>
<<if $quest.katepool is 0>>[[Try to impress Kate|poolkate][$kate.pool to 1]]<<else>>[[Train with Kate|poolkate][$kate.pool to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.kategiftquest gte 1 && $inv.katebikini is 1>>
[[Offer the black bikini to Kate|katepoolgiftquest][$inv.katebikini to 2; $kate.gallery[5] to 1]]
[[Go back|University]]
<p>Your university has a very large sports program. Their swim team is especially successful, and thus the pool is very large and well maintained. During the afternoon, when the teams aren’t practicing, the pool is open to the students. You train your endurance by swimming once each day. You can also hang out with Kate at the pool. Be sure to raise your endurance if you want to progress with her. You can’t really hang out with her if you can’t keep up!</p>
[[Continue|University pool][$school.statuspool to 1]]
<</if>><<if $school.statusgym is 1>>
[[Train your body|gymalone]]
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "University gym">>
<<if $jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest is 0 && $jade.trust >= 20>>
[[Train with Jade|jadegiftquesttraining][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1; $step to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest gte 1 && $inv.jadeleggings is 1>>
[[Train with Jade|jadegiftquesttraining][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1; $inv.jadeleggings to 2; $step to 2]]
[[Ask Jade to train with her|jadetrain][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1]]
[[Go back|University]]
<p>This is the university’s weight training room. There is a plethora of weight and cardio machines throughout the gym for any of the students to use as they need. Here you can train your strength once each day. You will also be able to hang out with Jade here. Make sure you build up your strength! Jade likes strong guys!</p>
[[Continue|University gym][$school.statusgym to 1]]
<<set $randomgirltodream = ["mom", "sis"]>>
<<if $sis.questmain gte 10>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("stephanie")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metjade is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("jade")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metkate is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("kate")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("lucy")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metalice is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("alice")>><</if>>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("aunt", "cousin")>><</if>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("grandma")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statuschem is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("lee")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statusjap is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("sato")>><</if>>
<<if $sato.questmain gte 5>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("suki")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statusmath is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("powers")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("abigail")>><</if>>
<<if $abigail.progress gte 5>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("eva")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.worked gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("missy")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.barworked gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("carla")>><</if>>
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("tammy")>><</if>>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("erika")>><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("mikaela")>><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("tiffany")>><</if>>
<<if $romi.questmain>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("romi")>><</if>>
<<if $hschool.metTeachers>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("candi")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("siorla")>><</if>>
<<if $hschool.metStudents>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("kori")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("hana")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("jenna")>><</if>>
<<if $law.active>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("liz")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("jane")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("karly")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("laney")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("neera")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("sera")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("jeannie")>>
<<set $randomgirltodream.push("suzy")>><</if>>
<<set $girldream = $randomgirltodream.random()>>
<<if $employees.mom>><<if $employees.mom.hired is 1>><<set _ismomhired to 1>><<else>><<set _ismomhired to 0>><</if>><<else>><<set _ismomhired to 0>><</if>>
<<switch $girldream>>
<<case "mom">>
<<set _ran to random(1,7)>>
<<if $mom.slave is 1 && _ran gte 7>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You dream about your sex slave and mother, $mom.name. Tonight's dream feels particularly nasty.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I'm so grateful to be able to serve you, $mom.title...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".webp"]]
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && _ran gte 6>>
<<if _ismomhired is 1>> /* Orgy gif */
<p>You open your eyes and find yourself living an amazing dream. You are having sex with your own mother in an orgy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>God, $mc.name... Who would have said that we would be participating in something like this, both mom and son... Oh yes!!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/orgy" + "/" + random(1,15) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<else>> /* School sex gif */
<p>You are having sex with your mom at school. What a wacky dream.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Quick, sweety... Someone might catch us!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/school_sex" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 9 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Tonight, you dream about having sex with your own step-mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Ngh... Fuck me harder, $mc.name!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/fuck" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 8 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You hear sucking noises, and suddenly feel something very warm and sloppy around your cock. You wish all your dreams were like this one.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Gbh... Does my big boy's cock feel good inside mommy's wet lips, sweety?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob / Titjob gif */
<p>You feel something moving down your crotch... You open your eyes and there she is, $mom.name pleasing your dick. You must be dreaming.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I hope your cock is feeling great, $mc.name...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/handjob-titjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude / Self masturbation gif */
<<set _posefolder to either("nude", "self_masturbation")>>
<<if _posefolder is "nude">>
<p>You have a lewd dream. And the star of it is your own mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey hunnie! I hope you don't mind to catch your mom like this...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,30) + ".webp"]]
<p>You are dreaming about your mother. She is pleasing herself with her hands.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$mc.name? Please, look away, sweety... you shouldn't see your mother like this<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about your mother, $mom.name. It is something very common, since you have been very close to her since you were a child. But this dream feels different. You don't see her with the same eyes as before. She is making you feel more and more aroused.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Is that my big boy! Can mommy help you with something, $mc.name?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/dressed_tease/" + random(1,50) + ".webp"]]
<<case "sis">>
<<set _ran to random(1,7)>>
<<if $sis.slave is 1 && _ran gte 7>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your slave, $sis.name.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Thanks for being so nice with your slave... $sis.title<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".webp"]]
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && _ran gte 6>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>You open your eyes and are right in the middle of a threesome with your sister. You should enjoy before you wake up.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/threesome" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 9 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>In your dream, you are having sex with your sis, like a couple.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Ahhn! $mc.name, please! Ngh... Be gentler!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/fuck" + "/" + random(1,30) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 8 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Tonight's dream is about $sis.name. She is completely devouring your dick.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>I can't believe I'm tasting my own brother's cock and pre...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You dream about your sister, who's massaging your hard shaft. She seems very focused at it.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>How can your sister provoke you such a hardon?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/handjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>In your dream, you are with $sis.name. And she seems to want to ask you something, before she suddenly flashes her body to you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Hey $mc.name. I was wondering, do I look prettier with or without clothes on?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/nude_flash/" + random(1,20) + ".webp"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about your sister, $sis.name. She is growing so fast...</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $sis.name>>Yeah? Did you want something?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/dressed_tease/" + random(1,50) + ".webp"]]
<<case "stephanie">>
<p>While dreaming, you spot a beautiful girl. You are sure to know her, but can't remember her name. After a while you remember her. She is Steph, your sis's friend.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/stephanie/tease/" + random(1,15) + ".webp"]] /* Tease gif */
<<case "jade">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $jade.slave is 1 && _ran gte 6>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You are playing with your slave, Jade. Maybe you should replicate this dream when you wake up.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Am I being a good pet for you, $jade.title?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/jade/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".webp"]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 5>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>The lewd noises make you open your eyes. It seems like you are dreaming about having a threesome with Jade.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 4>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your schoolmate Jade. You both are immersed in a messy and noisy session of animalistic sex.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Ahn... pound me harder Mr. $mc.eyes eyes!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 3>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Your friend Jade is suckling on your shaft. You wish this dream would last longer.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, when will you cum?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 2>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You feel someone playing with your penis.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, when will you cum?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>Your schoolmate, Jade, seems to be present in your dream.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>What's up, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/jade/dressed_tease/" + random(1,20) + ".webp"]]
<<case "kate">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $kate.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Suddenly, you are fucking Kate hard. What a wonderful dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Harder... Fuck me harder, $mc.name!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Kate is giving you a heavenly blowjob. You don't seem to remember what you were doing an instant ago. Maybe this is a dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Slurp...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You aren't too sure why, but it seems like you are dreaming about Kate, who looks very attached to your cock.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I could play with this big bad boy all day long...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are dreaming. Kate is with you, staring. She then starts undressing for you. Your penis starts getting erect before you realize this is just a dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Do you like what you see, $mc.name?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/kate/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are with your schoolmate, Kate. She's staring you in a very slutty way, like you would expect from her. Maybe you should talk to her when you wake up.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/kate/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<case "lucy">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $lucy.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are having a good time fucking with Lucy. You know that this is a dream, but you get carried away by it.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am... Ahn!! $mc.name...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are with Lucy. But something feels weird, surreal, even. Before you start asking anything, she grabs your penis and takes it to her mouth.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>Your penis starts to feel really good inside your underwear. When you look at your crotch, you spot Lucy working on your cock with her hands. You close your eyes and keep enjoying the dream.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>Lucy is next to you. The moment you start wondering about what time is it, she shows you her nude body.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is what you want, right?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/lucy/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>Lucy is present in tonight's dream. She is quiet. Maybe this could mean something?</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/lucy/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<case "alice">>
<<set _ran to random(1,4)>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && _ran gte 4>> /* Titjob / Home sex gif */
<p>You are having savage sex with your friend Alice. Maybe you should visit her one of these days.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I love this kind of meetings, $mc.name...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/titjob-home_sex" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You dream about Alice. You are fucking her with all your strength.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>How can your cock be so big... Uhn!! Give me more of it!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/fuck" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Self masturbation / Gloryhole gif */
<<set _posefolder to either("self_masturbation", "gloryhole")>>
<<if _posefolder is "self_masturbation">>
<p>You dream about Alice, who is playing with her lusty slit.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Ahn... Did you want something?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop playsinline controls></video>
<p>You dream about a room, and a girl inside of it. She starts sucking you through a hole. You realize that she probably is that slut from university, Alice.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/alice/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You see Alice, that slut from university, in your dream. She looks very hot, as always.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/alice/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".webp"]]
<<case "aunt">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Anal gif */
<p>You dream about your aunt $aunt.name. Her asshole, to be more precise. You are fucking her rough in the ass.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $aunt.name>>Ahn!! How is it possible... that anal feels so good?!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/aunt/anal" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".